Mathias Janssen

Senior Researcher at Environmental Systems Analysis

Matty Janssen's research addresses life cycle assessment (LCA) during technology development, specifically its application to assess technology that is in its early stages of development. LCA can thus inform technology developers to achieve an environmentally benign design of a technology. His research focuses on method develpment for such prospective assessments. Application areas have been biorefinery processes and products (biofuels, bio-based chemicals and bio-based materials), and circular economy solutions (e.g. second use and material recycling of Li-ion batteries).

Furthermore, he is examiner of the Environmental Systems Analysis (VMI010) and Life Cycle Assessment (VTM081) courses at Chalmers.

Image of Mathias Janssen

Showing 82 publications


Decreasing the environmental impact of carbon fibre production via microwave carbonisation enabled by self-assembled nanostructured coatings

Michał A. Stróżyk, Muhammad Muddasar, Timothy J. Conroy et al
Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials. Vol. 7 (2)
Journal article

Process scale-up simulation and techno-economic assessment of ethanol fermentation from cheese whey

Mattia Colacicco, Claudia De Micco, Stefano Macrelli et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. Vol. 17 (1)
Journal article

When is repair environmentally beneficial? The case of high-voltage electric motors

Adeline Jerome, Maria Ljunggren, Mathias Janssen
Conference poster

A stepwise approach for Scenario-based Inventory Modelling for Prospective LCA (SIMPL)

Sabine Langkau, Bernhard Steubing, Christopher L Mutel et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 28 (9), p. 1169-1193
Journal article

Lessons learned when assessing emerging composite materials using life cycle assessment

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials
Paper in proceeding

Is repair of energy using products environmentally beneficial? The case of high voltage electric motors

Adeline Jerome, Maria Ljunggren, Mathias Janssen
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 196
Journal article

Reviewing life cycle assessments of carbon capture and utilisation - unclear goals lead to unclear results

Evelina Nyqvist, Henrikke Baumann, Mathias Janssen
Leiden Book of Abstracts; ISIE 2023 Conference Proceedings, p. 867-867
Other conference contribution

A procedure for Prospective LCA in Materials Development - The Case of Carbon Fibre Composites

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
Abstracts book (SETAC Europe Annual Meeting). Vol. 33 RD ANNUAL MEETING, p. 740-
Other conference contribution

Life Cycle Assessment as a Decision Tool in Material Development - Experiences from a Multi-year Carbon Fibre Composite Development Project

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
Materials circular economy (5)
Journal article

Climate impact and energy use of structural battery composites in electrical vehicles—a comparative prospective life cycle assessment

Frida Hermansson, Fredrik Edgren, Johanna Xu et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 28 (10), p. 1366-1381
Journal article

Repair for high-voltage electric motors energy efficiency vs resource use?

Adeline Jerome, Maria Ljunggren, Mathias Janssen
Other conference contribution

Prospective study of lignin-based and recycled carbon fibers in composites through meta-analysis of life cycle assessments (vol 233, pg 946, 2019)

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 379 (2)
Other text in scientific journal

Can carbon fiber composites have a lower environmental impact than fiberglass?

Frida Hermansson, Sara Heimersson, Mathias Janssen et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 181
Journal article

Development and Comparison of Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Kinetic Approaches for Biomass Pyrolysis Modeling

Sahar Safarianbana, Magnus Rydén, Mathias Janssen
Energies. Vol. 15 (11)
Journal article

Mapping and testing circular economy product-level indicators: A critical review

Adeline Jerome, Harald Helander, Maria Ljunggren et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 178
Review article

Structural batteries in electric road vehicles -When is it a good idea?

Frida Hermansson, Johanna Xu, Leif Asp et al
Other conference contribution

Allocation in recycling of composites ‐ the case of life cycle assessment of products from carbon fiber composites

Frida Hermansson, Tomas Ekvall, Mathias Janssen et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 27, p. 419-432
Journal article

Assessing efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of carbon fibre composites in vehicles

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
Other conference contribution

Testing product-level indicators for a more circular economy

Adeline Jerome, Harald Helander, Maria Ljunggren et al
4th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE) proceedings
Paper in proceeding

What do product-level circular economy indicators measure?

