Thore Berntsson

Showing 317 publications


Analysis and synthesis of utility systems, including heat pumping and combined heat and power

Simon Harvey, Matteo Morandin, Thore Berntsson et al
Handbook of Process Integration (PI): Minimisation of Energy and Water Use, Waste and Emissions, p. 187-215
Book chapter

Integration of algae-based biofuel production with an oil refinery: Energy and carbon footprint assessment

Viktor Andersson, Stefan Heyne, Simon Harvey et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 44 (13), p. 10860-10877
Journal article

Holistic methodological framework for assessing the benefits of delivering industrial excess heat to a district heating network

Karin Pettersson, Erik Axelsson, Lina Eriksson et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 44 (4), p. 2634-2651
Journal article

The role of industrial biorefineries in a low-carbon economy

Kees W. Kwant, Luc Pelkmans, Rene Van Ree et al
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Vol. 2018 (26thEUBCE), p. 1258-1263
Paper in proceeding

1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions - Summary and Highlights

Carl Johan Linderholm, Anders Lyngfelt, Christian Azar et al
GHGT 2018 - 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of integration options for gasification-based biofuel production systems - Economic and greenhouse gas emission implications

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Energy. Vol. 111, p. 272-294
Journal article

The effect of high solids loading in ethanol production integrated with a pulp mill

Elin Svensson, Valeria Lundberg, M. Jansson et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 111, p. 387-402
Journal article

Transportation fuel production from gasified biomass integrated with a pulp and paper mill - Part A: Heat integration and system performance

Johan Isaksson, M. Jansson, A. Asblad et al
Energy. Vol. 103, p. 557-571
Journal article

Techno-economic analysis of excess heat driven post-combustion CCS at an oil refinery

Viktor Andersson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 45, p. 130-138
Journal article

The influence of biomass supply chains and by-products on the greenhouse gas emissions from gasification-based bio-SNG production systems

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Energy. Vol. 90, p. 148-162
Journal article

Energy Transfer Diagram for Site-Wide Analysis and Application to a Kraft Pulp Mill

Jean-Christophe Bonhivers, Elin Svensson, Mikhail Sorin et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 75, p. 547-560
Journal article

Perspectives on Investment Cost Estimates for Gasification-Based Biofuel Production Systems

K. M. Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 45, p. 427-432
Review article

Algae-based biofuel production as part of an industrial cluster

Viktor Andersson, S. B. Viklund, Roman Hackl et al
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 71, p. 113-124
Journal article

The value of flexibility for pulp mills investing in energy efficiency and future biorefinery concepts

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson, Ann-Brith Strömberg
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 38 (14), p. 1864-1878
Journal article

Industrial excess heat driven post-combustion CCS: The effect of stripper temperature level

Viktor Andersson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 21, p. 1-10
Journal article

The effect of long lead times for planning of energy efficiency and biorefinery technologies at a pulp mill

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson
Renewable Energy. Vol. 61, p. 12-16
Journal article

Integration of Fischer-Tropsch fuel production with a complex oil refinery

Daniella Johansson, Thore Berntsson, Per-Åke Franck
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development. Vol. 13 (1), p. 50-73
Journal article

Comparison between the grand composite curve, advanced composite curves and energy transfer diagram for heat exchanger network retrofit

Jean-Christophe Bonhivers, Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson et al
21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2014 and 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2014. Vol. 4, p. 2180-2180
Paper in proceeding

Heat recovery aspects of importance for the product mix and GHG emission reductions in a bio-SNG system

Kristina Holmgren, Eva Andersson, Thore Berntsson et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 39 (Special Issue), p. 373-378
Journal article

Vad är ett bioraffinaderi?

Thore Berntsson, Björn Sandén, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014, p. 8-9
Book chapter

Gasification-based methanol production from biomass in industrial clusters: Characterisation of energy balances and greenhouse gas emissions

Kristina Holmgren, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Thore Berntsson et al
Energy. Vol. 69, p. 622-637
Journal article

Heat recovery aspects of importance for the product mix and GHG emission reductions in a bio-SNG system

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Andersson et al
21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2014 and 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2014. Vol. 4, p. 2054-
Paper in proceeding

Efficient Utilization of Industrial Excess Heat for Post-combustion CO2 Capture: An Oil Refinery Sector Case Study

Viktor Andersson, Henrik Jilvero, Per-Åke Franck et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 63, p. 6548-6556
Paper in proceeding

Converting a kraft pulp mill into a multi-product biorefinery: techno-economic analysis of a case mill

Valeria Lundberg, Jon Bood, Linus Nilsson et al
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 16 (7), p. 1411-1422
Journal article

Comparison between pinch analysis and bridge analysis to retrofit the heat exchanger network of a kraft pulp mill

Jean-Christophe Bonhivers, Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 70 (1), p. 369-379
Journal article

Pretreatment methods for gasification of biomass and Fischer-Tropsch crude production integrated with a pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 16 (7), p. 1393-1402
Journal article

Temperature Dependence of Heat Integration Possibilities of an MEA Scrubber Plant at a Refinery

Viktor Andersson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Energy Procedia. Vol. 37, p. 7205-7213
Paper in proceeding

Comparative study of Fischer-Tropsch production and post-combustion CO2 capture at an oil refinery: Economic evaluation and GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) balances

