Peter Ljungstrand

Showing 11 publications


Makerspace in school: Considerations from a large-scale national testbed

Eva Eriksson, Carl Heath, Peter Ljungstrand et al
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. Vol. 16, p. 9-15
Journal article

Makerspace in School – Experiences from a Large-Scale National Testbed

Eva Eriksson, Carl Heath, Wolmet Barendregt et al
FabLearn Europe 2016
Paper in proceeding

Children:MAKE – Promotion of Children’s Rights through Soft Power and Making

Eva Eriksson, Carl Heath, Peter Ljungstrand et al
FabLearn Europe 2016
Conference poster

Perspectives on Digital Fabrication and Making in Special Education

Eva Eriksson, Peter Börjesson, Carl Heath et al
FabLearn Europe 2016
Conference poster

Digital Fabrication by IDAC – Aims, Steps and Transferable Principles

Eva Eriksson, Wolmet Barendregt, Staffan Björk et al
FabLearn Europe 2014
Other conference contribution

Missing Link: Designing for Dependency

Eva Eriksson, Peter Ljungstrand, Andreas Lykke-Olesen et al
Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Design Research Conferences, Making Design Matter, Helsinki, Finland, p. 206-209
Paper in proceeding

Supporting Group Relationships in Mediated Domestic Environments

Peter Ljungstrand, Staffan Björk
Mindtrek 2008
Other conference contribution

Cross-Cultural Issues and Driver Requirements for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Anders Lindgren, Fang Chen, Patrick Jordan et al
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
Paper in proceeding

Pirates! Using the Physical World as a Game Board

Staffan Björk, Peter Ljungstrand
Borries, Friedrich von, Walz, Steffen P., Böttger, Matthias (eds.) (2007), Space Time Play. On the Synergy Between Computer Games, Architecture, and Urbanism
Book chapter

Socially Adaptable Games - From Pirates! to Insectopia

Staffan Björk, Peter Ljungstrand, Jussi Holopainen
Magerkurth, C. (ed.) Pervasive Games Applications.
Book chapter

Teaching Interaction Design: Matters, Materials and Means

Sus Lundgren, Olof Torgersson, Lars Hallnäs et al
In the Wonderground international conference proceedings. November 1-4, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.
Paper in proceeding

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