Harald Helander, Adeline Jerome, Maria Ljunggren et al
4th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE) proceedings
Paper in proceeding

The environmental benefits and challenges of a composite car with structural battery materials

Frida Hermansson, Ivan Berg, Kevin sandberg et al
REV 2021 Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Prospective life cycle assessment for biorefinery concept development

Mathias Janssen, Frida Hermansson, Magdalena Svanström
Other conference contribution

Allocation in life cycle assessment of lignin

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 25 (8), p. 1620-1632
Journal article

Multi-Scale Variability Analysis of Wheat Straw-Based Ethanol Biorefineries Identifies Bioprocess Designs Robust Against Process Input Variations

David Nickel, Rickard Fornell, Mathias Janssen et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 8
Journal article

Life cycle assessment of lignin-based carbon fibres

Mathias Janssen, Eva Gustafsson, Linda Echardt et al
Other conference contribution

Environmental Challenges and Opportunities of Lignin

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
Other conference contribution

Prospective study of lignin-based and recycled carbon fibers in composites through meta-analysis of life cycle assessments

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 223, p. 946-956
Journal article

Life cycle assessment of the second use of lithium-ion batteries from hybrid and electric vehicles

Mathias Janssen, Rickard Arvidsson, Anders Nordelöf
Conference poster

A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’

Gregory Peters, Robin Harder, Rickard Arvidsson et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 24 (10), p. 1758-1759
Other text in scientific journal

Prospective inventory modelling of emerging chemicals: The case of photonic materials

Rickard Arvidsson, Duncan Kushnir, Mathias Janssen et al
Abstracts book (SETAC Europe Annual Meeting). Vol. 29, p. 96-
Other conference contribution

Environmental assessment of a biorefinery concept for production of bulk and fine chemicals

Mathias Janssen, Sara Badr, Elin Svensson et al
Other conference contribution

Multi-scale uncertainty analysis – A tool to systematically consider variability in lignocellulosic bioethanol processes

David Nickel, Rickard Fornell, Mathias Janssen et al
Other conference contribution

Recommendations for Routes to Sustainable Exploitation of CFRP Materials

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
Other conference contribution

Prospective LCA of a biorefinery concept for production of bulk and fine chemicals

Mathias Janssen, Sara Badr, Elin Svensson et al
Other conference contribution

Energy use and climate change improvements of Li/S batteries based on life cycle assessment

Rickard Arvidsson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 383, p. 87-92
Journal article

Systematic assessment of triticale-based biorefinery strategies: investment decisions for sustainable biorefinery business models

Virginie Chambost, Mathias Janssen, Paul Stuart
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 12 (S1), p. S9-S20
Journal article

Life cycle assessment of lignin-based carbon fibres

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström
Conference poster

Potential improvements of the life cycle environmental impacts of a Li/S battery cell

Rickard Arvidsson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström et al
Other conference contribution

Prospective analysis of an intergrated biorefinery concept for the production of balk and fine chemicals

Sara Badr, Mathias Janssen, Elin Svensson et al
23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2018 and 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018. Vol. 2, p. 737-
Paper in proceeding

Accounting for effects of carbon flows in LCA of biomass-based products—exploration and evaluation of a selection of existing methods

Christin Liptow, Mathias Janssen, Anne-Marie Tillman
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 23 (11), p. 2110-2125
Journal article

Long-term sustainability assessment of fossil-free fuel production concepts

Simon Harvey, Pål Börjesson, Mathias Janssen et al
Report - f3 – Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Fuels

Uncertainty analysis as a tool to consistently evaluate lignocellulosic bioethanol processes at different system scales

David Nickel, Rickard Fornell, Mathias Janssen et al
Other conference contribution

Environmental Assessment of Emerging Technologies: Recommendations for Prospective LCA

Rickard Arvidsson, Anne-Marie Tillman, Björn Sandén et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 22 (6), p. 1286-1294
Review article

Combined basic and fine chemical biorefinery concepts with integration of processes at different technology readiness levels

Sara Badr, Jane Yee Yap, J Tan et al
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Vol. 43, p. 1577-1582
Book chapter

Prospective life cycle assessment of bio-based adipic acid production from forest residues

Rio Aryapratama, Mathias Janssen
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 164, p. 434-443
Journal article

Teaching sustainability: Running a MOOC on “Sustainability in everyday life”

Mathias Janssen, Anna Nyström Claesson, Christian Stöhr et al
9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)
Conference poster

Handling multi-scale/multi-partner information for biorefinery modelling, integration and sustainability assessment

