Anders Lyngfelt
Research Before 1998 Lyngfelt’s his main field of research was related to fluidized bed combustion with focus on sulphur capture process Lyngfelt has made Chalmers world-leading in chemical-looping combustion (CLC), initiating this research in 1998. CLC is a novel combustion technology where fuel and combustion air are not direct incontact, instead the oxygen needed for combustion is transferred from air to fuel by means of an oxygen carrier. Thus, the combustion products, i.e. carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour, are not diluted with the nitrogen in the air, and therefore an essentially pure CO2 is obtained after condensing the water vapour. This means that CO2 capture is accomplished without the expensive and energy demanding separation normally needed. It is expected that CLC could lower the cost of CO2 capture with a factor two to four. Chalmers was first to successfully demonstrate this novel combustion principle in 100 h operation of a 10 kW pilot. The research focus is now negative CO2 emissions and, in addition to bio-CLC, Lyngfelt has studied the consequences of leakage of stored CO2. IJGGC-19 Lyngfelt has proposed a policy instrument aimed at fulfilling the target of maximum 1.5 degree warming, which imposes a CO2 emitter liability. Thus, the emitter is obliged to remove his emissions from the atmosphere and to accomplish this, the emitter is enforced to pay for deposit deeds corresponding to his emissions. The deposit deeds, including returns, are redeemed upon certified proof of removals. ACORDs Lyngfelt is the author/co-author of 248 scientific publications, with 21,515 citations, and an H index of 76 (Scopus, May 2024) and Lyngfelt is in the list 2019 Highly cited researchers, Web of Science. Worldwide ScholarGPS ranked Lyngfelt as No. 1 on Solid fuel, No. 9 on Greenhouse gas and No. 11 on Combustion. Chalmers’ CLC publications: Lyngfelt’s publications: Conferences Lyngfelt brought the 3rd International Conference on Chemical-Looping, Chalmers, Gothenburg 2014, to Sweden. Lyngfelt further initiated the start of a new conference series: 1st International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions, 2nd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions,, Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14-17, 2022, [3]. The three conferences were organized by Carl Linderholm.
Publications and recognition
Lyngfelt has been ranked as the 2nd most productive and cited researcher in Sweden in the area of physics and technology (Fokus, Sveriges Nyhetsmagasin, October 3, 2019).
Lyngfelt was ranked as the 2nd Best Engineering and Technology Scientists in Sweden:
The journal Energy & Fuels has honoured the work by Lyngfelt with a Special Issue: "Pioneers in Energy Research: Anders Lyngfelt" .
Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 22-24, 2018.

Visar 319 publikationer
Interaction Between Alkali Chlorides and Ilmenite in Chemical Looping Combustion
Investigation of LD-slag as oxygen carrier for CLC in a 10 kW unit using high-volatile biomasses
Operational experiences of chemical-looping combustion with 18 manganese ores in a 300W unit
Study of the interaction between a Mn ore and alkali chlorides in chemical looping combustion
Alkali emissions characterization in chemical looping combustion of wood, wood char, and straw fuels
Performance of an oxy-polishing step in the 100 kWth chemical looping combustion prototype
An experimental study of a volatiles distributor for solid fuels chemical-looping combustion process
Experimental Investigation of Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion (OCAC) with Methane and PSA Off-Gas
Chemical Looping Combustion: Status and Development Challenges
Moving toward Net-Zero Emissions Requires New Alliances for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Influence of heat treatment on manganese ores as oxygen carriers
11,000 h of chemical-looping combustion operation—Where are we and where do we want to go?
