Life-Long Battery Control
Research Project, 2015 – 2016

The share of electric hybrids as share of sold cars are increasing steadily. Reasons to this are tougher emission standards and increasingly less expensive battery systems. To reach increasing sales the battery technology needs to be improved. One strategically important area is the control algorithms that manage the battery usage. This project focuses on better battery control which is estimated to lead to emission reductions of 3g CO2/km. There is a lack of competence in the Swedish Automotive cluster around age estimation of li-ion batteries on-line. This project will develop age-estimating control algorithms. This project will take one student at Chalmers to PhD. Experiences from previous research projects show that many core competences is needed to enable this development. Senior competences are needed within adaptive control, li-ion batteries and vehicle usage. Volvo Cars will focus on supportin the project with the latter two as well as battery ageing data from vehicles & la


Torsten Wik (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Systems and control


Volvo Cars

Göteborg, Sweden


Swedish Energy Agency

Project ID: P39786-1
Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2016

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