Johan Wendel
Showing 17 publications
Sintering of bimodal micrometre/nanometre iron powder compacts - A master sintering curve approach
Moisture content analysis of metal powders, using oven desorption followed by Karl Fischer titration
Evolution of surface chemistry during sintering of water‐atomized iron and low‐alloyed steel powder
Oxide reduction and oxygen removal in water-atomized iron powder: a kinetic study
Analysis of Iron Oxide Reduction Kinetics in the Nanometric Scale Using Hydrogen
Effect of Nanopowder Addition on the Sintering of Water-Atomized Iron Powder
Investigation of surface and thermogravimetric characteristics of carbon-coated iron nanopowder
Characteristics and Sintering of Fine Water-atomized and Carbonyl Iron Powder
Influence of Iron Nanopowder Addition on Sintering of Water Atomized Iron Powder
Surface analysis of fine water-atomized iron powder and sintered material
Oxide reduction and oxygen removal in water-atomized iron powder and its influence on sintering
Effect of Powder Processing on the Sintering Mechanisms of Carbonyl and Water-atomized Iron Powders
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