Zhiwei Meng

Showing 4 publications


GIVA: Interaction-aware trajectory prediction based on GRU-Improved VGG-Attention Mechanism model for autonomous vehicles

Zhiwei Meng, Rui He, Jiaming Wu et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D, Transport engineering. Vol. 239 (1), p. 128-141
Journal article

TBFF-DAC: Two-branch feature fusion based on deformable attention and convolution for object detection

Chuanxi Liu, Zhiwei Meng
Computers and Electrical Engineering. Vol. 116
Journal article

Guidance Method of Connected Autonomous Vehicles Under Automatic Control Intersections

Lichao Wang, Jiaming Wu, Min Yang et al
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Vol. 356, p. 35-43
Paper in proceeding

Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Vehicle Based on LSTM-MLP Model

Zhiwei Meng, Jiaming Wu, Sumin Zhang et al
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Vol. 356, p. 91-99
Paper in proceeding

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