Second-use of Li-ion batteries from hybrid and electric vehicles
Research Project, 2018
– 2021
Vehicles with Li-ion batteries are increasing. When the batteries no longer fulfil the requirements for transportation, they still contain app. 70% of their capacity. From a resource point of view, it is desired that they can be part of other applications, e.g. energy storage, which may have a large influence of future energy systems and the possibility to fulfill environmental targets. If this is to be accomplished, there are technical and economical questions that have to be evaluated. This will be investigated through a collaboration between Volkswagen, Stena Metall, Ferroamp and Chalmers. In the reference group, there is also Stena Fastigheter, Stena Renewable and Northvolt. This means that the project contains the whole value chain; battery manufacturers, car companies, end users and recyclers. The length of the project is 2 years with further, more detailed, projects in the pipe-line. Results will be presented in a final report and in an open workshop at the end of the project.
Mathias Janssen (contact)
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis
Stockholm, Sweden
Stena AB
Göteborg, Sweden
Stena AB
Göteborg, Sweden
Wolfsburg, Germany
Swedish Energy Agency
Project ID: 45542-1
Funding Chalmers participation during 2018–2020
Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure
Sustainable development
Driving Forces