Anders Lyngfelt

Professor Emeritus at Energy Technology


Before 1998 Lyngfelt’s his main field of research was related to fluidized bed combustion with focus on sulphur capture process

Lyngfelt has made Chalmers world-leading in chemical-looping combustion (CLC), initiating this research in 1998. CLC is a novel combustion technology where fuel and combustion air are not direct incontact, instead the oxygen needed for combustion is transferred from air to fuel by means of an oxygen carrier. Thus, the combustion products, i.e. carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour, are not diluted with the nitrogen in the air, and therefore an essentially pure CO2 is obtained after condensing the water vapour. This means that CO2 capture is accomplished without the expensive and energy demanding separation normally needed. It is expected that CLC could lower the cost of CO2 capture with a factor two to four. Chalmers was first to successfully demonstrate this novel combustion principle in 100 h operation of a 10 kW pilot.        

The research focus is now negative CO2 emissions and, in addition to bio-CLC, Lyngfelt has studied the consequences of leakage of stored CO2. IJGGC-19

Lyngfelt has proposed a policy instrument aimed at fulfilling the target of maximum 1.5 degree warming, which imposes a CO2 emitter liability. Thus, the emitter is obliged to remove his emissions from the atmosphere and to accomplish this, the emitter is enforced to pay for deposit deeds corresponding to his emissions. The deposit deeds, including returns, are redeemed upon certified proof of removals. ACORDs

Publications and recognition

Lyngfelt is the author/co-author of 248 scientific publications, with 21,515 citations, and an H index of 76 (Scopus, May 2024) and Lyngfelt is in the list 2019 Highly cited researchers, Web of Science.
       Lyngfelt has been ranked as the 2nd most productive and cited researcher in Sweden in the area of physics and technology (Fokus, Sveriges Nyhetsmagasin, October 3, 2019).
      Lyngfelt was ranked as the 2nd Best Engineering and Technology Scientists in Sweden:

Worldwide ScholarGPS ranked Lyngfelt as No. 1 on Solid fuel, No. 9 on Greenhouse gas and No. 11 on Combustion.
    The journal Energy & Fuels has honoured the work by Lyngfelt with a Special Issue: "Pioneers in Energy Research: Anders Lyngfelt" .

Chalmers’ CLC publications:

Lyngfelt’s publications:


Lyngfelt brought the 3rd International Conference on Chemical-Looping, Chalmers, Gothenburg 2014, to Sweden. 

Lyngfelt further initiated the start of a new conference series:

1st International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions,
, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 22-24, 2018. 

2nd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions,, Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14-17, 2022, [3]. 

The three conferences were organized by Carl Linderholm.

Image of Anders Lyngfelt

Showing 319 publications


Oxy-polishing of gas from chemical looping combustion: Fuel-nitrogen transformation and model-aided gas purity optimization

Daofeng Mei, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 509
Journal article

Numerical evaluation and optimization of volatiles distributors with different configurations for biomass chemical looping combustion

Xiaobao Wang, Xiaoyun Li, Lan Yi et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 495
Journal article

Noncalcined Manganese Ores as Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor System

Xiaoyun Li, Robin Faust, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 38 (17), p. 16657-16677
Journal article

CFD modeling of a fluidized bed with volatiles distributor for biomass chemical looping combustion combustion

Xiaoyun Li, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 295
Journal article

Interaction Between Alkali Chlorides and Ilmenite in Chemical Looping Combustion

Ashwani Dubey, Daofeng Mei, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 38 (18), p. 17978-17994
Journal article

Investigation of LD-slag as oxygen carrier for CLC in a 10 kW unit using high-volatile biomasses

Daofeng Mei, Ivan Gogolev, Amir H. Soleimanisalim et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 127
Journal article

Operational experiences of chemical-looping combustion with 18 manganese ores in a 300W unit

Anders Lyngfelt, Patrick Moldenhauer, Max Biermann et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 127
Journal article

Study of the interaction between a Mn ore and alkali chlorides in chemical looping combustion

Daofeng Mei, Anders Lyngfelt, Henrik Leion et al
Fuel. Vol. 344
Journal article

Thermochemical conversion of biomass volatiles via chemical looping: Comparison of ilmenite and steel converter waste materials as oxygen carriers

Ali Hedayati, Amir H Soleimani Salim, Tobias Mattisson et al
Fuel. Vol. 313
Journal article

Investigation on the Performance of Volatile Distributors with Different Configurations under Different Fluidization Regimes

Xiaoyun Li, Anders Lyngfelt, David Pallarès et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (17), p. 9571-9587
Journal article

Fate of NO and Ammonia in Chemical Looping Combustion-Investigation in a 300 W Chemical Looping Combustion Reactor System

Anders Lyngfelt, Ali Hedayati, Ellen Augustsson
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (17), p. 9628-9647
Journal article

Performance of a volatiles distributor equipped with internal baffles under different fluidization regimes

Xiaoyun Li, Anders Lyngfelt, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
Powder Technology. Vol. 409
Journal article

Investigation of LD-slag as oxygen carrier for CLC and OCAC in a 10 kW unit using high-volatile biomass

Daofeng Mei, Ivan Gogolev, Fredrik Hildor et al
Other conference contribution

Steam methane reforming with chemical-looping combustion: Scaling of fluidized-bed-heated reformer tubes

Tobias Pröll, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (17), p. 9502-9512
Journal article

Modelling of gas conversion with an analytical reactor model for biomass chemical looping combustion (bio-CLC) of solid fuels

Daofeng Mei, Amir H Soleimani Salim, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 433
Journal article

Alkali emissions characterization in chemical looping combustion of wood, wood char, and straw fuels

Ivan Gogolev, Toni Pikkarainen, Juho Kauppinen et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 237
Journal article

Experimental evaluation of manganese ores for chemical looping conversion of synthetic biomass volatiles in a 300 W reactor system

Ali Hedayati, Amir H Soleimani Salim, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 9 (2)
Journal article

Commissioning, performance benchmarking, and investigation of alkali emissions in a 10 kWth solid fuel chemical looping combustion pilot

Ivan Gogolev, Amir H Soleimani Salim, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
Fuel. Vol. 287
Journal article

Performance of an oxy-polishing step in the 100 kWth chemical looping combustion prototype

Daofeng Mei, Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 409
Journal article

An experimental study of a volatiles distributor for solid fuels chemical-looping combustion process

Xiaoyun Li, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 220
Journal article

Experimental Investigation of Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion (OCAC) with Methane and PSA Off-Gas

Viktor Stenberg, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Applied Sciences. Vol. 11 (1), p. 1-25
Journal article

Reactivity and lifetime assessment of an oxygen releasable manganese ore with biomass fuels in a 10 kW<inf>th</inf> pilot rig for chemical looping combustion

Daofeng Mei, Amir H Soleimani Salim, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 215
Journal article

Oxygen-Carrier Development of Calcium Manganite–Based Materials with Perovskite Structure for Chemical-Looping Combustion of Methane

Patrick Moldenhauer, Peter Hallberg, Max Biermann et al
Energy Technology. Vol. 8 (6)
Journal article

Chemical Looping Combustion: Status and Development Challenges

Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 34 (8), p. 9077-9093
Review article

Avoiding CO2 capture effort and cost for negative CO2 emissions using industrial waste in chemical-looping combustion/gasification of biomass

Patrick Moldenhauer, Carl Johan Linderholm, Magnus Rydén et al
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Vol. 25 (1), p. 1-24
Journal article

Moving toward Net-Zero Emissions Requires New Alliances for Carbon Dioxide Removal

Sabine Fuss, Josep G. Canadell, Philippe Ciais et al
One Earth. Vol. 3 (2), p. 145-149
Other text in scientific journal

Influence of heat treatment on manganese ores as oxygen carriers

Tobias Mattisson, Sebastian Sundqvist, Patrick Moldenhauer et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 87, p. 238-245
Journal article

11,000 h of chemical-looping combustion operation—Where are we and where do we want to go?

