Sustainability of industrial waste heat - the Stenungssund case
Research Project, 2013 – 2014

There is a huge untapped potential of industrial waste heat that could be used in district heating systems. A large-scale utilization of industrial waste heat for district heating networks will affect its economy and operation, such as base load, fuel use and the amount of electricity that can be produced in district heating systems. Moreover, large investment in infrastructure is required. There are thus a number of complex issues related to the exploitation of these large amounts of industrial waste heat, in particular on a long time horizon, including economic and environmental sustainability. It is therefore of great interest to carry out a broader sustainability assessment. The sustainability assessment will be implemented with the help of a combination of different assessment tools such as energy system modelling, LCA and life cycle sustainability assessment.


Erik Ahlgren (contact)

Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology


IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Stockholm, Sweden


Business Region Göteborg (BRG)

Project ID: RegionalfjärrvärmeiVästsv
Funding Chalmers participation during 2013–2014

Swedish Energy Agency

Project ID: 37330-1
Funding Chalmers participation during 2013–2014

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