Ying Yang

Affiliate Docent at Geology and Geotechnics

Dr Ying Yang is affiliated with Chalmers University of Technology in Nov 2022 as an associate professor of traffic psychology and behavior. She has published over 30 high-quality journal articles in the area of culture, emotion, and the impact on societal matters, especially in the areas of transport and social norms. Her works were appeared at Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Transportation Reseach Part A Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part D Transport Environment, Knowledge Based Systems, Applied Energy, etc. She obtained her PhD from Beijing Normal University in 2012, and Bachelor's degree from Renmin University of China in 2006. She was an awardee of prestigous Australian Government Department of Education Endeavor Fellowship in 2016, and a chairperson for a few Scopus-indexed conference committees.

Selected publications
​1. Yan, R., Mo, H., Guo, X., Wang, S., Yang, Y.*, (2022). Is port state control influenced by the COVID-19? Evidence from inspection data. Transport Policy, 123, 82-103 (IF= 4.67, JCR Q1).
2. Yao, W., Yu, J., Yang, Y., Chen, N., Jin, S., Hu, Y., and Bai, C., (2022). Understanding travel behavior adjustment under COVID-19. Communications in Transportation Research, 2, 100068.
3. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, Zhang, T., Li, A., Qu, X., (2021). Extrapolation-enhanced model for travel decision making: An ensemble machine learning approach considering behavioral theory. Knowledge-Based Systems, 218, 106882 (IF= 8.03, JCR Q1).
4. Wang, Y.#, Yang, Y.#, Wang, J., Douglas, M., Su, D., (2021). Examining the influence of social norms on orderly parking behavior of dockless bike-sharing users. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 147, 284–296. (Co-first authorship, IF = 5.59, JCR Q1, SSCI).
​5. Gao, K., Sun, L., Yang, Y.*, Meng, F., Qu, X., (2021). Cumulative prospect theory coupled with multi-attribute decision making for modeling travel behavior. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 148, 1–21 (IF = 5.59, JCR Q1, SSCI).
6. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, and Qu, X., (2021). Diverging effects of subjective prospect values of uncertain time and money. Communications in Transportation Research, 2, 100007.
7. Qi, W., Shen, B., Yang, Y.*, (2021). Modeling drivers’ scrambling behavior in China: An application of theory of planned behavior. Travel Behaviour and Society, 24, 164–171 (IF = 4.98, JCR Q2, SSCI).
8. Wang, J., Yang, Y., Tang, Y., Wu, M., Jiang, S., Zhou, H., (2021). Longitudinal links among parent-child attachment, emotion parenting, and problem behaviors of preadolescents. Children and Youth Services Review, 121, 105797 (IF = 2.39, JCR Q1, SSCI).
9. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, Li, A., Li, J., Yu, B., (2021). Quantifying economic benefits from free-floating bike-sharing systems: A trip-level inference approach and city-scale analysis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 144, 89–103 (IF= 5.59, JCR Q1, SSCI).
10. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, Qu, X., (2021). Examining nonlinear and interaction effects of multiple determinants on airline travel satisfaction. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 97, 102957 (IF = 5.49, JCR Q1, SSCI).
11. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, Li, A., Qu, X., (2021). Spatial heterogeneity in distance decay of using bike sharing: An empirical large-scale analysis in Shanghai. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 94, 102814 (IF = 5.49, JCR Q1, SSCI).
12. Xu, Y., Zheng, Y., Yang, Y.*, (2021). On the movement simulations of electric vehicles: A behavioural model-based approach. Applied Energy, 283, 116356 (IF = 9.74, JCR Q1).
13. Li., C., Wang, Y., Liu, M., Sun, C., Yang, Y.*, (2020). Shyness and Subjective Well-being in Chinese Adolescents: Self-efficacy Beliefs as Mediators. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29 (12), 3470–3480 (IF = 2.27, JCR Q2, SSCI).
14. Gao, K., Yang, Y., Sun, L., Qu, X., (2020). Revealing psychological inertia in mode shift behavior and its quantitative influences on commuting trips. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 71, 272-287 (IF = 3.26, JCR Q2, SSCI).
15. Yang, Y., Hong, Y., Sanchez-Burks, J., (2019). Emotional aperture across East and West: How culture shapes the perception of collective affect. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50 (6), 751-762 (IF = 2.62, JCR Q3, SSCI).
16. Wang, J., Shi, X., Yang, Y., Zou, H., Zhang, W., Xu, Q., (2019). The joint effect of paternal and maternal parenting behaviors on school engagement among Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of mastery goal. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1587 (IF = 2.99, JCR Q2, SSCI).
17. Zhang, L., Zhang, S., Yang, Y., Li, C., (2017). Attachment orientations and dispositional gratitude: The mediating roles of perceived social support and self-esteem. Personality and Individual Differences, 114, 193-197 (IF = 3.00, JCR Q2, SSCI).
18. Xu, C., Yang, Y., Jin, S., Qu, Z., Hou, L., (2016). Potential risk and its influencing factors for separated bicycle paths. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 87, 59-67 (IF = 4.99, JCR Q1, SSCI).
19. Wang, S., Qu, X., Yang, Y., (2015). Estimation of the perceived value of transit time for containerized cargoes. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 78, 298-308 (IF = 5.59, JCR Q1, SSCI).
20. Weng, J., Xue, S., Yang, Y., Yan, X., Qu, X., (2015). In-depth analysis of drivers’ merging behaviour and rear-end crash risks in work zone merging areas. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 77, 51-61 (IF = 4.99, JCR Q1, SSCI).
21. Yang, Y., Liu, X., Fang, Y., Hong, Y., (2014). Unresolved World War II animosity dampens empathy toward 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 171-191 (IF = 2.62, JCR Q3, SSCI).
22. Qu, X., Yang, Y., Liu, Z., Jin, S., Weng, J., (2014). Potential crash risks of expressway on-ramps and off-ramps: A case study in Beijing, China. Safety Science, 70, 58-62 (IF = 4.87, JCR Q1, SSCI).
23. Hong, Y., Fang, Y., Yang, Y., Phua, Y. D., (2013). Cultural attachment – A new theory and method to understand cross-cultural competence. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44, 1024-1044 (IF = 2.62, JCR Q3, SSCI).

