THz sensors aiding smart production of precision medicines
Research Project, 2017
– 2023
We will demonstrate a terahertz sensor system to enable real-time and non-invasive control in continuous manufacturing of next generation pharmaceutical products. The latest demands on modern drugs such as precision medicines which are customised to the individual patients, require a paradigm shift in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. From the traditional scheme of batch-based manufacturing, the pharmaceutical industry needs to switch over to continuous manufacturing. To make this possible, access to real-time process control and quality inspection is needed, for example, real-time characterisation of pharmaceutical materials, coatings, preparations in filled devices such as syringes and inhalers, all taking place during continuous manufacturing. In this project, we will take advantage of THz waves to measure a number of important properties of intermediate and final pharmaceutical products, such as density variation, coating thickness and moisture content. The goal is to demonstrate a compact, non-destructive, reliable sensor technique implemented in the production line. This will enable the shift from a batch-based manufacturing mode to a continuous and smart production of modern pharmaceuticals.
Jan Stake (contact)
Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Staffan Folestad
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Product Development
Anis Moradikouchi
Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Helena Rodilla
Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
AstraZeneca AB
Södertälje, Sweden
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
Project ID: ID17-0011
Funding Chalmers participation during 2017–2023
Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure
Information and Communication Technology
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Innovation and entrepreneurship
Driving Forces
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Areas of Advance
Life Science Engineering (2010-2018)
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Materials Science
Areas of Advance