Marina Voinova
Showing 24 publications
Symmetry in Arrow-Like Salt Crystals
Physical processes in polymeric filters used for dialysis
The theory of acoustic sensors application in air quality control
Shape of red blood cells in contact with artificial surfaces
Soft-film dynamics of SH-SAW sensors in viscous and viscoelastic fluids
Nonresonant high frequency excitation of mechanical vibrations in a graphene based nanoresonator
The quartz crystal microbalance
Electrospun polyurethane-based elastomer fibers for biomedical applications
Mechanics of lipid bilayer junctions affecting the size of a connecting lipid nanotube
Surface properties of electrospun polyurethane-based elastomer networks for biomedical applications
On Mass Loading and Dissipation Measured with Acoustic Wave Sensors: A Review
Mechanically mediated electron transfer in model metallo-enzyme interfaces
Electron transduction in model enzyme sensors assisted by a photoisomerizable azo-polymer switch
Biomimetic nanoscale reactors and networks
On dissipation of quartz crystal microbalance as a mechanical spectroscopy tool
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