Hydrogen addition to flames at gas-turbine-relevant conditions
Research Project, 2016
– 2017
Future variations in gas mixture composition in European gas grid requires end users, such as gas turbines, to be more fuel flexible. Mixtures of methane gas with heaver hydrocarbons and hydrogen gas are highly relevant as future fuels and their combustion characteristics need to be understood. Within the present projekt flames of fuel mixtures at gas turbine relevant pressures will be studied experimentally and computationally. A burner enclosed in a high pressure vessel will be used to provide unique experimental data regarding flame propagation and composition. Advanced simulation studies will result in a deeper understanding of the chemical kinetics. This can then be implemented in detailed as well as simplified kinetics models to enable simulations of small and large scales of combustion. The effects of H2 addition in turbulent flames will be studied using CFD simulations for similar conditions as in the laminar flame studies, to enable comparison of enhancement effects.
Lars Davidson (contact)
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Fluid Dynamics
Abdallah Abou-Taouk
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Fluid Dynamics
Göteborg Energi AB
Göteborg, Sweden
Infraserv Höchst
Frankfurt, Germany
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Siemens Energy
Munich, Germany
Swedish Energy Agency
Project ID: 41769-1
Funding Chalmers participation during 2016–2017
Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure
Sustainable development
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