Effects of the Choice of Gas on the Hydrodynamics of Fluidized Beds
Synthesis and upscaling of perovskite Mn-based oxygen carrier by industrial spray drying route
Oxygen release from manganese ores relevant for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling conditions
1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions - Summary and Highlights
Chemical-looping technologies using circulating fluidized bed systems: Status of development
Chemical-looping combustion of biomass in a 100 kW pilot
Estimating the Solids Circulation Rate in a 100-kW Chemical Looping Combustor
Testing of innovative Fe- and Ca-Mn-based oxygen carriers with natural gas in continuous operation
Chemical-Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels - Status and Recent Progress
Modeling and scale analysis of gaseous fuel reactors in chemical looping combustion systems
Chemical-Looping Technologies using Circulating Fluidized Bed Systems: Status of Development
Chemical-looping combustion with heavy liquid fuels in a 10 kW pilot plant
Chemical-Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels using Manganese Ores as Oxygen Carriers
Chemical-looping combustion: An emerging carbon-capture technology
Chemical-Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels – What is Needed to Reach Full-Scale?,
Performance of Combined Manganese−Silicon Oxygen Carriers and Effects of Including Titanium
Use of Manganese Ores as Oxygen Carriers in Chemical-Looping Combustors for Solid Fuels
Solid fuels in Chemical-Looping Combustion – Feeding of fuel and distribution of volatiles
Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels
Chemical looping combustion: An emerging carbon capture technology
Screening of Combined Mn-Fe-Si Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)
Chemical-looping combustion using combined iron/manganese/silicon oxygen carriers
A 1000 MWth boiler for chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels - Discussion of design and costs
Oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion
Comprehensive study of Mn–Fe–Al oxygen-carriers for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)
The 3rd International Conference on Chemical Looping 2014
Combined oxides as oxygen-carrier material for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling
Chemical-Looping Combustion with Fuel Oil in a 10 kW Pilot Plant
Operation of a 100 kW chemical-looping combustor with Mexican petroleum coke and Cerrejón coal
Material balances of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and ilmenite in a 100 kW CLC reactor system
Chemical-Looping Using Combined Iron/Manganese/Silica Oxygen Carriers
Combined Oxides of Iron, Manganese and Silica as Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion
Carbon capture and storage update
CaMnO3-δ Made from Low Cost Material Examined as Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-looping Combustion
Use of Low-Volatile Solid Fuels in a 100 kW Chemical-Looping Combustor
Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels - Status of development
Chemical-Looping Coal Combustion – Results from the ACCLAIM project
CaMn0.9Mg0.1O3-δ as Oxygen Carrier in a Gas-Fired 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustion Unit
Chemical looping combustion (CLC)
ZrO2-Supported CuO Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)
Innovative Oxygen Carrier Materials for Chemical-Looping Combustion
(MnzFe1—z)yOx combined oxides as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling
Chemical-Looping Combustion with Liquid Fuels
Evaluation of different manganese ores in chemical-looping combustion (CLC) for solid fuels
Alstom’s Chemical Looping Prototypes
Development of Metal Oxides Chemical Looping Process for Coal-Fired Power Plants
Designing and operating a cold-flow model of a 100 kW chemical-looping combustor
Use of manganese ore in chemical-looping combustion (CLC) – Effect on steam gasification
Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels – status of development
Release of gas phase O2 from ilmenite during chemical-looping combustion experiments
Chemical-Looping Combustion in a 100 kW Unit for Solid Fuels
Combined oxides as oxygen carrier material for chemical-looping combustion with oxygen uncoupling
Evaluation of CuAl2O4 as an Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-Looping Combustion
Chemical-Looping Combustion with Liquid Fuels
Oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels
Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion-4000 h of Operational Experience
Influence of Lime Addition to Ilmenite in Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) with Solid Fuels
Reactivity of a spray-dried NiO/NiAl(2)O(4) oxygen carrier for chemical-looping combustion
Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels in a 10 kWth pilot – Batch tests with five fuels
Gasification inhibition in chemical-looping combustion with solid fuels
Influence of limestone addition in a 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustion unit operated with petcoke
Chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling using combined Mn-Fe oxides, testing in batch fluidized bed
Materials for chemical-looping combustion
Investigation on ceria- and doped ceria-supported oxygen carriers for CLC applications
Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels in a Laboratory Fluidized-bed Reactor
Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels in a 10 kWth Unit
Coupled CLC and CLOU behaviour for Solid Fuels Conversion
Using Low-Cost Iron-Based Materials as Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion
Chemical-Looping Combustion of solid fuels in a laboratory fluidized-bed reactor
Reactivity of a NiO/Al2O3 oxygen carrier prepared by impregnation for chemical-looping combustion
Ilmenite with addition of NiO as oxygen carrier for chemical-looping combustion
Oxygen Carriers for Chemcial-Looping Combustion
Batch Testing of Solid Fuels with Ilmenite in a 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustor
Effect of fuel particle size on reaction rate in chemical looping combustion
H2 production utilizing chemical looping for CO2 capture
Investigation of NiO-based mixed oxides in a 300-W chemical-looping combustor
Developing chemical-looping steam reforming and chemical-looping autothermal reforming
High temperature behavior of NiO-based oxygen carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion
Use of ores and industrial products as oxygen carriers in chemical-looping combustion
Solid fuels in chemical-looping combustion using a NiO-based oxygen carrier
