Mathias Janssen

Visar 82 publikationer
Process scale-up simulation and techno-economic assessment of ethanol fermentation from cheese whey
When is repair environmentally beneficial? The case of high-voltage electric motors
A stepwise approach for Scenario-based Inventory Modelling for Prospective LCA (SIMPL)
Lessons learned when assessing emerging composite materials using life cycle assessment
A procedure for Prospective LCA in Materials Development - The Case of Carbon Fibre Composites
Repair for high-voltage electric motors energy efficiency vs resource use?
Can carbon fiber composites have a lower environmental impact than fiberglass?
Mapping and testing circular economy product-level indicators: A critical review
Structural batteries in electric road vehicles -When is it a good idea?
Assessing efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of carbon fibre composites in vehicles
What do product-level circular economy indicators measure?
Testing product-level indicators for a more circular economy
Prospective life cycle assessment for biorefinery concept development
The environmental benefits and challenges of a composite car with structural battery materials
Allocation in life cycle assessment of lignin
Environmental Challenges and Opportunities of Lignin
Life cycle assessment of lignin-based carbon fibres
Life cycle assessment of the second use of lithium-ion batteries from hybrid and electric vehicles
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
Environmental assessment of a biorefinery concept for production of bulk and fine chemicals
Prospective inventory modelling of emerging chemicals: The case of photonic materials
Life cycle assessment of lignin-based carbon fibres
Recommendations for Routes to Sustainable Exploitation of CFRP Materials
Prospective LCA of a biorefinery concept for production of bulk and fine chemicals
Energy use and climate change improvements of Li/S batteries based on life cycle assessment
Potential improvements of the life cycle environmental impacts of a Li/S battery cell
Long-term sustainability assessment of fossil-free fuel production concepts
Environmental Assessment of Emerging Technologies: Recommendations for Prospective LCA
Using life cycle assessment to guide technology development for bio-based production: An overview
Prospective life cycle assessment of bio-based adipic acid production from forest residues
Teaching sustainability: Running a MOOC on “Sustainability in everyday life”
Process and environmental systems analysis of the BioBuF concept
Toward a sustainable biorefinery using high-gravity technology
Cross-correlation between impact categories in LCAs of forest biomass-based products
Prospective life cycle assessment of adipic acid production from forest residue
Design and Early Development of a MOOC on “Sustainability in Everyday Life”: Role of the Teachers
Life cycle impacts of ethanol production from spruce wood chips under high gravity conditions
Evaluation of a MOOC on “Sustainability in Everyday Life” - The teachers’ experiences
Producing and running a MOOC for the first time – Evaluation from the instructors' perspective
Developing a MOOC at Chalmers: Motivation and first experiences from a teacher’s perspective
Design and early development of a MOOC on ”Sustainability in everyday life”: Role of the teachers
Guiding technology development using LCA: The case of bio-based adipic acid production
Review of methodological choices in LCA of biorefinery systems - key issues and recommendations
Teacher roles in MOOC design processes – experiences from a Chalmers MOOC
Hur mycket bioprodukter behövs?
Life cycle assessment of wood-based ethanol production at high gravity conditions
Simulation and LCA of a bioethanol process technology in development
Environmental evaluation of bio-composites using LCA - Comparison of two different applications
Ethylene production via gasification of wood - what are potential environmental hotspots
Life cycle assessment during early development stage of a new bio-ethanol production process
Use of LCA during process development: The case of a new bioethanol production process
LCA-Based Environmental Evaluation of Biorefinery Projects
Early design-stage biorefinery process selection
Market potential of biorefinery products
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
Robust enzymatic and microbial conversion and valorization of bio refinery side streams, part 2
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 2
Mistra REES (Resource-effective and efficient solutions) phase 2
Materials INnovative TEchnologies Assessment (MIN-TEA)
Multi-scale bioethanol production systems analysis – from bio-reactor to LCA
Second-use av Li-jonbatterier från hybrid- och elfordon