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 11 publications


Why is your paper rejected? Lessons learned from over 5000 rejected transportation papers

Jiaming Wu, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz, Ying Yang et al
Communications in Transportation Research. Vol. 4
Journal article

A Two-Stage Teaching Philosophy for Postgraduate Students

Kai Wang, Ying Yang, Yue Zhang et al
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Vol. 356, p. 211-220
Paper in proceeding

Data-driven interpretation on interactive and nonlinear effects of the correlated built environment on shared mobility

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Jorge Gil et al
Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 110
Journal article

Modeling drivers’ scrambling behavior in China: An application of theory of planned behavior

Weiwei Qi, Bin Shen, Ying Yang et al
Travel Behaviour and Society. Vol. 24, p. 164-171
Journal article

Quantifying economic benefits from free-floating bike-sharing systems: A trip-level inference approach and city-scale analysis

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Aoyong Li et al
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Vol. 144, p. 89-103
Journal article

Spatial heterogeneity in distance decay of using bike sharing: An empirical large-scale analysis in Shanghai

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Aoyong Li et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 94
Journal article

Examining nonlinear and interaction effects of multiple determinants on airline travel satisfaction

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Xiaobo Qu
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 97
Journal article

Cumulative prospect theory coupled with multi-attribute decision making for modeling travel behavior

Kun Gao, Lijun Sun, Ying Yang et al
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Vol. 148, p. 1-21
Journal article

Diverging effects of subjective prospect values of uncertain time and money

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Xiaobo Qu
Communications in Transportation Research. Vol. 1
Journal article

Extrapolation-enhanced model for travel decision making: An ensemble machine learning approach considering behavioral theory

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Tianshu Zhang et al
Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol. 218
Journal article

Revealing psychological inertia in mode shift behavior and its quantitative influences on commuting trips

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Lijun Sun et al
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 71, p. 272-287
Journal article

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