Fredrik Höök
Fredrik Höök received a PhD in physics from Chalmers, Sweden, in 1997 and his research has focused on the development of surface-based bioanalytical tools, such as QCM-D, localized SPR and more recently TIRF microscopy, and their combination with microfluidics for fundamental studies of cell-membrane mimics but also for use in diagnostic and drug-screening applications. Efforts are presently focused on (i) new methods with single molecule sensitivity for studies of membrane proteins and virus infection, (ii) microfluidic platforms for cell-membrane chromatography and (iii) sophisticated surface modifications and nanofabrication schemes to facilitate improved analysis of supported cell-membrane mimics, membrane proteins and virus binding and infection. He is co-founder of Q-Sense,, who is a lead developer of QCM-D instruments. He has been awarded an Individual Grant for the Advancement of Research Leaders by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research in 2006 and the Göran Gustafsson prize in Physics by the Royal Swedish Society of Academy in 2012.

Showing 195 publications
Image analysis optimization for nanowire-based optical detection of molecules
Fluorescence excitation enhancement by waveguiding nanowires
Semiconductor nanowires for biosening
Temporal monitoring of size, mass, and morphology of weakly interacting systems
Pore formation by melittin in porous silica-supported lipid membranes
Enhanced Optical Biosensing by Aerotaxy Ga(As)P Nanowire Platforms Suitable for Scalable Production
Single-shot self-supervised object detection in microscopy
Control of Polymer Brush Morphology, Rheology, and Protein Repulsion by Hydrogen Bond Complexation
Fluorescence Signal Enhancement in Antibody Microarrays Using Lightguiding Nanowires
Lipid-Based Bioanalytical Sensors
Fast and Accurate Nanoparticle Characterization Using Deep-Learning-Enhanced Off-Axis Holography
Fluorescence excitation enhancement in nanowires for biosensing
A Nanofluidic Device for Multiplexed Analysis of Single Exosomes
Influence of Bile Composition on Membrane Incorporation of Transient Permeability Enhancers
Single-molecule biosensors: Recent advances and applications
Charged Polystyrene Nanoparticles Near a SiO2/Water Interface
Label-free spatio-temporal monitoring of cytosolic mass, osmolarity, and volume in living cells
Hybrid vesicles as intracellular reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide generators
Competition for membrane receptors: Norovirus detachment via lectin attachment
Bioinspired, nanoscale approaches in contemporary bioanalytics (Review)
MicroRNA Detection by DNA-Mediated Liposome Fusion
Sticking particles to solid surfaces using Moringa oleifera proteins as a glue
Structure and Composition of Native Membrane Derived Polymer-Supported Lipid Bilayers
Pentacyclic adenine: A versatile and exceptionally bright fluorescent DNA base analogue
Detachment of Membrane Bound Virions by Competitive Ligand Binding Induced Receptor Depletion
Single Proteoliposomes with E. coli Quinol Oxidase: Proton Pumping without Transmembrane Leaks
Protein-Containing Lipid Bilayers Intercalated with Size-Matched Mesoporous Silica Thin Films
Kinetics of enzyme-mediated hydrolysis of lipid vesicles
Mucosal Vaccine Development Based on Liposome Technology
Supported lipid bilayer repair mediated by AH peptide
Assembly of RNA nanostructures on supported lipid bilayers
Diffusion-limited attachment of large spherical particles to flexible membrane-immobilized receptors
Neutralized Chimeric Avidin Binding at a Reference Biosensor Surface
Strongly Stretched Protein Resistant Poly(ethylene glycol) Brushes Prepared by Grafting-To
Kinetics of enzymatic reactions in lipid membranes containing domains
Interaction of Virus-Like Particles with Vesicles Containing Glycolipids: Kinetics of Detachment
Design of Surface Modifications for Nanoscale Sensor Applications
Label-Free Measurements of the Diffusivity of Molecules in Lipid Membranes
Plasmon-enhanced four-wave mixing by nanoholes in thin gold films
Liposome binding for multiplexed biomolecule detection and imaging using ToF-SIMS
Plasmonic Nanopores in Metal-Insulator-Metal Films
Optical waveguide-based single-molecule studies in diagnostics and drug screening
Determination of exosome concentration in solution using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy.
