Johanna Berlin
Showing 24 publications
Extended actor based LCA – a method that include external actors
Lean and green management along the food life cycle
Allocation in LCAs of biorefinery products: implications for results and decision-making
Review of methodological choices in LCA of biorefinery systems - key issues and recommendations
Environmental improvement actions by retailers
State of the art of algal biomass as raw material for biofuel production
Ecological food waste - comapring small and large food retailers
In vitro meat – What are the moral issues?
Green products need green actor chains – The assessment of passive housing and organic food
The Usefulness of an Actor’s Perspective in LCA
Discrete Event Simulation with Lifecycle Assessment Data at a Juice Manufacturing System
Minimising environmental impact by sequencing cultured dairy products: two case studies
A dynamic simulation tool for a productive and environmental efficient food production
A tool for productive and environmentally efficient food production management
A dynamic simulation tool for a productive and environmentally efficient food production
Metod för utvärdering av miljöåtgärder realiserbara genom styrmedel
Environmental systems analysis of industrial dairy production
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