Ecological food waste - comapring small and large food retailers
Paper in proceeding, 2013

Green efforts and collaboration in the food chain vary as well as how retailers handle ecological products. The ongoing study shows that small retailers care for their products and inform consumers specifically about each individual product: the season, the quality and how to handle each individual product, to reduce waste. Large retailers inform the consumer generally on products and how the retailer is handling waste e.g. food to needy. The question is: does the “caring” handling and communicating of ecological food products lead to less waste and environmental impacts? Further observational studies on waste and handling of food products at retailers will be made and combined with an environmental assessment, LCA. This new interdisciplinary methodology is called actor based LCA.


actor analysis

Food waste


ecological food products


Birgit Brunklaus

Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Environmental Systems Analysis

Johanna Berlin

LCM 2013


Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use

Environmental Engineering

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