Torsten Wik
Torsten Wik is Full Professor in Automatic control and head of the research group Automatic Control. He focuses his research and teaching mainly on process control, involving methods and theoretical aspects as well as direct applications. Methods include optimal control, model reduction and systems with model uncertainties. The applications are in general energy saving, environmental and biological systems such as water treatment, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), and LED lighting in greenhouses. Increasingly, the applications have been focused on battery management systems.

Showing 178 publications
Hypergraph-Based Unified Model Development for Active Battery Equalization Systems
Nonlinear Model Inversion-Based Output Tracking Control for Battery Fast Charging
A Unified Model for Active Battery Equalization Systems
Methods for Developing Effective Models of Biomedical Processes in MATLAB
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of the Modified AMOCO Model for an Anaerobic Digester
Predicting Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption from Field Data Using Machine Learning
Battery capacity knee-onset identification and early prediction using degradation curvature
Scenario-Aware Machine Learning Pipeline for Battery Lifetime Prediction
MINN: Learning the dynamics of differential-algebraic equations and application to battery modeling
Synthetic dataset of LG M50 batteries with different degradation pathways
Early prediction of battery life by learning from both time-series and histogram data
Comparative Analysis of Battery Cycle Life Early Prediction Using Machine Learning Pipeline
An Overview of Biogas Plants in Ethiopia and Sweden: What Ethiopia Can Learn from Sweden
Interpretable Battery Cycle Life Range Prediction Using Early Cell Degradation Data
Optimization-free fast charging for lithium-ion batteries using model inversion techniques
Analysis of Potential Lifetime Extension Through Dynamic Battery Reconfiguration
Practical battery state of health estimation using data-driven multi-model fusion
Analysis and Estimation of the Maximum Switch Current during Battery System Reconfiguration
Sensitivity Analysis of the Battery System State of Power
State of Power Prediction for Battery Systems with Parallel-Connected Units
Combining offline and online machine learning to estimate state of health of lithium-ion batteries
Offline and Online Blended Machine Learning for Lithium-Ion Battery Health State Estimation
Fast Charging Control of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Effects of Input, Model, and Parameter Uncertainties
Control-Oriented Modeling of All-Solid-State Batteries Using Physics-Based Equivalent Circuits
Stochastic optimal control over unreliable communication links
Resolving issues of scaling for gramian-based input–output pairing methods
A PDE Model Simplification Framework for All-Solid-State Batteries
Predictive energy management of hybrid electric vehicles via multi-layer control
On the modeling of pulp properties in CTMP processes
Finding feedforward configurations using gramian based interaction measures
Electrochemical Model-Based Fast Charging: Physical Constraint-Triggered PI Control
Stress Detection Using Proximal Sensing of Chlorophyll Fluorescence on the Canopy Level
Design and comparative analyses of optimal feedback controllers for hybrid electric vehicles
Modeling of tensile index using uncertain data sets
Run-to-Run Control for Active Balancing of Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Packs
A comparison of topologies in recirculating aquaculture systems using simulation and optimization
Next-Generation Battery Management Systems: Dynamic Reconfiguration
Near-Fastest Battery Balancing by Cell/Module Reconfiguration
Ideal benefits of exceeding fixed voltage limits on lithium-ion batteries with increasing cycle age
Load-responsive model switching estimation for state of charge of lithium-ion batteries
Light spectrum optimization for plant growth using biological feedback
Comparing water treatment topologies in Recirculating Aquaculture Plants
Adaption of 2-D look-up tables applied to OCV-curves for aged battery cells
Electrochemical estimation and control for lithium-ion battery health-aware fast charging
Design of heat exchanger networks with good controllability
Comparing water treatment topologies in Recirculating Aquaculture Plants
Resolving Issues of Scaling for Gramian Based Input-Output Pairing Methods
Charging pattern optimization for lithium-ion batteries with an electrothermal-aging model
Automatically adjusting light spectrum for optimal short term photosynthetic rate
A new method of scaling the gramian based input-output pairing methods for improved results