Investigation of Different NiO/NiAl2O4 Particles as Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion
Chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling for combustion of solid fuels
Long-term integrity testing of spray-dried particles in a 10-kW chemical-looping combustor
Chemical-looping combustion with natural gas using spray-dried NiO-based oxygen carriers
Use of CaMn0.875Ti0.125O3 as oxygen carrier in chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling
Chemical-looping Combustion CO2 Ready Gas Power
Chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling using CuO/ZrO2 with petroleum coke
Towards Sustainabel Oil Refinery - Pre-study for larger co-operation project
The use of ilmenite as an oxygen carrier in chemical-looping combustion
CO2 capture from direct combustion of solid fuels with Chemical-Looping Combustion
Chemical-looping combustion - status of development
The reaction of NiO/NiAl2O4 particles with alternating methane and oxygen
160 hours of chemical-looping combustion in a 10 kW reactor system with a NiO-based oxygen carrier
Combustion of a German lignite using chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)
Using chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) for combustion six different of solid fuels
The Use of Petroleum Coke as Fuel in a 10 kWth Chemical-Looping Combustor
The use of petroleum coke as fuel in chemical-looping combustion
Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels
The use of iron oxide as oxygen carrier in a chemical-looping reactor
Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels
Chemical-looping combustion using syngas as fuel
Solid fuels in chemical-looping combustion
Use of NiO/NiAl2O4 Particles in a 10 kW Chemical-Looping Combustor
Carbon Capture via Chemical-Looping Combustion and Reforming
Chemical-looping combustion as a new CO2 management technology
Combustion of Syngas and Natural Gas in a 300 W Chemical-Looping Combustor
Thermal analysis of chemical-looping combustion
Comparison of Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion Using Methane-Rich Fuels
Circulating Fluidised Bed Reactor Systems for Chemical-Looping Combustion
Investigation of Mn3O4 with Stabilized ZrO2 for Chemical-Looping Combustion
A 300 W laboratory reactor system for chemical-looping combustion with particle circulation
Comparison of Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion
Production of H2 and synthesis gas by chemical-looping reforming
The Nordic CO2 Sequestration (NoCO2) project
Using steam reforming to produce hydrogen with carbon dioxide capture by chemical-looping combustion
CO2 capture from coal combustion using chemical-looping combustion
The use of NiO as an Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-Looping Combustion
Capture of CO2 in coal combustion
Comparison of Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion
Construction and 100 h of operational experience of a 10-kW chemical looping combustor
Carbon Formation on Nickel and Iron Oxide-Containing Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion
Integrated hydrogen and power production from natural gas with CO2 capture
Investigation of Fe2O3 with MgAl2O4 for chemical-looping combustion
A Two-Compartment Fluidized Bed Reactor for CO2 Capture by Chemical-Looping Combustion
Hydrogen and power production with integrated carbon dioxide capture by chemical-looping reforming
A Two-Component Fluidized Bed for Chemical-Looping Combustion - Design and Experiments
An 865 MW Lignite Fired CO2 Free Power Plant - A Technical Feasibility Study
Optimization of emissions from fluidized bed combustion of coal, biofuel and waste
Concentration of sulphur compounds in the combustion chamber of a circulating fluidised-bed boiler
Koldioxid kan slutlagras i jorden
Sulphur capture in circulating fluidized bed boilers - can the efficiency be predicted?
Förbränning med syrebärare: en teknik för att avskilja CO2 med små energiförluster
Technologies for CO2 separation
Nitrous oxide from fluidized bed boilers
Reversed air staging - a method for reduction of N2O emissions from fluidized bed combustion of coal
Ash behaviour in a CFB boiler during combustion of coal, peat or wood
A sulphur capture model for fluidized bed boilers
A method of evaluating limestone reactivity with SO2 under fluidized bed combustion conditions
Fuel Loading of a Fluidized Bed Combustor Burning Bituminous Coal, Peat or Wood Chips
Methods for reducing the emission of nitrous oxide from circulating fluidized bed combustion
Progress of combustion in the furnace of a circulating fluidised bed boiler
Calcium sulphide formation in fluidized bed boilers
Reduction of N2O Emissions from Fluidised Combustion by Reversed Air Staging
Low N2O, NO and SO2 emissions from circulating fluidized bed boilers
The presence of CaS in the combustion chamber of a 12 MW circulating fluidized bed boiler
Dependence of Sulphur Capture Performance on Air Staging in a 12 MW Circulating Fluidised Bed Boiler
Residence time distribution of sorbent particles in a circulating fluidised bed boiler
Emission Control With Additives in CFB Coal Combustion
Sorbent size reduction and conversion versus particle size in fluidized bed boilers
SO2 capture in fluidised-bed boilers: re-emission of SO2 due to reduction of CaSO4
The Effect of Reductive Decomposition of CaSO4 on Sulphur Capture in Fluidised Bed Boilers
Sulphur capture in fluidized bed boilers: the effect of reductive decomposition of CaSO4
Sulphur capture in fluidized-bed combustors: temperature-dependence and lime conversion
Wet Peat Power Processes - A Thermodynamic Study
The effect of reducing conditions on sulphur capture - a comparison of three boilers
A Thermodynamic Study of a Wet Air Oxidation Power Process
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Visar 14 forskningsprojekt
Högeffektiv syrebärare av billiga råvaror för användning i kemcyklisk förbränning av biomassa
Kemcyklisk förbränning av biomassa och avfall – pilotdrift och förstudie
Carbon capture and storage (CCS), part 2
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Chemical Looping gAsification foR sustainAble production of biofuels (CLARA))
OxyCar-FBC, Syrebärare i fluidiserad bäddförbränning med biomassa
Förbränningskemi för biomassa med syrebärarmaterial
Kvävekemi i kemcyklisk förbränning och i förbränning med syrebärare
Negative CO2 emissions in the Nordic energy systems
Aerosols effects on convective clouds and climate (ACCLAIM)
Innovative Oxygen Carriers Uplifting chemical-looping combustion (INNOCUOUS)