Anders Lyngfelt, Anders Brink, O. Langørgen et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 88, p. 38-56
Review article

Negative CO 2 emissions - An analysis of the retention times required with respect to possible carbon leakage

Anders Lyngfelt, Daniel Johansson, Erik Lindeberg
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 87, p. 27-33
Journal article

Increasing gas-solids mass transfer in fluidized beds by application of confined fluidization-A feasibility study

Jesper Aronsson, David Pallarès, Magnus Rydén et al
Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol. 9 (4)
Journal article

Improved Gas-Solids Mass Transfer in Fluidized Beds: Confined Fluidization in Chemical-Looping Combustion

Jesper Aronsson, Ewa Krymarys, Viktor Stenberg et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 33 (5), p. 4442-4453
Journal article

Effects of the Choice of Gas on the Hydrodynamics of Fluidized Beds

Jesper Aronsson, Anders Lyngfelt, David Pallarès
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 58 (20), p. 8847-8855
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion in a 100 kW unit using a mixture of synthetic and natural oxygen carriers – Operational results and fate of biomass fuel alkali

Ivan Gogolev, Carl Johan Linderholm, Dan Gall et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 88, p. 371-382
Journal article

Exploring novel hydrogen production processes by integration of steam methane reforming with chemical-looping combustion (CLC-SMR) and oxygen carrier aided combustion (OCAC-SMR)

Viktor Stenberg, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 74, p. 28-39
Journal article

Synthesis and upscaling of perovskite Mn-based oxygen carrier by industrial spray drying route

Marijke Jacobs, Tjalling van der Kolk, Knuth Albertsen et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 70, p. 68-75
Journal article

Materials for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) for gas, liquid and solid fuels: Status of development

Tobias Mattisson, Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
Other conference contribution

Experimental investigation of chemical-looping combustion and chemical-looping gasification of biomass-based fuels using steel converter slag as oxygen carrier

Patrick Moldenhauer, Carl Johan Linderholm, Magnus Rydén et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions
Paper in proceeding

Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) of Solid Fuels (SF-CLC) A Discussion of Operational Experiences, Costs, Upscaling Strategies and Negative Emissions (Bio-CLC)

Anders Lyngfelt, Magnus Rydén, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
GHGT 2018 - 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Negative CO<inf>2</inf> Emissions - An Analysis of the Retention Times Required with Respect to Possible Carbon Leakage

Anders Lyngfelt, Daniel Johansson, Erik Lindeberg
GHGT 2018 - 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Oxygen release from manganese ores relevant for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling conditions

Sebastian Sundqvist, Tobias Mattisson, Henrik Leion et al
Fuel. Vol. 232, p. 693-703
Journal article

1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions - Summary and Highlights

Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt, Christian Azar et al
GHGT 2018 - 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Chemical-looping technologies using circulating fluidized bed systems: Status of development

Tobias Mattisson, Martin Keller, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 172, p. 1-12
Review article

Chemical-Looping Combustion of Kerosene and Gaseous Fuels with a Natural and a Manufactured Mn–Fe-Based Oxygen Carrier

Patrick Moldenhauer, Ana Serrano Olivan, Francisco Garcia-Labiano et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 32 (8), p. 8803-8816
Journal article

Chemical looping combustion of four different solid fuels using a manganese-silicon-titanium oxygen carrier

Matthias Schmitz, Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 70, p. 88-96
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion of biomass in a 100 kW pilot

Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt, Magnus Rydén et al
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Vol. 2017 (25thEUBCE), p. 412-415
Paper in proceeding

The EU-FP7 Project SUCCESS - Scale-up of Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion using Environmentally Sustainable Materials

Stefan Penthor, Tobias Mattisson, Juan Adánez et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 114, p. 395-406
Paper in proceeding

Estimating the Solids Circulation Rate in a 100-kW Chemical Looping Combustor

Carl Johan Linderholm, Matthias Schmitz, Anders Lyngfelt
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 171, p. 351-359
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuel in a 100 kW unit using sintered manganese ore as oxygen carrier

Carl Johan Linderholm, Matthias Schmitz, Max Biermann et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 65, p. 170-181
Journal article

Manganese ores as oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion (CLC) and chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Sebastian Sundqvist, Nazli Khalilian, Henrik Leion et al
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 5 (3), p. 2552-2563
Journal article

Testing of innovative Fe- and Ca-Mn-based oxygen carriers with natural gas in continuous operation

Tobias Mattisson, Patrick Moldenhauer, Peter Hallberg et al
9th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage, Trondheim, Norway, June 12-14, 2017
Conference poster

Chemical-Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels - Status and Recent Progress

Anders Lyngfelt, Carl Johan Linderholm
Energy Procedia. Vol. 114, p. 371-386
Paper in proceeding

Modeling and scale analysis of gaseous fuel reactors in chemical looping combustion systems

Jesper Aronsson, David Pallarès, Anders Lyngfelt
Particuology. Vol. 35, p. 31-41
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Technologies using Circulating Fluidized Bed Systems: Status of Development

Tobias Mattisson, Martin Keller, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
12th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB 2017, p. 11-22
Paper in proceeding

Chemical-looping combustion with heavy liquid fuels in a 10 kW pilot plant

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 156, p. 124-137
Journal article

Oxygen carrier development of calcium manganite-based materials with perovskite structure for chemical looping combustion of methane

Patrick Moldenhauer, Peter Hallberg, Max Biermann et al
Proceedings of the 42nd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, FL, USA, June 11-15, 2017, p. 12-
Other conference contribution

Negative CO2 Emissions with Chemical-Looping Combustion of Biomass - A Nordic Energy Research Flagship Project

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, O. Langørgen et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 114, p. 6074-6082
Paper in proceeding

Chemical-Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels using Manganese Ores as Oxygen Carriers

Matthias Schmitz, Carl Johan Linderholm, Peter Hallberg et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 30 (2), p. 1204-1216
Journal article

Experimental investigation of binary and ternary combined manganese oxides for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Tobias Mattisson, Dazheng Jing, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Fuel. Vol. 164, p. 228-236
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion: An emerging carbon-capture technology

Franz Snijkers, Dazheng Jing, Marijke Jacobs et al
JPT, Journal of Petroleum Technology. Vol. 68 (7), p. 85-86
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels – What is Needed to Reach Full-Scale?,

Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson, Magnus Rydén et al
4th International Conference on Chemical Looping, September 26-28, Nanjing, China
Other conference contribution

Development of CaMn0.775Mg0.1Ti0.1Ti0.125O3-delta oxygen carriers produced from different Mn and Ti sources

Dazheng Jing, M. Jacobs, Peter Hallberg et al
Materials and Design. Vol. 89, p. 527-542
Journal article

Performance of Combined Manganese−Silicon Oxygen Carriers and Effects of Including Titanium

Malin Hanning, Volkmar Frick, Tobias Mattisson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 30 (2), p. 1171-1182
Journal article

Investigation of a calcium manganite as oxygen carrier during 99 h of operation of chemical-looping combustion in a 10 kWth reactor unit

Peter Hallberg, Malin Hanning, Magnus Rydén et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 53, p. 222-229
Journal article

Enhanced performance of manganese ore as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) by combination with Ca(OH)2 through spray-drying

Tobias Mattisson, Carl Johan Linderholm, Erik Jerndal et al
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 4 (4), p. 3707-3717
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion in a 100-kW unit using a mixture of ilmenite and manganese ore as oxygen carrier

Carl Johan Linderholm, Matthias Schmitz, Pavleta Knutsson et al
Fuel. Vol. 166, p. 533-542
Journal article

Use of Manganese Ores as Oxygen Carriers in Chemical-Looping Combustors for Solid Fuels

Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
4th International Conference on Chemical Looping, September 26-28, 2016, Nanjing, China
Other conference contribution

Effect of Production Parameters on the Spray-Dried Calcium Manganite Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion

Dazheng Jing, Frans Snijkers, Peter Hallberg et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 30 (4), p. 3257-3268
Journal article

Enhancing properties of iron and manganese ores as oxygen carriers for chemical looping processes by dry impregnation

S.K. Haider, Golnar Azimi, L. Duan et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 163, p. 41-50
Journal article

Solid fuels in Chemical-Looping Combustion – Feeding of fuel and distribution of volatiles

Anders Lyngfelt
22nd International Conference on Fluidized Bed Conversion, June 14-17, 2015
Other conference contribution

Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels

Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
Calcium and Chemical Looping Technology for Power Generation and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture, p. 299-326
Book chapter

Chemical looping combustion: An emerging carbon capture technology

Frans Snijkers, Dazheng Jing, M. Jacobs et al
SPE - Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, ADIPEC 2015, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 9-12 November 2015
Paper in proceeding

Screening of different manganese ores for chemical-looping combustion (CLC) and chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Sebastian Sundqvist, Mehdi Arjmand, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 43, p. 179-188
Journal article

Screening of supported and unsupported Mn-Si oxygen carriers for CLOU (chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling)

Volkmar Frick, Magnus Rydén, Henrik Leion et al
Energy. Vol. 93, p. 544-554
Journal article

Screening of Combined Mn-Fe-Si Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

Mehdi Arjmand, Volkmar Frick, Magnus Rydén et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 29 (3), p. 1868-1880
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion using combined iron/manganese/silicon oxygen carriers

Malin Hanning, Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 157, p. 330-337
Journal article

A 1000 MWth boiler for chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels - Discussion of design and costs

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Applied Energy. Vol. 157, p. 475-487
Journal article

Emerging CO2 capture systems

J. C. Abanades, B. Arias, Anders Lyngfelt et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 40, p. 126-166
Journal article

Oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion

Anders Lyngfelt
Calcium and Chemical Looping Technology for Power Generation and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture, p. 221-254
Book chapter

Comprehensive study of Mn–Fe–Al oxygen-carriers for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Golnar Azimi, Tobias Mattisson, Henrik Leion et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 34, p. 12-24
Journal article

The 3rd International Conference on Chemical Looping 2014

Anders Lyngfelt, B. Epple, Juan Adánez et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 157, p. 285-287
Other text in scientific journal

Measuring attrition resistance of oxygen carrier particles for chemical looping combustion with a customized jet cup

Magnus Rydén, Patrick Moldenhauer, Simon Lindqvist et al
Powder Technology. Vol. 256, p. 75-86
Journal article

The use of ilmenite as oxygen carrier with kerosene in a 300W CLC laboratory reactor with continuous circulation

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 113, p. 1846-1854
Journal article

Investigation of Different Manganese Ores as Oxygen Carriers in Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) for Solid Fuels

Mehdi Arjmand, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 113, p. 1883-1894
Journal article

Examination of chemical-looping combustion of gaseous fuels by 1-dimensional modeling and experiments

Jesper Aronsson, David Pallarès, Anders Lyngfelt
11th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB 2014; Beijing; China; 14 May 2014 through 17 May 2014, p. 673-678
Paper in proceeding

Sulfur Tolerance of CaxMn1–yMyO3−δ (M = Mg, Ti) Perovskite-Type Oxygen Carriers in Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

Mehdi Arjmand, Roeland F. Kooiman, Magnus Rydén et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (2), p. 1312-1324
Journal article

Operation with Combined Oxides of Manganese and Silica as Oxygen Carriers in a 300 Wth Chemical-looping Combustion Unit

Malin Hanning, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 63, p. 131-139
Paper in proceeding

Combined oxides as oxygen-carrier material for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling

Magnus Rydén, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 113, p. 1924-1932
Journal article

Experimental investigation of CaMnO3-δ based oxygen carriers used in continuous Chemical-Looping Combustion

Peter Hallberg, Malin Hanning, Dazheng Jing et al
International Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 2014 (412517)
Journal article

Sulfur Tolerance and Rate of Oxygen Release of Combined Mn-Si Oxygen Carriers in Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

Mehdi Arjmand, Magnus Rydén, Henrik Leion et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (50), p. 19488-19497
Journal article

CuO-Based Oxygen-Carrier Particles for Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling - Experiments in Batch Reactor and in Continuous Operation

Magnus Rydén, Dazheng Jing, Malin Hanning et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (15), p. 6255-6267
Journal article

Production and examination of oxygen-carrier materials based on manganese ores and Ca(OH)2 in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling

Nasim Mohammad Pour, Golnar Azimi, Henrik Leion et al
AICHE Journal. Vol. 60 (2), p. 645-656
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Combustion with Fuel Oil in a 10 kW Pilot Plant

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (9), p. 5978-5987
Journal article

Operation of a 100 kW chemical-looping combustor with Mexican petroleum coke and Cerrejón coal

Pontus Markström, Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
Applied Energy. Vol. 113, p. 1830-1835
Journal article

Innovative oxygen carriers uplifting chemical-looping combustion,Chemical-looping combustion, natural gas, integrated project, oxygen carrier development

Tobias Mattisson, Juan Adánez, K. Mayer et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 63, p. 113-130
Paper in proceeding

Material balances of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and ilmenite in a 100 kW CLC reactor system

Carl Johan Linderholm, Pavleta Knutsson, Matthias Schmitz et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 27, p. 188-202
Journal article

Mn–Fe Oxides with Support of MgAl2O4, CeO2, ZrO2 and Y2O3–ZrO2 for Chemical-Looping Combustion and Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling

Golnar Azimi, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (25), p. 10358-10365
Journal article

(Fe1-xMnx)TiyO3 based oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion and chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling

Magnus Rydén, Malin Hanning, Dazheng Jing et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 51, p. 85-98
Paper in proceeding

Examination of oxygen uncoupling behaviour and reactivity towards methane for manganese silicate oxygen carriers in chemical-looping combustion

Dazheng Jing, Mehdi Arjmand, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 29, p. 70-81
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Using Combined Iron/Manganese/Silica Oxygen Carriers

Malin Hanning, Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt et al
3rd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 9-11 September 2014, Göteborg
Other conference contribution

Screening of different manganese ores for chemical-looping combustion (CLC) and chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Sebastian Sundqvist, Mehdi Arjmand, Tobias Mattisson et al
11th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB 2014; Beijing; China; 14 May 2014 through 17 May 2014, p. 893-898
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of spray dried oxygen carriers based on manganese ore and Ca(OH)2 for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling

Sebastian Sundqvist, Tobias Mattisson, Henrik Leion et al
Environmental Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future; San Francisco; United States; 3 November 2013 through 8 November 2013, p. 440-441
Paper in proceeding

Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels - Technology overview and recent operational results in 100 kW unit

Anders Lyngfelt, Carl Johan Linderholm
Energy Procedia. Vol. 63, p. 98-112
Paper in proceeding

Combined Oxides of Iron, Manganese and Silica as Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion

Malin Hanning, Peter Hallberg, Magnus Rydén et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 124 (August 2014), p. 87-96
Journal article

Investigation of manganese-iron oxide materials based on manganese ores as oxygen carrier in chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Nasim Mohammad Pour, Golnar Azimi, Henrik Leion et al
Energy Technology. Vol. 2 (5), p. 469-479
Journal article

Carbon capture and storage update

M. E. Boot-Handford, J. C. Abanades, E.J. Anthony et al
Energy and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 7 (1), p. 130-189
Review article

CaMnO3-δ Made from Low Cost Material Examined as Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-looping Combustion

Peter Hallberg, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 63, p. 80-86
Paper in proceeding

Chemical Looping Combustion of Sulphurous Solid Fuels using Spray-Dried Calcium Manganate Particles as Oxygen Carrier

Matthias Schmitz, Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy Procedia. Vol. 63, p. 140-152
Paper in proceeding