Estimating power capability of aged lithium-ion batteries in presence of communication delays
Simulation of recirculating aquaculture systems in the OpenModelica environment
Statistical modeling of OCV curves for aged battery cells
Theoretical bounds on the accuracy of state and parameter estimation for batteries
Adaptive Hysteresis Compensation Using Reduced Memory Sequences
State constrained optimal control via the Fokker-Planck equation
Using chlorophyll a fluorescence gains to optimize LED light spectrum for short term photosynthesis
Simulation of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for Battery Estimation
Complexity of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Dynamic Response as an Indicator of Excessive Light Intensity
Simulation of Recirculating Aquaculture Plants
Optimal state based control of LTI systems over unreliable communication channels
Assessing the Controllability of Heat Exchanger Networks
LED spectrum optimisation using steady-state fluorescence gains
Robust recursive impedance estimation for automotive lithium-ion batteries
LQG Control for Systems with Random Unbounded Communication Delay
Method and system for growth status determination of a plant
Remote light stress detection for greenhouse LED lighting control
Reasons to apply operability analysis in the design of integrated biorefineries
Marin fiskodling på den svenska västkusten: Tekniska lösningar
Implementation and robustness of an analytically based battery state of power
Using Fluorescence as Control Parameter to Decide Optimal Light Spectrum for Plant Growth
Non-parametric convex identification of extended generalized Prandtl–Ishlinskii models
Robustness comparison of battery state of charge observers for automotive applications
Power and current limit estimation for batteries
Convex identification of models for asymmetric hysteresis
Solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for a stochastic system with state constraints
Solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation for a Stochastic System with State Constraints
Excess light detection for greenhouse illumination
Method for controlling a growth cycle for growing plants using state oriented control
Method for plant recovery from stress
Optimal Control of a Batch Reactor Using the Linearized Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
Spectrum optimization for artificial illumination
Greenhouse Artificial Lighting Control
New Input-Output Pairing Strategies Based on Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control
Modeling and Simulation of RAS
Finite-time state-constrained optimal control for input-affine systems with actuator noise
State constrained control based on linearization of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
State-Constrained Control Based on Linearization of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
Greenhouse Illumination Control
Observer design for the activated sludge process
Automated Controller Design using Linear Quantitative Feedback Theory for Nonlinear systems
A New Input/Output Pairing Strategy based on Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control
Non-conservative robust control: Optimized and constrained sensitivity functions
Automated Controller Design using Linear Quantitative Feedback Theory for Nonlinear systems
On the infinite-time solution to state-constrained stochastic optimal control
Closed loop model reduction applied to a tank reactor process
Tank reactor temperature control using Quantitative Feedback Theory
Quantitative feedback theory used on a tank reactor model
Quantitative assessment in frequency domain of reactor model simplification
On the infinite-time solution to state-constrained stochastic optimal control problems
Nitrifierande biofilmer för biologisk kväverening i avloppsreningsverk
Low model order approximations of continuously stirred biofilm reactors with Monod kinetics
A closed loop perspective of model reduction for a CSTR
An eigenvalue approach to infinite-horizon optimal control
Influent load prediction using low order adaptive modeling
Integrated closed loop system for industrial water purification
A Closed Loop Approach to Tank Reactor Model Simplification
A modeling, control and simulation study of recirculating aquaculture systems
Feedforward feedback controller design for uncertain systems
Model based control of external carbon dose rate in a full-scale predenitrification system
Optimal control of battery supercapacitor systems
Modeling, control and simulation of recirculating aquaculture systems
Model reduction for temperature control of non-ideally stirred tank reactors
Feedforward feedback controller design for uncertain systems
