Erik Wallin
Erik Wallin is an industrial PhD student in the signal processing group under employment of Saab Surveillance. His position is part of the research program WASP (Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program). The goal of WASP is to strengthen Sweden’s competence in these fields at the large technical universities.
Erik’s research is supervised by Lars Hammarstrand and focuses on semi-supervised learning. Semi-supervised learning is a branch within artificial intelligence where labeled data are used together with unlabeled data for training a computer program to perform a specified task. In addition to being an important step forward in the field of artificial intelligence, semi-supervised learning can be used to solve classification problems in the sensor systems developed by Saab Surveillance.

Showing 3 publications
Improving Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning with Self-Supervision
Semi-supervised learning with self-supervision for closed and open sets
DoubleMatch: Improving Semi-Supervised Learning with Self-Supervision
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Showing 1 research projects
Robust and precise Semi-Supervised Learning schemes