Wei Yang
Showing 27 publications
Beta-beta bounds: Finite-blocklength analog of the golden formula
Short-Packet Communications over Multiple-Antenna Rayleigh-Fading Channels
Nonasymptotic coding-rate bounds for binary erasure channels with feedback
Minimum Energy to Send k Bits Over Multiple-Antenna Fading Channels
Variable-Length Coding with Stop-Feedback for the Common-Message Broadcast Channel
A Beta-Beta Achievability Bound with Applications
Minimum Energy to Send k Bits over Rayleigh-Fading Channels
Fading Channels: Capacity and Channel Coding Rate in the Finite-Blocklength Regime
Broadcasting a Common Message with Variable-Length Stop-Feedback Codes
Optimum Power Control at Finite Blocklength
Diversity versus multiplexing at finite blocklength
Quasi-Static Multiple-Antenna Fading Channels at Finite Blocklength
Finite-Blocklength Channel Coding Rate Under a Long-Term Power Constraint
Dispersion of Quasi-Static MIMO Fading Channels via Stokes’ Theorem
On the Capacity of Large-MIMO Block-Fading Channels
How costly is it to learn fading channels?
Moving Cells: A Promising Solution to Boost Performance for Vehicular Users
Capacity Pre-Log of Noncoherent SIMO Channels via Hironaka’s Theorem
Block-fading channels at finite blocklength
Quasi-Static SIMO Fading Channels at Finite Blocklength
The energy efficiency potential of moving and fixed relays for vehicular users
Unitary isotropically distributed inputs are not capacity-achieving for large-MIMO fading channels
Performance Comparison of Fixed and Moving Relays under Co-channel Interference
Diversity versus Channel Knowledge at Finite Block-Length
Capacity Pre-Log of SIMO Correlated Block-Fading Channels
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