Surface-sensitive microscopy for studies of cellular membranes
Research Project, 2015 – 2018

Objective and GoalThe main objective of the project is to identify how emissions and efficiency are affected by varying gas composition in the combustion of landfill gas. The project aims to increase the flexibility of today´s machine in terms of which gases you manage to burn while maintaining efficiency and low emissions as well as to be able to predict in advancethe business opportunity at varying types of landfills.Result and Expected EffectsThe project´s expected results is to create a profitable, efficient and reliable power and heat generation down to 20% methane landfill gaswith very low emissions of CO and NOx.Approach and ImplementationThe project is divided into five work packages. These are:1.Project coordination and reporting2.Mapping of gas composition of landfill gas3.Kinetics modeling of the different gas compositions that have been mapped from landfills4.Numeric modeling (CFD) with different gas compositions5.Experimental testing of existing combustors.


Fredrik Höök (contact)

Chalmers, Physics, Biological Physics


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2014-5557
Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2018


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