Mathias Janssen, Elin Svensson, Stavros Papadokonstantakis
6th International Congress on Sustainability Science and Engineering, ICOSSE 2017. Vol. 2017, p. 60-65
Paper in proceeding

Using life cycle assessment to guide technology development for bio-based production: An overview

Mathias Janssen
Workshop on 3rd Generation Biorefineries
Other conference contribution

Process and environmental systems analysis of the BioBuF concept

Mathias Janssen
Other conference contribution

Cross-correlation between impact categories in LCAs of forest biomass-based products

Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström, Rickard Arvidsson
Conference poster

Handling multi-scale / multipartner information for biorefinery modelling, integration and sustainability assessment

Stavros Papadokonstantakis, Mathias Janssen, Elin Svensson
Other conference contribution

Toward a sustainable biorefinery using high-gravity technology

Charilaos Xiros, Mathias Janssen, Roberth Byström et al
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 11 (1), p. 15-27
Journal article

Teacher development in Massive Open Online Courses - Evaluating reflective practice in a sustainability MOOC

Christian Stöhr, Anna Nyström Claesson, Mathias Janssen et al
Proceedings of the 45th SEFI Annual Conference 2017. Vol. 45, p. 755-762
Paper in proceeding

Life cycle assessment of bio-based sodium polyacrylate production from pulp mill side streams: Case study of thermo-mechanical and sulfite pulp mills

Paul Gontia, Mathias Janssen
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 131, p. 475-484
Journal article

Environmental evaluation of Durapulp bio-composite using LCA - Comparison of two different applications

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Fredrik Gellerstedt
Journal article

Prospective life cycle assessment of adipic acid production from forest residue

Mathias Janssen, Rio Aryapratama, Anne-Marie Tillman
Other conference contribution

Producing and running a MOOC for the first time – Evaluation from the instructors' perspective

Mathias Janssen, Anna Nyström Claesson
MOOCs in Scandinavia
Other conference contribution

Design and Early Development of a MOOC on “Sustainability in Everyday Life”: Role of the Teachers

Mathias Janssen, Anna Nyström Claesson, Maria Lindqvist
World Sustainability Series, p. 113-123
Book chapter

Life cycle impacts of ethanol production from spruce wood chips under high gravity conditions

Mathias Janssen, Charilaos Xiros, Anne-Marie Tillman
Biotechnology for Biofuels. Vol. 9 (1), p. 53-
Journal article

Evaluation of a MOOC on “Sustainability in Everyday Life” - The teachers’ experiences

Mathias Janssen, Anna Nyström Claesson, Christian Stöhr
Engineering Education for Sustainable Development 2016 (EESD 2016)
Paper in proceeding

Economic and environmental analysis of an emerging biorefinery concept as a guide for early technology development

Elin Svensson, Mathias Janssen, Karin Pettersson et al
Other conference contribution

Developing a MOOC at Chalmers: Motivation and first experiences from a teacher’s perspective

Mathias Janssen, Christian Stöhr
Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande 2015 (KUL2015)
Other conference contribution

Design and early development of a MOOC on ”Sustainability in everyday life”: Role of the teachers

Mathias Janssen, Anna Nyström Claesson, Maria Lindqvist
EESD15 - The 7th Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development
Paper in proceeding

Life cycle assessment of biomass-based ethylene production in Sweden - is gasification or fermentation the environmentally preferable route?

Christin Liptow, Anne-Marie Tillman, Mathias Janssen
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 20 (5), p. 632-644
Journal article

Teacher roles in MOOC design processes – experiences from a Chalmers MOOC

Christian Stöhr, Mathias Janssen, Maria Lindqvist et al
MOOCs in Scandinavia Conference, June 11th-12th 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Guiding technology development using LCA: The case of bio-based adipic acid production

Mathias Janssen, Anne-Marie Tillman
ISIE Conference 2015
Paper in proceeding

Review of methodological choices in LCA of biorefinery systems - key issues and recommendations

Serina Ahlgren, Anna Björklund, Anna Ekman et al
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 9 (5), p. 606-619
Review article

Influence of high gravity process conditions on the environmental impact of ethanol production from wheat straw

Mathias Janssen, Anne-Marie Tillman, David Cannella et al
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 173, p. 148-158
Journal article

Hur mycket bioprodukter behövs?

