From photovoltaic generation to end-users with minimum losses – a full-scale demonstration
Research Project, 2017 – 2020

In the project a complete system with photovoltaic (PV) generation, battery storage, load control, direct current (DC) circuits, and DC-loads are installed and demonstrated in a residential building. The study takes a holistic approach; from PV generation to the use of energy in household appliances and building services systems. Also, how behavior of residents are influencing the system design and saving potential will be covered. PV generation currently accounts for a marginal part of the Swedish electricity production, the number of grid-connected PV plants are increasing, however from very low levels. For PV generation to be effectively integrated into Swedish electricity grid further development and validation of technology is needed. A full-scale demonstration is valuable; theoretical results are validated and individual components and/or subsystems are assembled into a functioning system under real conditions.


Torbjörn Thiringer (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Göteborg, Sweden


Swedish Energy Agency

Project ID: P43276-1
Funding Chalmers participation during 2017–2020

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