Koen Buisman

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Showing 4 research projects


Joint Transmission in Radio Frequency and Free Space Optical Links

Behrooz Makki Communication Systems
Koen Buisman Microwave Electronics


Compact Millimeter Wave Integration Concept for Future Wireless and Sensor Systems

Mattias Thorsell Microwave Electronics
Koen Buisman Microwave Electronics
Christian Fager Microwave Electronics
Niklas Rorsman Microwave Electronics


Millimeter-wave Backhaul Links at above 100 Gbits/s - Taking smart antennas to the limits

Thomas Eriksson Communication Systems
Christian Fager Microwave Electronics
Koen Buisman Microwave Electronics
Dhecha Nopchinda Microwave Electronics
Marianna Ivashina Antennas
Herbert Zirath Microwave Electronics
Amina Piemontese Communication Systems


Metrology for 5G communications MET5G

Koen Buisman Microwave Electronics
Mattias Thorsell Microwave Electronics
Thomas Eriksson Communication Systems
European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET)

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