Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Research Project, 2019 –

The research in this work package (carbon capture) will be entirely devoted to achieving negative emissions through use of Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture. If we should have any chance of limiting warming to 1.5—2C, such methods will be needed at significant scale, as has been suggested by several credible organizations, such as the IPCC. Chemical-looping is particularly suited for biomass and waste, as the process has inherent properties which makes it suitable for limiting emissions of impurities and trace elements, including alkali, metals, sulfur and nitrogen species. Still, the chemistry of such components is not very well understood, and thus our efforts during next year will be devoted to gaining a better understanding of the fate of impurities in chemical-looping. Funding during 2019 will thus be used for partial funding of two post-docs working at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering as well as Dept. of Energy Technology (Duygu Yilmaz (Chemistry) in addition to one new post-doc (Energy Technology). Duygu Yilmaz will primarily devote efforts towards alkali chemistry and alkali interactions with oxygen carriers, while the new post-doc will focus on nitrogen chemistry. In addition, several seniors will be involved in the project, including Tobias Mattisson, Henrik Leion, Carl Linderholm and Anders Lyngfelt. This task is directly related to the above over-arching goals of the profile and Chalmers overall goals, and the funding is extremely important in keeping our group in the forefront of research related to chemical-looping and related technologies. The work on alkali, metals, sulfur and nitrogen species is also relevant for other biomass conversion technologies such as oxygen carrier aided combustion (OCAC), biogas reforming and gasification.


Tobias Mattisson (contact)

Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology

Henrik Leion

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Energy and Material

Carl Johan Linderholm

Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology

Anders Lyngfelt

Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology

Duygu Yilmaz

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Energy and Material



Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–

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