Use of Low-Volatile Solid Fuels in a 100 kW Chemical-Looping Combustor

Carl Johan Linderholm, Matthias Schmitz, Pavleta Knutsson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (9), p. 5942-5952
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels - Status of development

Anders Lyngfelt
Applied Energy. Vol. 113, p. 1869-1873
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Coal Combustion – Results from the ACCLAIM project

Carl Johan Linderholm, Juan Adanez, Corinne Beal et al
3rd International Conference on Chemical Looping
Other conference contribution

Attrition of oxygen carrier particles in fluidized bed – basic theory and screening measurements with a customized jet cup test rig

Magnus Rydén, Patrick Moldenhauer, Tobias Mattisson et al
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Chemical Looping, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 9-11, 2014
Other conference contribution

CaMn0.9Mg0.1O3-δ as Oxygen Carrier in a Gas-Fired 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustion Unit

Malin Hanning, Magnus Rydén, Cristina Dueso et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 52 (21), p. 6923-6932
Journal article

Chemical looping combustion (CLC)

Anders Lyngfelt
Fluidized Bed Technologies for Near-Zero Emission Combustion and Gasification, p. 895-930
Book chapter

Iron-manganese oxide supported on MgAl2O4 and ZrO2 as oxygen carrier for Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling

Golnar Azimi, Dazheng Jing, Henrik Leion et al
The 38th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal and fuel Systems, Clearwater Florida, USA, 2nd-6th June 2013
Other conference contribution

Chemical looping combustion

Anders Lyngfelt
Chapter 20 , Fluidized-bed technologies for near-zero emission combustion and gasification, Ed. Scala, F., Woodhead Publishing
Book chapter

Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels in a 10 kW reactor system using natural minerals as oxygen carrier

Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt, Cristina Dueso
Energy Procedia. Vol. 37, p. 598-607
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of Combined Supports for Cu-based Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

Inaki Adanez-Rubio, Mehdi Arjmand, Henrik Leion et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 27 (7), p. 3918-3927
Journal article

On the high-gasification rate of Brazilian manganese ore in chemical-looping combustion (CLC) for solid fuels

Peter Frohn, Mehdi Arjmand, Golnar Azimi et al
AICHE Journal. Vol. 59 (11), p. 4346-4354
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels – Operational Experiences in 100 kW Dual Circulating Fluidized Bed System

Anders Lyngfelt, Pontus Markström, Carl Johan Linderholm
Energy Procedia. Vol. 37, p. 608-617
Paper in proceeding

ZrO2-Supported CuO Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

Mehdi Arjmand, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 37, p. 550-559
Paper in proceeding

Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels – Design and operation of a 100 kW unit with bituminous coal

Pontus Markström, Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 15, p. 150-162
Review article

Fuel reactor model validation: Assessment of the key parameters affecting the chemical-looping combustion of coal

Alberto Abad, Juan Adánez, L. F. de Diego et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 19, p. 541-551
Journal article

Investigation of Different Mn–Fe Oxides as Oxygen Carrier for Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

Golnar Azimi, Henrik Leion, Magnus Rydén et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 27 (1), p. 367-377
Journal article

Analytical model of gas conversion in a 100 kW chemical-looping combustor for solid fuels—Comparison with operational results

Pontus Markström, Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 96, p. 131-141
Review article

Examination of Perovskite Structure CaMnO 3-δ with MgO Addition as Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling Using Methane and Syngas

Dazheng Jing, Tobias Mattisson, Henrik Leion et al
International Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 2013
Journal article

The Effect of Bituminous and Lignite Ash on the Performance of Ilmenite as Oxygen Carrier in Chemical‐Looping Combustion

Muhammad Mufti Azis, Henrik Leion, Erik Jerndal et al
Chemical Engineering and Technology. Vol. 36 (9), p. 1460-1468
Journal article

CaMn0.875Ti0.125O3-δ as oxygen carrier in Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) - solid fuel testing and sulphur interaction

Sebastian Sundqvist, Henrik Leion, Magnus Rydén et al
Energy Technology. Vol. 1 (5-6), p. 338-344
Journal article

Innovative Oxygen Carrier Materials for Chemical-Looping Combustion

Dazheng Jing, Tobias Mattisson, Magnus Rydén et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 37 (2013), p. 645-653
Paper in proceeding

(MnzFe1—z)yOx combined oxides as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling

Golnar Azimi, Magnus Rydén, Henrik Leion et al
AICHE Journal. Vol. 59 (2), p. 582-588
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Combustion with Liquid Fuels

Magnus Rydén, Patrick Moldenhauer, Tobias Mattisson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 37, p. 654-661
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of different manganese ores in chemical-looping combustion (CLC) for solid fuels

Mehdi Arjmand, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Conference on Chemical Looping 2012 – A Concept for Efficient and Clean Use of Fossil Resources, 26th to 28th of September. Vol. Darmstadt, Germany.
Paper in proceeding

Chemical-looping combustion and chemical-looping reforming of kerosene in a circulating fluidized-bed 300W laboratory reactor

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 9, p. 1-9
Journal article

The use of ilmenite as oxygen carrier with kerosene in a 300W CLC laboratory reactor with continuous circulation

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, Darmstadt, Germany, September 26-28, 2012
Conference poster

Chemical-looping combustion and chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling of kerosene with Mn- and Cu-based oxygen carriers in a circulating fluidized-bed 300 W laboratory reactor

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 104, p. 378-389
Journal article

Alstom’s Chemical Looping Prototypes

A Iqbal, Corinne Beal, Herb Andrus et al
37th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems June 3-7, 2012 Clearwater, FL, USA
Other conference contribution

Development of Metal Oxides Chemical Looping Process for Coal-Fired Power Plants

Corinne Beal, Bernd Epple, Anders Lyngfelt et al
2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt
Other conference contribution

Designing and operating a cold-flow model of a 100 kW chemical-looping combustor

Pontus Markström, Anders Lyngfelt
Journal of Logic and Computation. Vol. 222, p. 182-192
Review article

Solid fuel conversion of iron manganese oxide as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Golnar Azimi, Henrik Leion, Magnus Rydén et al
2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt
Other conference contribution

Oxygen Release and Oxidation Rates of MgAl2O4-Supported CuO Oxygen Carrier for Chemical-Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

Mehdi Arjmand, Martin Keller, Henrik Leion et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 26 (11), p. 6528-6539
Journal article

The use of ilmenite as oxygen carrier with kerosene in a 300W CLC laboratory reactor with continuous circulation

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, Darmstadt, Germany, September 26-28, 2012
Other conference contribution

Use of manganese ore in chemical-looping combustion (CLC) – Effect on steam gasification

Mehdi Arjmand, Henrik Leion, Anders Lyngfelt et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 8, p. 56-60
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels – status of development

Anders Lyngfelt
2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt
Other conference contribution

Release of gas phase O2 from ilmenite during chemical-looping combustion experiments

Magnus Rydén, Carl Johan Linderholm, Pontus Markström et al
Chemical Engineering and Technology. Vol. 35 (11), p. 1968-1972
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Combustion in a 100 kW Unit for Solid Fuels

Pontus Markström, Anders Lyngfelt, Carl Johan Linderholm
The 21st International Conference on FBC. Vol. 1, p. 285-292
Paper in proceeding

Combined oxides as oxygen carrier material for chemical-looping combustion with oxygen uncoupling

Magnus Rydén, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2012.
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of CuAl2O4 as an Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-Looping Combustion

Mehdi Arjmand, Abdul-Majeed Azad, Henrik Leion et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 51 (43), p. 13924-13934
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Combustion with Liquid Fuels

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies GHGT-11, Kyoto, Japan, November 18-22, 2012
Conference poster

Oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt, Henrik Leion et al
Conference Proceedings. 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting, AIChE 2012, Pittsburgh, 28 October - 2 November 2012
Paper in proceeding

Chemical - Looping with oxygen uncoupling using Mn/Mg-based oxygen carriers - Oxygen release and reactivity with methane