Mathias Janssen
Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014, p. 10-11
Book chapter

Life cycle assessment of wood-based ethanol production at high gravity conditions

Mathias Janssen, Charilaos Xiros, Anne-Marie Tillman
Conference poster

Simulation and LCA of a bioethanol process technology in development

Mathias Janssen, Anne-Marie Tillman
Proceedings of the 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference
Paper in proceeding

Environmental evaluation of bio-composites using LCA - Comparison of two different applications

Frida Hermansson, Mathias Janssen, Fredrik Gellerstedt
Proceedings of the 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference
Other conference contribution

Life cycle assessment during early development stage of a new bio-ethanol production process

Mathias Janssen, Anne-Marie Tillman
Proceedings of the 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference
Other conference contribution

Use of LCA during process development: The case of a new bioethanol production process

Mathias Janssen, Anne-Marie Tillman
Other conference contribution

Ethylene production via gasification of wood - what are potential environmental hotspots

Christin Liptow, Anne-Marie Tillman, Mathias Janssen
Proceedings of the 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference
Other conference contribution

Ethylene based on woody biomass-what are environmental key issues of a possible future Swedish production on industrial scale

Christin Liptow, Anne-Marie Tillman, Mathias Janssen et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 18 (5), p. 1071-1081
Journal article

Market potential of biorefinery products

Mathias Janssen
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012, p. 26-35
Book chapter

LCA-Based Environmental Evaluation of Biorefinery Projects

Shabnam Sanaei, Mathias Janssen, Paul Stuart
Integrated Biorefineries: Design, Analysis, and Optimization, p. 793-817
Book chapter

Early design-stage biorefinery process selection

M. A. Quintero-Bermudez, Mathias Janssen, J. Cohen et al
Tappi Journal. Vol. 11 (11), p. 9-16
Magazine article

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Showing 10 research projects


Demonstrating sustainable value creation from industrial CO 2 by its thermophilic microbial conversion into acetone (PYROCO2)

Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Evelina Nyqvist Environmental Systems Analysis
European Commission (EC)

4 publications exist

Robust enzymatic and microbial conversion and valorization of bio refinery side streams, part 2

Lisbeth Olsson Industrial Biotechnology
Yvonne Nygård Industrial Biotechnology
Nikolaos Xafenias Industrial Biotechnology
Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Oskar Modin Water Environment Technology
Henrik Thunman Energy Technology
Carl Johan Franzén Industrial Biotechnology
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Rickard Fornell Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies


Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 2

Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Magdalena Svanstrom Environmental Systems Analysis


Mistra REES (Resource-effective and efficient solutions) phase 2

Maria Ljunggren Environmental Systems Analysis
Adeline Jerome Environmental Systems Analysis
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Harald Helander Environmental Systems Analysis
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Hampus André Environmental Systems Analysis
Daniel Böckin Environmental Systems Analysis
Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Siri Willskytt Environmental Systems Analysis
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

23 publications exist

Materials INnovative TEchnologies Assessment (MIN-TEA)

Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
EIT RawMaterials

2 publications exist

Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes

Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis


Multi-scale bioethanol production systems analysis – from bio-reactor to LCA

Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Carl Johan Franzén Industrial Biotechnology


Second-use of Li-ion batteries from hybrid and electric vehicles

Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Upgrading of renewable domestic raw materials to value-added bulk and fine chemicals for a biobased economy: technology development, systems integration and environmental impact assessment (BioBuF)

Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Elin Svensson Energy Technology
Stavros Papadokonstantakis Energy Technology
Thore Berntsson Energy Technology
Karin Pettersson Energy Technology
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Eva Albers Industrial Biotechnology
Christel Kampman Industrial Biotechnology
Lisbeth Olsson Industrial Biotechnology
Emma Karlsson Industrial Biotechnology
Nikolaos Xafenias Industrial Biotechnology
Joshua Mayers Industrial Biotechnology
Maurizio Bettiga Industrial Biotechnology
Hans Theliander Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Carl Johan Franzén Industrial Biotechnology
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Valeria Mapelli Industrial Biotechnology
Region Västra Götaland

30 publications exist

High gravity hydrolysis and fermentation of lignocellulosic material for production of bio-fuels (High Gravity Biofuels / HGBiofuels)

Lisbeth Olsson Industrial biotechnology
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Nordic Energy Research (NER)

6 publications exist
There might be more projects where Mathias Janssen participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.