Clare Wethers
Clare Wethers is a postdoctoral researcher interested in the co-evolution of galaxies and their central supermassive black holes. As part of the CONquest team, Clare’s main focus is characterising properties of the most dust-obscured compact nuclei and their host galaxies, both locally and at high-redshift.

Showing 8 publications
The fountain of the luminous infrared galaxy Zw049.057 as traced by its OH megamaser
A spectacular galactic scale magnetohydrodynamic powered wind in ESO 320-G030
Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Low-redshift Quasars and Inactive Galaxies Have Similar Neighbors
The opaque heart of the galaxy IC 860: Analogous protostellar, kinematics, morphology, and chemistry
OH megamaser emission in the outflow of the luminous infrared galaxy Zw049.057
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