Parameter sensitivity in a compartmental model of a non-ideally stirred tank reactor
Trickling filters and biofilm modelling
Model based control of external carbon dose rate in a full-scale predenitrification system
Feedforward Feedback Controller Design for Uncertain Systems
Erfarenheter av modellbaserad styrning av etanoldosering vid Ryaverket
Integrerat slutet system för rening av spillvatten i vattenbruk
Distribution and activity of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in a large full-scale trickling filter
Global Controller Optimization Using Horowitz Bounds
H-inf control of uncertain systems using Horowitz bounds
Multi criteria controller design for uncertain MIMO systes using nonconvex global optimization
On optimizing PID controllers for uncertain plants using Horowitz bounds
Strategies to improve the efficiency of tertiary nitrifying trickling filters
Strategies to improve the efficiency of tertiary nitrifying trickling filters
Recovery of carbon black from scrap rubber
Adsorption and Denitrification in Nitrifying Trickling Filters
Rational Transfer Function Models for Nitrifying Trickling Filters
On Modeling the Dynamics of Fixed Biofilm Reactors. With focus on nitrifying trickling filters
Transfer function models for CSTs with diffusion and reaction in biofilms or permeable catalysts
Rational Transfer Function Models for Nitrifying Trickling Filters
Transfer Function Models for Biofilm Reactors and Reactors with Porous Catalyst
Rational Transfer Functions for Biofilm Reactors
Nitrifikation i biobädd - Adsorption av ammonium i pilotanläggningarna på Sjölundaverket
Modelling Nitrifying Trickling Filters
Evaluation of the fast dynamics in a nitrifying biofilm reactor
Nitrifikation i biobädd - Puls och stegsvarsexperiment utförda på Sjölundaverket i maj 1997
Modelling dynamics of nitrifying trickling filters and ammonium meters
Modelling dynamics of nitrifying trickling filters and ammonium meters
Evaluation of the fast dynamics in a nitrifying biofilm reactor
Transfer functions for series of continuously stirred biofilm reactors
Steady state solution of a two-species biofilm problem
An investigation of the fast dynamics in a nitrifying biofilm reactor
En jämförelse mellan impulssvar med spårämne och stegsvar med reaktant för en icke-linjär process
Modelling the Dynamics of a Trickling Filter for Waste Water Treatment
Modelling the Dynamics of a Trickling Filter for Waste Water Treatment
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Showing 44 research projects
Physics-guided ML to build digital twin for wind-assisted propulsion ships
Aging-Aware Techno-Economic Decision Making for Optimal Usage of EV Batteries over Full Lifecycle
Multiphysics modelling and monitoring of lithium-ion cells for next-generation management
E-powertrain predictive maintenance using physics informed learning (TEAMING)
Heavy Electrified Road transport for iron ore in the Arctic (HERA)
Data-driven lifetime extension and performance optimization for vehicle battery systems
Next Generation Hydrofoil Systems for Robust and Effective Electric Work Boats (NG-FREEBS)
Exploring the impact of simulation governance on the development of electrified powertrains
User behaviour informed optimal control for vehicle-home-grid integration
Electric vehicle energy optimization for improved sustainability
Electrochemical model parameter identification for health-aware battery management
Growth tracking and light optimization in greenhouse
Thermal safety management for vehicle battery systems
Maskininlärning för automatisk stressdetektion i hortikulturell produktion
Data driven battery aging prediction
Thermal modelling and fault prognosis for Li-ion battery systems
Battery control via adaptive modeling and predictive control
BattVolt - Battery control with dynamic reconfiguration and controllable voltage
Dynamic reconfiguration of vehicle battery systems
Ny metod för biotisk stressdetektering i hortikulturell produktion
Multi-level energy management system of hybrid electric vehicles, part 2
A new generation of algorithms for modern powertrain control
PhD Program in Electrical Power and Control Engineering with Addis Abeba University
Optimal usage of vehicle battery by multi-scale modelling
Electrified transport system demo platform involving trucks and high capacity city buses
More efficient and health conscious usage of lithium ion batteries by adaptive modeling
Skattning av cylinderseparerat cylindertryck för effektivare och renare förbränning.
Estimation of cylinder separated torque for efficient and clean combustion
BatMan - förberedelse för förbättrad återanvändning av batterisystem
Experimental RAS plant technology
State-of-Function for energy storage systems in electrified vehicles