Alexander Shulman, Erik Cleverstam, Tobias Mattisson et al
Fuel. Vol. 90 (3), p. 941-950
Journal article

Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion-4000 h of Operational Experience

Anders Lyngfelt
Oil and Gas Science and Technology. Vol. 66 (2), p. 161-172
Journal article

A method for determination of reaction enthalpy of oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion - Application to ilmenite

Peter Hallberg, Henrik Leion, Anders Lyngfelt
Thermochimica Acta. Vol. 524 (1-2), p. 62-67
Journal article

Influence of Lime Addition to Ilmenite in Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) with Solid Fuels

G. Teyssie, Henrik Leion, Georg Schwebel et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 25 (8), p. 3843-3853
Journal article

Prospects of Al2O3 and MgAl2O4-Supported CuO Oxygen Carriers in Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) and Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

Mehdi Arjmand, Abdul-Majeed Azad, Henrik Leion et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 25 (11), p. 5493-5502
Journal article

Reactivity of a spray-dried NiO/NiAl(2)O(4) oxygen carrier for chemical-looping combustion

Tobias Mattisson, Erik Jerndal, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 66 (20), p. 4636-4644
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels in a 10 kWth pilot – Batch tests with five fuels

Carl Johan Linderholm, Ana Cuadrat, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy Procedia. 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies; Amsterdam; 19-23 September 2010. Vol. 4, p. 385-392
Other conference contribution

Gasification inhibition in chemical-looping combustion with solid fuels

Martin Keller, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 158 (3), p. 393-400
Journal article

Influence of limestone addition in a 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustion unit operated with petcoke

Ana Cuadrat, Carl Johan Linderholm, Alberto Abad et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 25 (10), p. 4818-4828
Journal article

Chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling using combined Mn-Fe oxides, testing in batch fluidized bed

Golnar Azimi, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
Energy Procedia. 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies; Amsterdam; 19-23 September 2010. Vol. 4, p. 370-377
Paper in proceeding

Materials for chemical-looping combustion

Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Efficient Carbon Capture for Coal Power Plants, Ed. Stolten, D., and Scherer, V., WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.. KGaA, Weinheim (Chapter 17), p. 475-504
Book chapter

CaMn0.875Ti0.125O3 as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping combustion with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) – experiments in a continuously operating fluidized bed reactor system

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 5 (2), p. 356-366
Journal article

Combined manganese/iron oxides as oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) in a circulating fluidized bed reactor system

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Energy Procedia. 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies; Amsterdam; 19-23 September 2010. Vol. 4, p. 341-348
Paper in proceeding

Investigation on ceria- and doped ceria-supported oxygen carriers for CLC applications

Henrik Leion, Ali Hedayati, Abdul-Majeed Azad et al
Technical Workshop at the 3rd Meeting of the IEA-GHG Network on High Temperature Solids Looping Cycles
Other conference contribution

Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels in a Laboratory Fluidized-bed Reactor

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Oil and Gas Science and Technology. Vol. 66 (2), p. 201-208
Journal article

Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels in a 10 kWth Unit

Nicolas Berguerand, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson et al
Oil and Gas Science and Technology. Vol. 66 (2), p. 181-191
Journal article

Coupled CLC and CLOU behaviour for Solid Fuels Conversion

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Proceedings of the 36th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems
Other conference contribution

Using Low-Cost Iron-Based Materials as Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion

Erik Jerndal, Henrik Leion, Louise Lundberg et al
Oil and Gas Science and Technology. Vol. 66 (2), p. 235-248
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Combustion of solid fuels in a laboratory fluidized-bed reactor

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
1st International Conference on Chemical Looping
Paper in proceeding

Reactivity of a NiO/Al2O3 oxygen carrier prepared by impregnation for chemical-looping combustion

Cristina Dueso, Alberto Abad, F. Garcia-Labiano et al
Fuel. Vol. 89 (11), p. 3399-3409
Journal article

Ilmenite with addition of NiO as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping combustion

Magnus Rydén, Marcus Johansson, Erik Cleverstam et al
Fuel. Vol. 89 (11), p. 3523-3533
Journal article

The Application of a Multistage-Bed Model for Residence-Time Analysis in Chemical-Looping Combustion of Solid Fuel

Pontus Markström, Nicolas Berguerand, Anders Lyngfelt
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 65 (18), p. 5055-5066
Journal article

On evaluation of synthetic and natural ilmenite using syngas as fuel in chemical-looping combustion (CLC)

Muhammad Mufti Azis, Erik Jerndal, Henrik Leion et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 88 (11A), p. 1505-1514
Journal article

Oxygen Carriers for Chemcial-Looping Combustion

Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
5th Forum on New Materials, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 15, 2010.
Other conference contribution

Batch Testing of Solid Fuels with Ilmenite in a 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustor

Nicolas Berguerand, Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel. Vol. 89 (8), p. 1749-1762
Journal article

Investigation of NiO/NiAl2O4 Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion Produced by Spray-Drying

Erik Jerndal, Tobias Mattisson, Ivo Thijs et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 4 (1), p. 23-35
Journal article

Effect of fuel particle size on reaction rate in chemical looping combustion

M. Iggland, Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson et al
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 65 (22), p. 5841-5851
Journal article

H2 production utilizing chemical looping for CO2 capture

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Chemical Looping: An Alternative Concept for Efficient and Clean Use of Fossil Resources, Lyon, France, 17-19 March 2010.
Other conference contribution

Fe2O3 on Ce-, Ca- or Mg-stabilized ZrO2 as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping combustion using NiO as additive

Magnus Rydén, Marcus Johansson, Erik Cleverstam et al
AICHE Journal. Vol. 56 (8), p. 2211-2220
Journal article

Investigation of NiO-based mixed oxides in a 300-W chemical-looping combustor

Carl Johan Linderholm, Erik Jerndal, Tobias Mattisson et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 88 (5-6A), p. 661-672
Journal article

Natural minerals as oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion in a dual circulating fluidized bed system

Tobias Pröll, K Mayer, Johannes Bolhàr-Nordenkampf et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 1, p. 27-34
Magazine article

Developing chemical-looping steam reforming and chemical-looping autothermal reforming

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Alexander Shulman et al
Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations - Results from the CO2 Capture Project, Volume 3: Advances in CO2 Capture and Storage Technology (2004-2009), p. 181-200
Book chapter

High temperature behavior of NiO-based oxygen carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion

Rein Kuusik, Andres Trikkel, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 1, p. 3885-3892
Magazine article

Solid fuels in chemical-looping combustion using oxide scale and unprocessed iron ore as oxygen carriers

Henrik Leion, Erik Jerndal, Britt-Marie Steenari et al
Fuel. Vol. 88 (10), p. 1945-1954
Journal article

Effects of steam and CO2 in the fluidizing gas when using bituminous coal in chemical-looping combustion

Henrik Leion, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion (1), p. 608-611
Paper in proceeding

NiO supported on Mg-ZrO2 as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping combustion and chemical-looping reforming

Magnus Rydén, Marcus Johansson, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Energy and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 2 (9), p. 970-981
Journal article

Use of ores and industrial products as oxygen carriers in chemical-looping combustion

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 23 (4), p. 2307-2315
Journal article

Solid fuels in chemical-looping combustion using a NiO-based oxygen carrier

Henrik Leion, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 87 (11), p. 1543-1550
Journal article

Investigation of Different NiO/NiAl2O4 Particles as Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion

Erik Jerndal, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 23 (2), p. 665-676
Journal article

Chemical-Looping Combustion of Petroleun Coke using Ilmenite in a 10 kWth unit - High Temperature Operation

Nicolas Berguerand, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 23 (10), p. 12-
Journal article

Chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling for combustion of solid fuels

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt, Henrik Leion
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 3 (1), p. 11-19
Journal article

Long-term integrity testing of spray-dried particles in a 10-kW chemical-looping combustor