Hydrodynamic separation of proteins in supported lipid bilayers confined by gold barriers
Promises and challenges of nanoplasmonic devices for refractometric biosensing
A Secretory Artificial Cell for Exocytosis
Interaction of virions with membrane glycolipids
Nanoplasmonic sensing combined with artificial cell membranes
Kinetics of the enzyme-vesicle interaction including the formation of rafts and membrane strain
A functioning artificial secretory cell
Continuous Lipid Bilayers Derived from Cell Membranes for Spatial Molecular Manipulation
Interaction of Single Viruslike Particles with Vesicles Containing Glycosphingolipids
Accumulation and Separation of Membrane-Bound Proteins Using Hydrodynamic Forces
Heavy Meromyosin Molecules Extending More Than 50 nm above Adsorbing Electronegative Surfaces
Nanoplasmonic biosensing with on-chip electrical detection
DNA Binding to Zwitterionic Model Membranes
Locally Functionalized Short-Range Ordered Nanoplasmonic Pores for Bioanalytical Sensing
A simple nanoplasmonic sensor with microliter sample handling
RNA and DNA interactions with zwitterionic and charged lipid membranes - A DSC and QCM-D study
Probing molecular recognition on the single molecule level
Sealing of Submicrometer Wells by a Shear-Driven Lipid Bilayer
Refractive-Index-Based Screening of Membrane-Protein-Mediated Transfer across Biological Membranes
High-Performance Biosensing Using Arrays of Plasmonic Nanotubes
Liposome-Based Chemical Barcodes for Single Molecule DNA Detection Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry
Improving the Limit of Detection of Nanoscale Sensors by Directed Binding to High-Sensitivity Areas
Shear-driven motion of supported lipid bilayers in microfluidic channels
Simulation of dissociation of DNA duplexes attached to the surface
Molecular motors on lipid bilayers and silicon dioxide: different driving forces for adsorption
Site-Specific DNA-Controlled Fusion of Single Lipid Vesicles to Supported Lipid Bilayers
Mechanical Behavior of a Supported Lipid Bilayer under External Shear Forces
Self-assembly formation of multiple DNA-tethered lipid bilayers
High-resolution microspectroscopy pf plasmonic nanostructures for miniaturized biosensing
Shear-Driven Motion of Supported Lipid Bilayers in Microfluidic Channels
Rupture Pathway of Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes on Silicon Dioxide
Quantitative Biological Surface Science: Challenges and Recent Advances
Addressable adsorption of lipid vesicles and subsequent protein interaction studies
Nanoplasmonic biosensing with focus on short-range ordered nanoholes in thin metal films
Controlled radial distribution of nanoscale vesicles during binding to an oscillating QCM surface
Investigation of binding event perturbations caused by elevated QCM-D oscillation amplitude
A multitechnique study of liposome adsorption an Au and I ipid bilayer formation on SiO2
Quantification of Oligonucleotide Modifications of Small Unilamellar Lipid Vesicles
Suppression of binding events via external perturbation with emphasis on QCM
Localized surface plasmon sensing of lipid-membrane-mediated biorecognition events
Plasmonic Sensing Characteristics o f Single Nanometric Holes
Gravimetric antigen detection utilizing anitbody-modified lipid bilayers
Light-activated desorption of photoactive polyelectrolytes from supported lipid bilayers
Lateral mobility of tethered vesicle - DNA assemblies
A dual-frequency QCM-D setup operating at elevated oscillation amplitudes
Bivalent Cholesterol-based coupling of oligonucleotides to lipid membrane assemblies
Micropatterening of DNA-tagged visicles
DNA-based formation of a supported, three-dimensional lipid vesicle matrix probed by QCM-D and SPR
Formation of protein-containing supported lipid bilayers on SiO2
Functional surfaces for biorecognition and sensing
Development of a Novel QCM Technique for Protein Adsorption Studies
Protein adsorption with a newly developed quartz crystal microbalance by Fredrik Höök
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Showing 11 research projects
Membrane Protein Structure Determination using Atom Probe Tomography
Funktionell leverans av nukleotid-baserade läkemedel
Design of porus lipid-silica nanocarriers for local enzyme-controlled drug administration
Surface-sensitive microscopy for studies of cellular membranes
System för analys av läkemedel mot membranbundna receptorer
Plasmonic antennas shine light on the nanoworld
Organiska bioelektroniska ytor för membrankromatografi
Funktionella elektromagnetiska metamaterial & optisk sensing