Towards Sustainabel Oil Refinery - Pre-study for larger co-operation project
Report, 2008

In this report, the Chalmers EnergiCentrum (CEC) presents the results of a pre-study commissioned by Preem relating to the effective production of future vehicle fuels. This pre-study was made up of three studies focusing on energy streamlining, the utilisation of waste heat and carbon-dioxide separation and biorefinement relating to the gasification and hydration of vegetable oils. One of the common starting points for these studies was the current situation at the Preem refineries in Göteborg and Lysekil from where the measurement data were obtained and analysed. The report summarises the knowledge situation based on current research in the individual technical fields. The results present some interesting future opportunities for developing the sustainable production of future vehicle fuels. The sections vary, as the areas that have been examined differ and the sections have been written by different people. The reports ends with some joint conclusions and a number of questions which could be included and answered in a more extensive future main study, as part of a developed research partnership between Preem and the Chalmers University of Technology. The preliminary results of this work were analysed with the client at workshops on 1 October and 29 November 2007. The report is written in English combined with an extensive summary in Swedish including a proposal on a future main study. The study was conducted by the Chalmers EnergiCentrum (CEC), in collaboration with a number of researchers in the CEC’s network. They included Thore Berntsson, Jessica Algehed, Erik Hektor and Lennart Persson Elmeroth, all from Heat and Power Technology, Börje Gevert, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Tobias Richards, Forest Products and Chemical Engineering, Filip Johnsson and Anders Lyngfelt, Energy Technology, and Per-Åke Franck and Anders Åsblad, CIT Industriell Energianalys AB. The client, Preem, was represented by Bengt Ahlén, Sören Eriksson, Johan Jervehed, Bertil Karlsson, Gunnar Olsson, Ulf Kuylenstierna, Stefan Nyström, Martin Sjöberg and Thomas Ögren. Tobias Richards was responsible for compiling the report and Bertil Pettersson was the project manager.


Thore Berntsson

Chalmers Energy Centre (CEC)

Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies

Lennart Persson Elmeroth

Chalmers Energy Centre (CEC)

Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies

Jessica Algehed

Chalmers Energy Centre (CEC)

Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies

Erik Hektor

Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies

Chalmers Energy Centre (CEC)

Per-Åke Franck

Anders Åsblad

Filip Johnsson

Chalmers Energy Centre (CEC)

Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Energy Technology

Anders Lyngfelt

Chalmers Energy Centre (CEC)

Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Energy Technology

Börje Sten Gevert

Chalmers Energy Centre (CEC)

Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Applied Surface Chemistry

Tobias Richards

Chalmers Energy Centre (CEC)

Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Forest Products and Chemical Engineering

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Engineering and Technologies

Industrial Biotechnology

Chemical Engineering

Other Environmental Engineering

Report CEC - Chalmers EnergiCentrum CEC, Chalmers tekniska högskola: 2008:1

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