Carl Johan Linderholm, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel. Vol. 88 (11), p. 2083-2096
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion with natural gas using spray-dried NiO-based oxygen carriers

Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt, Corinne Béal et al
Advances in CO2 Capture and Storage Technology (2004-2009). Vol. 3, p. 67-74
Book chapter

Operation in a 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustor for Solid Fuel - Testing with a Mexican Petroleum Coke

Nicolas Berguerand, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy Procedia: 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-9; Washington DC; United States; 16 November 2008 through 20 November 2008. Vol. 1 (1), p. 407-414
Paper in proceeding

Use of CaMn0.875Ti0.125O3 as oxygen carrier in chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling

Henrik Leion, Y. Larring, E. Bakken et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 23 (10), p. 5276-5283
Journal article

Waste products from the steel industry with NiO as additive as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping combustion

Magnus Rydén, Erik Cleverstam, Anders Lyngfelt et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 3 (6), p. 693-703
Journal article

Manganese/iron, manganese/nickel, and manganese/silicon oxides used in chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) for combustion of methane

Alexander Shulman, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 23 (10), p. 5269-5275
Journal article

High reactivity and mechanical durability of NiO/NiAl2O 4 and NiO/NiAl2O4/MgAl2O4 oxygen carrier particles used for more than 1000 h in a 10 kW CLC reactor

Alexander Shulman, Carl Johan Linderholm, Tobias Mattisson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 48 (15), p. 7400-7405
Journal article

Chemical-looping Combustion CO2 Ready Gas Power

Tobias Mattisson, Juan Adanez, Tobias Pröll et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 1, p. 1557-1564
Magazine article

Chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling using CuO/ZrO2 with petroleum coke

Tobias Mattisson, Henrik Leion, Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel. Vol. 88 (4), p. 683-690
Journal article

Towards Sustainabel Oil Refinery - Pre-study for larger co-operation project

Thore Berntsson, Lennart Persson Elmeroth, Jessica Algehed et al

The use of ilmenite as an oxygen carrier in chemical-looping combustion

Henrik Leion, Anders Lyngfelt, Marcus Johansson et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 86, p. 1017-1026
Journal article

CO2 capture from direct combustion of solid fuels with Chemical-Looping Combustion

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
The proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems
Other conference contribution

Chemical-looping combustion - status of development

Anders Lyngfelt, Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson
9th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds May 13 - May 16, Hamburg 2008
Paper in proceeding

Chemical-Looping Combustion and Chemical-Looping Reforming in a Circulating Fluidized-Bed Reactor Using Ni-Based Oxygen Carriers

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 22 (4), p. 2585-2597
Journal article

The reaction of NiO/NiAl2O4 particles with alternating methane and oxygen

Tobias Mattisson, Marcus Johansson, Erik Jerndal et al
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 86, p. 756-767
Journal article

Novel oxygen-carrier materials for chemical-looping combustion and chemical-looping reforming; LaxSr1─xFeyCo1─yO3─δ perovskites and mixed-metal oxides of NiO, Fe2O3 and Mn3O4

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 2 (1), p. 21-36
Journal article

Design and Operation of a 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustor for Solid Fuels - Testing with South African Coal

Nicolas Berguerand, Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel. Vol. 87 (12), p. 14-2726
Journal article

160 hours of chemical-looping combustion in a 10 kW reactor system with a NiO-based oxygen carrier

Carl Johan Linderholm, Alberto Abad, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 2 (4), p. 520-530
Journal article

Combustion of a German lignite using chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
The Proceedings of 33rd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems
Other conference contribution

Using chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) for combustion six different of solid fuels

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy Procedia. Vol. 1 (1), p. 447-453
Magazine article

Using continuous and pulse experiments to compare two promising nickel-based oxygen carriers for use in chemical-looping technologies

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Fuel. Vol. 87 (6), p. 988-1001
Journal article

The Use of Petroleum Coke as Fuel in a 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustor

Nicolas Berguerand, Anders Lyngfelt
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 2 (2), p. 11-179
Journal article

NiO particles with Ca and Mg based additives produced by spray-drying as oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion

Erik Jerndal, Tobias Mattisson, T Thijs et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 1 (1), p. 479-486
Magazine article

The use of petroleum coke as fuel in chemical-looping combustion

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel. Vol. 86 (12-13), p. 1947-1958
Journal article

Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels

Anders Lyngfelt
Greenhouse Gas Issues (85), p. 12-13
Magazine article

The use of iron oxide as oxygen carrier in a chemical-looping reactor

Alberto Abad, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Fuel. Vol. 86 (7-8), p. 1021-1035
Journal article

Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels

Anders Lyngfelt
Greenhouse Gas Issues (87), p. 9-10
Magazine article

Chemical-looping combustion using syngas as fuel

Tobias Mattisson, Francisco Garcia-Labiano, B Kronberger et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 1, p. 158-169
Journal article

Solid fuels in chemical-looping combustion

Henrik Leion, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 2, p. 180-193
Journal article

Use of NiO/NiAl2O4 Particles in a 10 kW Chemical-Looping Combustor

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 45 (17), p. 5911-5919
Journal article

Creating a Synergy Effect by Using Mixed Oxides of Iron- and Nickel Oxides in the Combustion of Methane in a Chemical-Looping Combustion Reactor

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 20 (6), p. 2399-2407
Journal article

Carbon Capture via Chemical-Looping Combustion and Reforming

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Magnus Rydén et al
International Seminar on Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24-27 Oct, 2006
Other conference contribution

Chemical-looping combustion as a new CO2 management technology

Tobias Mattisson, Qamar Zafar, Marcus Johansson et al
First Regional Symposium on Carbon Management, Dhahran, Saudi-Arabia, May 22-24, 2006
Other conference contribution

Combustion of Syngas and Natural Gas in a 300 W Chemical-Looping Combustor

Eva Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 84 (A9), p. 819-827
Journal article

Synthesis gas generation by chemical-looping reforming in a continuously operating laboratory reactor

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Fuel. Vol. 85 (12-13), p. 1631-1641
Journal article

CO2 Capture from Coal Combustion Using Chemical-Looping Combustion - Reactivity Investigation of Fe, Ni and Mn Based Oxygen Carriers Using Syngas

Tobias Mattisson, Marcus Johansson, Anders Lyngfelt
The Clearwater Coal Conference, 2006. Clearwater FL
Other conference contribution

Thermal analysis of chemical-looping combustion

Erik Jerndal, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 84 (A9), p. 795-806
Journal article

Defluidization conditions for fluidized-bed of iron, nickel, and manganese oxide containing oxygen-carriers for chemical-looping combustion

Paul In-Young Cho, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 45 (3), p. 968-977
Journal article

Comparison of Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion Using Methane-Rich Fuels

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
19th FBC Conference, May 21-24, 2006, Vienna
Paper in proceeding

Circulating Fluidised Bed Reactor Systems for Chemical-Looping Combustion

B Kronberger, Anders Lyngfelt, J Adanez et al
19tt FBC Conference, May 21-24, 2006, Vienna
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of Mn3O4 with Stabilized ZrO2 for Chemical-Looping Combustion

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 84 (A9), p. 807-818
Journal article

A 300 W laboratory reactor system for chemical-looping combustion with particle circulation

Eva Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Fuel. Vol. 85 (10-11), p. 1428-1438
Journal article

Comparison of Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Thermal Science. Vol. 10 (3), p. 93-107
Journal article

Two novel approaches for hydrogen production; chemical-looping reforming and steam reforming with carbon dioxide capture by chemical-looping combustion

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Proceedings of the 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Lyon, France, June 2006.
Other conference contribution

Production of H2 and synthesis gas by chemical-looping reforming

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Proceedings of the the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway, June 2006.
Other conference contribution

Chemical-looping combustion in a 300 W continuously operating reactor system using a manganese-based oxygen carrier

Alberto Abad, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Fuel. Vol. 85 (9), p. 1174-1185
Journal article

