Per-Åke Franck
Showing 51 publications
Techno-economic analysis of excess heat driven post-combustion CCS at an oil refinery
Pinch analysis at Preem LYR II - Modifications
Industrial excess heat driven post-combustion CCS: The effect of stripper temperature level
Integration of Fischer-Tropsch fuel production with a complex oil refinery
Temperature Dependence of Heat Integration Possibilities of an MEA Scrubber Plant at a Refinery
Integration of Fischer-Tropsch Diesel Production with a Complex Oil Refinery
Hydrogen production from biomass gasification in the oil refining industry - A system analysis
Towards Sustainabel Oil Refinery - Pre-study for larger co-operation project
Systemtänkande i massa- och pappersindustrins energiplanering
Process integration application in the pulp and paper industry
Gas turbines in industrial CHP applications - Assesment of economics
Design Better Heat Exchanger Network Rerofits
Consequences of recent gas turbine developments for industrial CHP applications
Process integration of heat pumps and cogeneration systems
Värmepumpar i industriella processer
Retrofit of heat exchanger networks
Heat pumps in industrial processes - an optimization methodology
Process integration of various types of heat pumps
Heat Transformers in Industrial Processes
Introduction of heat pumps in industrial processes
Absorptionsvärmepump i Trollhättan - utvärdering
Utvärdering av absorptionsvärmepumpen i Trollhättan
A Study of Heat Pump Systems with Low-Temperature Seasonal Heat Storage in Clay
Hög- och lågtemperaturlagring i mark - tekniska aspekter
Ground-Coupled heat pumps with low-temperature heat storage: Some Swedish experiences
Datorprogram för simulering av uppvärmningssystemet: Värmepump, Lager och Värmekollektor
Optimization of a combined heat pump/storage system with solar or convective heat collectors
Några tekniskt-ekonomiska synpunkter på lågtemperaturlagring
Design of a vertical earth heat pump system. Results from system simulations.
Värmepump med vertikalt jordvärmesystem och vindkonvektor
Användning av mark som värmekälla för värmepumpar i tätort
The use of the ground as a heat source for heat pumps in urban areas
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