Zhejian Cao
Zhejian (Jerry) Cao is a postdoc fellow working with Prof. Ivan Mijakovic at Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology (Sysbio) since January 2022. Zhejian obtained his Ph.D. degree at in Engineering Materials from Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) under supervision of Prof. Farid Akhtar, where Zhejian’s doctoral thesis focused on nanomaterials (graphene, MOFs, zeolites) for gas storage. Currently, Zhejian’s research is related to graphene and other nanomaterials for antibacterial applications. The main goal of his current project is to develop antibacterial and antibiofouling coating with nanomaterials for biomedical appliances.

Showing 12 publications
Antibacterial applications of biologically synthesized Pichia pastoris silver nanoparticles
Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks through Enzymatically Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate
Vertically Aligned Graphene Coating is Bactericidal and Prevents the Formation of Bacterial Biofilms
Substrate-dependent resistance decrease of graphene by ultraviolet-ozone charge doping
A promising new class of high-temperature alloys: Eutectic high-entropy alloys
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