The Nordic CO2 Sequestration (NoCO2) project

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt, Ron Zevenhoven et al
8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway, 19-22 June, 2006
Other conference contribution

Using steam reforming to produce hydrogen with carbon dioxide capture by chemical-looping combustion

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 31 (10), p. 1271-1283
Journal article

CO2 capture from coal combustion using chemical-looping combustion

Tobias Mattisson, Francisco Garcia-Labiano, Bernhard Kronberger et al
8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway, 19-22 June 2006
Other conference contribution

The use of NiO as an Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-Looping Combustion

Tobias Mattisson, Marcus Johansson, Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel. Vol. 85, p. 736-747
Journal article

Capture of CO2 in coal combustion

Tobias Mattisson, Juan Carlos Abanades, Anders Lyngfelt et al

Design and Fluid Dynamic Analysis of a Bench-Scale Combustion System with CO2 Separation-Chemical-Looping Combustion

B. Kronberger, Anders Lyngfelt, G. Löffler et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 44 (3), p. 546-556
Journal article

Comparison of Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
International Symposium "Moving Towards Zero-Emission Plants", Leptokarya Pieria, Greece, June 20th-22nd 2005
Other conference contribution

Novel Capture Processes

Lars Eide, Marie Anheden, Anders Lyngfelt et al
Oil and Gas Science and Technology. Vol. 60 (3), p. 497-508
Journal article

Construction and 100 h of operational experience of a 10-kW chemical looping combustor

Anders Lyngfelt, Hilmer Thunman
Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations - Results from the CO2 Capture Project, Volume 1 - Capture and Separation of Carbon Dioxide From Combustion Sources /Ed.: Thomas, D., p. 625-646
Book chapter

Carbon Formation on Nickel and Iron Oxide-Containing Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion

Paul In-Young Cho, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 44 (4), p. 668-676
Journal article

Multicycle Reduction and Oxidation of Different Types of Iron Oxide Particles-Application to Chemical-Looping Combustion

Tobias Mattisson, Marcus Johansson, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 18 (3), p. 628-637
Journal article

Integrated hydrogen and power production from natural gas with CO2 capture

Tobias Mattisson, Qamar Zafar, Anders Lyngfelt et al
15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Yokohama, 27th June-2 July, 2004.
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of Fe2O3 with MgAl2O4 for chemical-looping combustion

Marcus Johansson, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 43 (22), p. 6978-6987
Journal article

A Two-Compartment Fluidized Bed Reactor for CO2 Capture by Chemical-Looping Combustion

B. Kronberger, Eva Johansson, G. Löffler et al
Chemical Engineering & Technology. Vol. 27 (12), p. 1318-1326
Journal article

The GRACE project. Development of oxygen carrier particles for chemical-looping combustion. Design and operation of a 10 kW chemical-looping combustor

Anders Lyngfelt, B. Kronberger, Juan Adánez et al
7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Vancouver, Canada, 5th-9th September 2004.
Paper in proceeding

Hydrogen and power production with integrated carbon dioxide capture by chemical-looping reforming

Magnus Rydén, Anders Lyngfelt
7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Vancouver, Canada, 5-9 September 2004
Paper in proceeding

A New Combustion Technology

Anders Lyngfelt
Greenhouse Gas Issues. Vol. 73, p. 2-3
Magazine article

Comparison of iron-, nickel-, copper- and manganese-based oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion

Paul In-Young Cho, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel. Vol. 83, p. 1215-1225
Journal article

A Two-Component Fluidized Bed for Chemical-Looping Combustion - Design and Experiments

Eva Johansson, B. Kronberger, G. Löffler et al
Seventh International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Lisabon, Portugal, 7-10 July
Paper in proceeding

Reactivity of some metal oxides supported on alumina with alternating methane and oxygen - Application for chemical-looping combustion

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Järdnäs, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 17 (3), p. 643-651
Journal article

Gas leakage measurements in a cold model of an interconnected fluidized bed for chemical-looping combustion

Eva Johansson, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson et al
Powder Technology. Vol. 134 (3), p. 210-217
Journal article

An 865 MW Lignite Fired CO2 Free Power Plant - A Technical Feasibility Study

Klas Andersson, H. Birkestad, P. Maksinen et al
Sixth Int. Conf. on Greenhouse Gas
Paper in proceeding

A fluidized bed combustion process with inherent CO2 separation; application of chemical looping combustion

Bo G Leckner, Anders Lyngfelt
Arbeitssitzung des Fachausschusses "Energiverfahrens-technik" der VDI-GVC
Book chapter

Reactivity of Iron Oxide with Methane in a Laboratory Fluidized Bed - Appliction of Chemical-Looping Combustion

P. Cho, Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
7th Int. Conf. Circulating Fluidized Beds, p. 717-724
Paper in proceeding

A Circulating fluidized bed combustor system with inherent CO2 separation - application of chemical looping combustion

Eva Johansson, Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson et al
7th Int. Conf. on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Niagara Falls, Ontario, May 5-7, 2002, p. 717-724
Paper in proceeding

Optimization of emissions from fluidized bed combustion of coal, biofuel and waste

Bo G Leckner, Anders Lyngfelt
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 26, p. 1191-1202
Journal article

Methods for measuring the concentrations of SO2 and of gaseous reduced sulphur compounds in the combustion chamber of a circulating fluidized bed boiler

M.J. Fernández, H. Kassman, Anders Lyngfelt
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 78, p. 1138-1144
Journal article

A fluidized-bed combustion process with inherent CO2 separation; Application of chemical-looping combustion

Anders Lyngfelt, Tobias Mattisson
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 56 (10), p. 3101-3113
Journal article

Concentration of sulphur compounds in the combustion chamber of a circulating fluidised-bed boiler

M.J. Fernández, Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel. Vol. 80, p. 321-326
Journal article

A fluidized-bed combustion process with inherent CO2 separation; application of chemical-looping combustion

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner, Tobias Mattisson
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 56 (10), p. 3101-3113
Journal article

Koldioxid kan slutlagras i jorden

Anders Lyngfelt
Forskning och Framsteg. Vol. 7, p. 39-43
Magazine article

The use of iron oxide as an oxygen carrier in chemical-looping combustion of methane with inherent separation of CO2

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt, Paul In-Young Cho
Fuel. Vol. 80 (13), p. 1953-1962
Journal article

Gas concentrations in the lower part of the combustion chamber of a circulating fluidised bed boiler - Influence of bed height

M.J. Fernández, Anders Lyngfelt, Filip Johnsson
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 14, p. 1127-1132
Journal article

Reaction between limestone and SO2 under conditions alternating between oxidizing and reducing. The effect of short cycle times

M.J. Fernández, Anders Lyngfelt, Britt-Marie Steenari
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 14 (3), p. 654-662
Journal article

Possibility of using iron oxide as an oxygen carrier for combustion of methane with removal of CO2 - Application of chemical-looping combustion

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt, P. Cho
Fifth Int. Conf. on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Cairns, Australia, August 13-16, 2000.
Book chapter

Reaction between limestone and SO2 under conditions alternating between oxidizing and reducing. The effect of the SO2 concentration

M.J. Fernández, Anders Lyngfelt, Britt-Marie Steenari
Journal of Institute of Energy. Vol. 73, p. 119-125
Journal article

Sulphur capture in circulating fluidized bed boilers - can the efficiency be predicted?

