Millimeter-wave Backhaul Links at above 100 Gbits/s - Taking smart antennas to the limits
Research Project, 2016
– 2018
We will demonstrate more than 100 Gbit/s bit rate with a spectral efficiency above 100 bits/s/Hz, in environments realistic for future wireless backhaul links.
The overall goal for this project can be summarized in a single sentence:
This goal is aggressive, and requires several pieces of a puzzle to come together. In particular, a smart antenna (MIMO) solution, taken to its absolute limits, will be needed to reach the goal. By a cross-disciplinary approach with joint design of RF hardware, antennas and signal processing algorithms, we will explore the limits for MIMO communication, and demonstrate it in a setting relevant for backhaul.
We believe that the proposed project has a solid foundation and is well manned:
· We are basing the proposed project on a set of existing projects that sets an excellent framework for the current proposal. Thus, our proposal will further capitalize on ongoing projects, and enable more tightly collaboration and knowledge transfer between academia and industry.
· We have a team that consists of people with widely varying competences, ranging from RF hardware design, antenna design, signal processing, communication systems, and extensive experience of building wireless backhaul links. Further, both a small (SME) and a large system company are involved representing different parts of the value chain for the future backhaul, and with a solid commercialization plan after the project.
A large part of the team has successfully worked together in the past (as evidenced by our
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Project Id: 7270