Erik Ahlgren
My research is about energy systems transitions, relationships and connections between different time and geographical scales, and between different parts of the energy system. Currently, my research group and I are investigating energy transitions of urban systems, focusing on the role of couplings between different sectors, rural electrification in East Africa, and clean cooking with biogas. The research focuses on understanding local systems and their development over time, and connects technology, economy and environment. Energy system models are important tools. I collaborate with several universities in East Africa, including Addis Ababa University, University of Rwanda and Eduardo Mondlande University (in Maputo). I am responsible for the course Climate - the science, measures and policy, which is given digitally in the evening for the public.
Showing 105 publications
Analyzing grid extension suitability: A case study of Ethiopia using OnSSET
A High-Resolution Analysis of Electricity Demand for Informed Electrification Planning
Investigating Households and Productive use Electricity Demand Patterns in Rural Mozambique
City energy planning: Modeling long-term strategies under system uncertainties
Enhancing Urban Heating Systems Planning through Spatially Explicit Participatory Modeling
Comparison Of Electricity Load Estimation Methods In Rural Mini-Grids: Case Study In Ethiopia
Assessing Subnational Electricity Access Using High-Resolution Datasets: A Case Study of Ethiopia
Impact Of Cooking Appliances Shifting Hours In Rural Mini-Grids: Case Study In Ethiopia
Impact of demand-side management on the sizing of autonomous solar PV-based mini-grids
Long-term evolution of energy and electricity demand forecasting: The case of Ethiopia
Households and tree-planting for wood energy production – Do perceptions matter?
Linking household and productive use of electricity with mini-grid dimensioning and operation
Improving load factors as a smart management approach - A developing country mini-grid case study
Understanding social innovation in local energy transitions processes: A multi-case study
Energy System Modeling Tools: Review and Comparison in the Context of Developing Countries
Review of the use of system dynamics (SD) in scrutinizing local energy transitions
Determining the factors of household energy transitions: A multi-domain study
Future biogas resource potential in India: A bottom-up analysis
Assessment of Resource Adequacy in Power Sector Reforms of Ethiopia
Determining the causal loops in a local energy transition process: the Dalsland case
Economic performance evaluation of natural gas vehicles and their fuel infrastructures
Electric Vehicle (EV) Transition in Thailand: Is it Beneficial?
Evaluation of the impact of fuelwood tree planting programmes in Tanzania
Barriers to biogas dissemination in India: A review
Driving forces for households' adoption of improved cooking stoves in rural Tanzania
Understanding the local energy transitions process: a systematic review
The impact of Swedish SO2 policy instruments on SO2 emissions 1990–2012
Low-energy buildings heat supply–Modelling of energy systems and carbon
System profitability of excess heat utilisation – A case-based modelling analysis
Using system dynamics for long term bottom-up electric load modeling in rural electrification
Bioenergy futures in Sweden - Modeling integration scenarios for biofuel production
Assessment of Load Profiles in Minigrids: A Case in Tanzania
A post-Kyoto CDM bioenergy business model built on systems expansion.
Bioenergy futures in Sweden - system effects of CO2 reduction and fossil fuel phase-out policies
Global transport biofuel futures in energy-economy modeling: a review
Ekonomiskt värde och klimatnytta av värmeleveranser
Biofuel futures in road transport - A modeling analysis for Sweden
How to Teach Systems in Engineering Education: The Case of an Energy Systems Course
Transport biofuel futures in energy economy modeling: a review.
Assessment of absorption cooling as a district heating system strategy – A case study
The value of excess heat-profitability and CO2 balances
Biomass CHP Energy Systems: A Critical Assessment
Assessing long-term sustainability of district heating systems
Evaluation of Indian rural solar electrification: A case study in Chhattisgarh
Ancillary benefits of climate policy in a small open economy: The case of Sweden
Implications of using clean technologies to power selected ASEAN countries
Biomass gasification in cost-optimized district heating systems — A regional modelling analysis
Energieffektiv bebyggelse och fjärrvärme i framtiden
Internalisation of external costs in studies of local district-heating based energy systems
Clean Technologies to Power Asean: Implications and Policies
Biokombi Rya - Biobränsleförgasning satt i system
Integration of biomass gasification plants in district-heating systems – a systems analysis
Biokombi Rya - slutrapporter från ingående delprojekt
HEATSPOT a simulation tool for national district heating analyses
Produktionsrelaterade systemstudier
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Showing 25 research projects
Buildings in the integrated energy system
A multiperspective analysis of cost-efficient batteries in rural minigrids
Policy för hållbar värme-behovet av att förstå komplexa system
Sustainable Mobility Rural and Urban Transport (SMaRT)
Extending a Solar PV diffusion model with the inclusion of electricity retailers
Flexibility for Smart Urban Energy Systems (FlexSUS)
Research Training Partnership with University of Rwanda – Capacity Development in Sustainable Energy
Using System Dynamics as a modelling tool for energy transitions at the local scale
Prosumers’ role in a changing electricity system
PhD Program in Electrical Power and Control Engineering with Addis Abeba University
Modellering av klimatsmart uppvärmning i ett dunamiskt systemperspektiv
Cleantech in an energy systems perspective (CLEANS)
Policy and analysis in a new environment: an application of EMEC-TIMES
Energy efficiency of buildings in a dynamic systems perspectiv
Sustainability of industrial waste heat - the Stenungssund case
Strategic Research Centre for 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems (4DH)
Providing Renewable Energy Technologies to Productive Use for Rural Electrification (STEEP-RES II)
Policy Options to engage Emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime (POEM)