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 54, p. 5573-5584
Journal article

The reaction between limestone and SO2 under periodically changing oxidizing and reducing conditions - Effect of temperature and limestone type

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Journal of the Institute of Energy, p. 190-196
Book chapter

Förbränning med syrebärare: en teknik för att avskilja CO2 med små energiförluster

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Sveriges Energiting
Book chapter

The reaction between limestone and SO2 under periodically changing oxidizing and reducing conditions - Effect of temperature and limestone type

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Thermochimica Acta. Vol. 325 (1), p. 59-67
Journal article

Technologies for CO2 separation

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Minisymposium on carbon dioxide capture and storage, School of Environmental Sciences, CTH and GU, ed. Lygnfelt, A , Azar C., p. 25-35
Other conference contribution

Nitrous oxide from fluidized bed boilers

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Bo G Leckner
Ecyclopedia of Environment Analysis and Remeditation / Meyers, R.A.. Vol. 5, p. 3053-3062
Book chapter

Reversed air staging - a method for reduction of N2O emissions from fluidized bed combustion of coal

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Bo G Leckner
Fuel. Vol. 77 (9-10), p. 953-959
Journal article

Ash behaviour in a CFB boiler during combustion of coal, peat or wood

B.-J. Skrifvars, R. Backman, M. Hupa et al
Fuel. Vol. 77 (1-2), p. 65-70
Journal article

A sulphur capture model for fluidized bed boilers

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 53, p. 1165-1175
Journal article

Reaction between sulphur dioxide and limestone under periodically canging oxidizing and reducing conditions - Effect of cycle time.

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 12, p. 905-912
Journal article

A method of evaluating limestone reactivity with SO2 under fluidized bed combustion conditions

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 76, p. 762-771
Magazine article

Reaction between sulphur dioxide and limestone under periodically changing oxidizing and reducing conditions - the effect of reducing gases

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Journal of the Institute of Energy. Vol. 71, p. 190-196
Journal article

Sulphur capture in circulating fluidized-bed boilers: decomposition of CaSO4 under local reducing conditions

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Journal of the Institute of Energy. Vol. 71, p. 27-32
Journal article

Fuel Loading of a Fluidized Bed Combustor Burning Bituminous Coal, Peat or Wood Chips

Lars-Erik Åmand, Anders Lyngfelt, Maria Karlsson et al

Reversed air staging - a method to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from circulating fluidized bed boilers

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Elke Müller et al
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Nitrous Oxide Emissions, Cologne, Ber. Bergische Univ. Gesamthochsch. Wuppertal Fachbereich 9 Phys. Chem. (41), p. 75-82
Paper in proceeding

Methods for reducing the emission of nitrous oxide from circulating fluidized bed combustion

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Lennart Gustavsson et al
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 37 (6-8), p. 1297-1302
Journal article

Progress of combustion in the furnace of a circulating fluidised bed boiler

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Bo G Leckner
Twenty-sixth Symposium (International) on Combustion, p. 3253-3259
Paper in proceeding

Obtaining Low N2O, NO, and SO2 Emissions from Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers by Reversing the Air Staging Conditions

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Bo G Leckner
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 9 (2), p. 386-387
Journal article

Calcium sulphide formation in fluidized bed boilers

Anders Lyngfelt, Vratislav Langer, Britt-Marie Steenari et al
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 73 (2), p. 228-233
Journal article

Reduction of N2O Emissions from Fluidised Combustion by Reversed Air Staging

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Maria Karlsson et al
Second International Conference on Combustion and Emissions Control, The Institute of Energy, London, p. 89-100
Paper in proceeding

Low N2O, NO and SO2 emissions from circulating fluidized bed boilers

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Bo G Leckner
Proc. Int. Conf. Fluid. Bed Combustion. Vol. 13, p. 1049-1057
Other conference contribution

The presence of CaS in the combustion chamber of a 12 MW circulating fluidized bed boiler

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Lyngfelt
Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. Vol. 2, p. 819-829
Journal article

Dependence of Sulphur Capture Performance on Air Staging in a 12 MW Circulating Fluidised Bed Boiler

Anders Lyngfelt, Klas Bergqvist, Filip Johnsson et al
Gas Cleaning at High Temperatures, Eds. R. Clift and J.P.K. Seville, Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow, ISBN 0 7514 0178 1., p. 470-491
Book chapter

Model of sulphur capture in fluidised-bed boilers under conditions changing between oxidising and reducing

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 48 (6), p. 1131-1141
Journal article

SO2 capture and N2O reduction in a circulating fluidized-bed boiler: influence of temperature and air staging

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Fuel. Vol. 72 (11), p. 1553-1561
Journal article

Residence time distribution of sorbent particles in a circulating fluidised bed boiler

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Powder Technology. Vol. 70 (3), p. 285-292
Journal article

Emission Control With Additives in CFB Coal Combustion

Margareta Mjörnell, Bo G Leckner, Maria Karlsson et al
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fluid. Bed Combustion. Vol. 11, p. 655-664
Other conference contribution

Sorbent size reduction and conversion versus particle size in fluidized bed boilers

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Proc. of the Intitute of Energy's Fifth International Fluidised Combustion Conference, London, p. 179-190
Paper in proceeding

SO2 capture in fluidised-bed boilers: re-emission of SO2 due to reduction of CaSO4

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 44 (2), p. 207-213
Journal article

The Effect of Reductive Decomposition of CaSO4 on Sulphur Capture in Fluidised Bed Boilers

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Proc. Int. Conf. Fluid. Bed Combustion. Vol. 10, p. 675-684
Other conference contribution

Sulphur capture in fluidized bed boilers: the effect of reductive decomposition of CaSO4

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 40 (2), p. 59-69
Journal article

Sulphur capture in fluidized-bed combustors: temperature-dependence and lime conversion

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Journal of the Institute of Energy. Vol. 62 (450), p. 62-72
Journal article

Wet Peat Power Processes - A Thermodynamic Study

Anders Lyngfelt, Pär Stenberg
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. Vol. 110 (2), p. 155-160
Journal article

The effect of reducing conditions on sulphur capture - a comparison of three boilers

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Bo G Leckner
Proc. of The Institute of Energy's Fourth International Fluidised Combustion Conference, London, p. pp. II/10/1-11,
Other conference contribution

A Thermodynamic Study of a Wet Air Oxidation Power Process

Anders Lyngfelt, Bo G Leckner
Proc. Intersoc. Energy Conversion Eng. Conf.. Vol. 17, p. 445-449
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 14 research projects


Högeffektiv syrebärare av billiga råvaror för användning i kemcyklisk förbränning av biomassa

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology

1 publication exists

Chemical-looping combustion of biomass and waste – pilot operation and prestudy

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

3 publications exist

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), part 2

Tobias Mattisson Energy Technology
Henrik Leion Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 2
Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
Magnus Rydén Energy Technology
Carl Johan Linderholm Energy Technology


Carbon capture and storage (CCS)

Tobias Mattisson Energy Technology
Carl Johan Linderholm Energy Technology
Henrik Leion Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 2
Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
Duygu Yilmaz Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 2


Chemical Looping gAsification foR sustainAble production of biofuels (CLARA))

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
European Commission (EC)

8 publications exist

OxyCar-FBC, Oxygen Carriers in Fluidized Bed Combustion of Biomass

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

9 publications exist

Förbränningskemi för biomassa med syrebärarmaterial

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
Swedish Research Council (VR)

22 publications exist

Kvävekemi i kemcyklisk förbränning och i förbränning med syrebärare

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Negative CO2 emissions in the Nordic energy systems

Magnus Rydén Energy Technology
Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
Carl Johan Linderholm Energy Technology
Ulf Stenman Energy Technology
Klas Andersson Energy Technology
Nordic Energy Research (NER)

3 publications exist

Novel combustion principle with inherent capture of CO2 using combined manganese oxides that release oxygen (NOCO2)

David Pallarès Energy Technology
Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
European Commission (EC)

20 publications exist

Ny teknik för infångning av koldioxid vid förbränning av fasta bränslen – undersökning av koksförgasning i närvaro av manganoxid och Mn-Fe-oxid som avger syre

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
Henrik Leion Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Swedish Energy Agency


Aerosols effects on convective clouds and climate (ACCLAIM)

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
European Commission (EC)


Innovative Oxygen Carriers Uplifting chemical-looping combustion (INNOCUOUS)

Anders Lyngfelt Energy Technology
European Commission (EC)

10 publications exist
There might be more projects where Anders Lyngfelt participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.