Massimiliano Zanoli

Showing 11 publications


Antenna Arrangement in UWB Helmet Brain Applicators for Deep Microwave Hyperthermia

Massimiliano Zanoli, Erika Ek, Hana Dobsicek Trefna
Cancers. Vol. 15 (5)
Journal article

The hot-to-cold spot quotient for SAR-based treatment planning in deep microwave hyperthermia

Massimiliano Zanoli, Hana Dobsicek Trefna
International Journal of Hyperthermia. Vol. 39 (1), p. 1421-1439
Journal article

Radiobiological evaluation of combined gamma knife radiosurgery and hyperthermia for pediatric neuro-oncology

Morteza Ghaderi Aram, Massimiliano Zanoli, Håkan Nordström et al
Cancers. Vol. 13 (13)
Journal article

Iterative time-reversal for multi-frequency hyperthermia

Massimiliano Zanoli, Hana Dobsicek Trefna
Physics in Medicine and Biology. Vol. 66 (4)
Journal article

Combining target coverage and hot-spot suppression into one cost function: The hot-to-cold spot quotient

Massimiliano Zanoli, Hana Dobsicek Trefna
15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2021
Paper in proceeding

Suitability of eigenvalue beam-forming for discrete multi-frequency hyperthermia treatment planning

Massimiliano Zanoli, Hana Dobsicek Trefna
Medical Physics. Vol. 48 (11), p. 7410-7426
Journal article

Optimization of microwave hyperthermia array applicators using field interpolation

Massimiliano Zanoli, Hana Dobsicek Trefna
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2019 - Proceedings, p. 537-538
Paper in proceeding

Self-calibration algorithms for microwave hyperthermia antenna arrays

Massimiliano Zanoli, Mikael Persson, Hana Dobsicek Trefna
IET Conference Publications. Vol. 2018 (CP741)
Paper in proceeding

Verification of self-calibration algorithms for phased array applicators

Massimiliano Zanoli, Hana Dobsicek Trefna
Other conference contribution

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