Development of NOvel, high‐quality MArine aquaCULTURE in Sweden ‐ with focus on environmental and economic sustainability (NOMACULTURE)
Research Project, 2014 – 2018

The overall aim of NOMACULTURE is to develop a sustainable strategy for Swedish marine aquaculture. NOMACULTURE will address the challenges of reducing dependence on fish oil and fish meal for aqua-feed, to develop high quality larval feeds and minimize nutrient leakage. The project gathers experts in biology, technology, food science, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and economics. A resource efficient production of the high-value spotted wolfish and European lobster, with minimal environmental impact, is the goal. This will be achieved through new techniques for development of new larval and juvenile feeds based on sustainable raw material from mussels and fish and shellfish by-products, and a semi-closed, multi-trophic recirculating aquaculture system. The influence of feed and temperature on growth, feed utilization, welfare and product quality (nutritional and sensory properties) will be analyzed. Economic and market analyses and comprehensive LCA will be used to calculate total environmental impact. Finally, test farms for research, innovation, training and interaction between researchers and entrepreneurs and will be built. The trans-disciplinary NOMACULTURE consortium includes public and private stakeholders who support the long-term goals to establish proof-of-principle aquaculture farms and business plans for a feed company. This will ensure environmental and ecological sustainability of high-end products from marine aquaculture in harmony with the local communities.


Torsten Wik (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Systems and control

Ingrid Undeland

Food and Nutrition Science


The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

Project ID: 2013/75
Funding Chalmers participation during 2014–2018

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Sustainable development

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