Anders Åsblad

Showing 33 publications


Pinch analysis at Preem LYR II - Modifications

Anders Åsblad, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Karin Eriksson et al

Vad är ett bioraffinaderi?

Thore Berntsson, Björn Sandén, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014, p. 8-9
Book chapter

Pretreatment methods for gasification of biomass and Fischer-Tropsch crude production integrated with a pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 16 (7), p. 1393-1402
Journal article

Pinch analysis at Preem LYR

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Per-Åke Franck, Anders Åsblad et al

Influence of Different Pretreatment Methods on Biomass Gasification and Production of Fischer-tropsch Crude Integrated with a Pulp and Paper Mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 35, p. 559-564
Journal article

Techno-economic analysis of a kraft pulp-mill-based biorefinery producing both ethanol and dimethyl ether

Rickard Fornell, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Energy. Vol. 50 (1), p. 83-92
Journal article

Influence of dryer type on the performance of a biomass gasification combined cycle co-located with an integrated pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 59, p. 336-347
Journal article

Comparison between a detailed pinch analysis and the 'Heat Load Model for Pulp and Paper' - Case study for a Swedish thermo-mechanical pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 43-48
Journal article

What is a biorefinery?

Thore Berntsson, Björn Sandén, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012, p. 16-25
Book chapter

Process integration study of a kraft pulp mill converted to an ethanol production plant - part B: Techno-economic analysis

Rickard Fornell, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 42, p. 179-190
Journal article

Integration Of Biomass Gasification With A Scandinavian Mechanical Pulp And Paper Mill - Consequences For Mass And Energy Balances And Global CO2 Emissions

Johan Isaksson, Karin Pettersson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
Energy. Vol. 44 (1), p. 420-428
Journal article

Integration of biomass gasification with a Scandinavian mechanical pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Anders Åsblad et al
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 4-7, 2011, p. 3668-3679
Paper in proceeding

Possibilities and problems in using exergy expressions in process integration

Carl-Erik Grip, Erik Elfgren, Mats Söderström et al
Proceedings of WREC - World Renewable Energy Congress, 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Strategic Energy Efficiency Measures for Developing Biorefinery Concepts in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Johan Isaksson, Valeria Mora, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
3rd Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference
Conference poster

Towards Sustainabel Oil Refinery - Pre-study for larger co-operation project

Thore Berntsson, Lennart Persson Elmeroth, Jessica Algehed et al

Energy system consequences when installing an advanced delignification process

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 84 (1), p. 108-115
Journal article

Potential for Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Industry through Increased Heat Recovery and/or Integration of Combined Heat and Power

Helén Axelsson, Simon Harvey, Anders Åsblad et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 23 (1), p. 65-87
Journal article

Usable excess heat in future kraft pulp mills

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Tappi Journal,. Vol. 1 (11), p. 27-29
Journal article

Energy consequences in minimum effluent market kraft pulp mills

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Tappi Journal. Vol. 1 (11), p. 30-32
Paper in proceeding

Opportunities for process integrated evaporation in kraft pulp mills

Jessica Algehed, Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson et al
TAPPI Engineering Conference, p. 841-849
Paper in proceeding

A New Methodology for Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Industry through Improved Heat Exchanging and/or Integration of Combined Heat and Power

Helén Axelsson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 19/1999, Issue 7, p. 707-731
Journal article

Process integration application in the pulp and paper industry

Per-Åke Franck, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
International Conference on Process Integration, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-10 March 1999. Vol. 1, p. 52-
Other conference contribution

Process integration as a tool for greenhouse gas reduction

Helén Wiktorsson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Presented at 13 th international congress of chemical and process engineering CHISA´98, Prague, Czech Republic, August 23-28, 1998
Paper in proceeding

Värmepumpens plats i energisystemet - ett sätt att klara växthuseffekten

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid Nordiska värmepumpseminarium, Energiteknik 95 Stockholm, 16 maj 1995.
Paper in proceeding

Role of heat pumps with new working fluids

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Presented at IEA HP Centre Workshop, Consequences of (H) CFC Replacement in HVAC Applications, Gothenburg, September 7-8, 1994
Paper in proceeding

Kostnader för att reducera emissioner vid värmeproduktion

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid 5:e Nordiske Varmepumpdage Lyngby, Danmark, 29-31 maj 1991
Paper in proceeding

Surface evaporation of turbulent falling films

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. Vol. 34 (3), p. 835-841
Journal article

Värmepumpens möjligheter att påverka CO2-problemet

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson

Värmeövergång vid fallfilmsförångning

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
vid 13. Nordiske Kjölemöte och 4. Nordiske Varmepumpedager i Loen, Norge, 30/5 - 3/6 1989
Other conference contribution

A heat pump evaporator using the falling film technique

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
2nd International Symposium on "The large scale applications of heat pumps", York, England: 25-27 September. Vol. 1984 (B2), p. 51-62
Other conference contribution

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