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Karin Pettersson et al
Energy. Vol. 59, p. 387-401
Journal article

Comparison of options for utilization of a potential steam surplus at kraft pulp mills - Economic performance and CO2 emissions

Johanna Jönsson, Karin Pettersson, Thore Berntsson et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 37 (9), p. 1017-1035
Journal article

Pinch analysis at Preem LYR

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Per-Åke Franck, Anders Åsblad et al

Hydrogen for oil refining via biomass indirect steam gasification: energy and environmental targets

Jean-Florian Brau, Matteo Morandin, Thore Berntsson
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 15 (3), p. 501-512
Journal article

Application of Process Integration to the Synthesis of Heat and Power Utility Systems Including Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Industrial Heat Pumps

Thore Berntsson, Simon Harvey, Matteo Morandin
Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy - Handbook of Process Integration (PI), p. 168-200
Book chapter

Operational Flexibility in Pulp Mill Steam Production at Off-design Heat Loads

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 35, p. 919-924
Journal article

Influence of Different Pretreatment Methods on Biomass Gasification and Production of Fischer-tropsch Crude Integrated with a Pulp and Paper Mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 35, p. 559-564
Journal article

Enlarging the Product Portfolio of a Kraft Pulp Mill via Hemicellulose and Lignin Separation – Process Integration Studies in a Case Mill

Valeria Lundberg, Jon Bood, Linus Nilsson et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 35, p. 127-132
Journal article

Techno-economic analysis of a kraft pulp-mill-based biorefinery producing both ethanol and dimethyl ether

Rickard Fornell, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Energy. Vol. 50 (1), p. 83-92
Journal article

CO2 capture in oil refineries: Assessment of the capture avoidance costs associated with different heat supply options in a future energy market

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 66, p. 127-142
Journal article

Converting a kraft pulp mill into a multi-product biorefinery – Part 1: Energy aspects

Valeria Lundberg, Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 28 (4), p. 480-488
Journal article

Influence of dryer type on the performance of a biomass gasification combined cycle co-located with an integrated pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 59, p. 336-347
Journal article

Assessment of strategies for CO2 abatement in the European petroleum refining industry

Daniella Johansson, Johan Rootzén, Thore Berntsson et al
Energy. Vol. 42 (1), p. 375-386
Journal article

Integration of Fischer-Tropsch Diesel Production with a Complex Oil Refinery

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
In Proceedings of SDEWES – the 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 1-7 July 2012, p. paper 082-
Paper in proceeding

Energy Analysis for Conversion of a Kraft Pulp Mill into a Dissolving Pulp Mill

Valeria Lundberg, Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 13-18
Journal article

Comparison between a detailed pinch analysis and the 'Heat Load Model for Pulp and Paper' - Case study for a Swedish thermo-mechanical pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 43-48
Journal article

Analysing the potential for implementation of CCS within the European pulp and paper industry

Johanna Jönsson, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 44 (1), p. 641-648
Journal article

System aspects of biomass gasification with methanol synthesis - Process concepts and energy analysis

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Energy. Vol. 45 (1), p. 817-828
Journal article

Profitability and off-site CO2-emission reduction from energy savings in the pulp and paper industry in different future energy markets

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 36 (9), p. 975-986
Journal article

Towards a Sustainable European Energy System - The Role of the Pulp and Paper Industry

Thore Berntsson, Johanna Jönsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 1621-1626
Journal article

Process integration methodologies developed and applied in swedish kraft pulp mills - A review

Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Thore Berntsson
J-FOR. Vol. 2 (1), p. 6-14
Review article

Comparison of options for debottlenecking the recovery boiler at kraft pulp mills – Economic performance and CO2 emissions.

Johanna Jönsson, Karin Pettersson, Thore Berntsson et al
Proceedings of ECOS 2012 – The 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, June 26-29, 2012, Perugia, Italy. Vol. 6
Paper in proceeding

Process integration study of a kraft pulp mill converted to an ethanol production plant - Part A: Potential for heat integration of thermal separation units

Rickard Fornell, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 35 (1), p. 81-90
Journal article

What is a biorefinery?

Thore Berntsson, Björn Sandén, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012, p. 16-25
Book chapter

Process integration study of a kraft pulp mill converted to an ethanol production plant - part B: Techno-economic analysis

Rickard Fornell, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 42, p. 179-190
Journal article

Integration Of Biomass Gasification With A Scandinavian Mechanical Pulp And Paper Mill - Consequences For Mass And Energy Balances And Global CO2 Emissions

Johan Isaksson, Karin Pettersson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
Energy. Vol. 44 (1), p. 420-428
Journal article

Integrated Biorefineries: Design, Analysis, and Optimization

Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Thore Berntsson
Taylor and Francis , CRC Press, p. 873-
Book chapter

Integration of a Biomass-to-Hydrogen Process in an Oil Refinery

Jean-Florian Brau, Matteo Morandin, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 1087-1092
Journal article

Heat supply alternatives for CO2 capture in the process industry

Daniella Johansson, Jonas Sjöblom, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 8, p. 217-232
Journal article

Process integration of near-neutral hemicellulose extraction in a Scandinavian kraft pulp mill - Consequences for the steam and Na/S balances

Valeria Lundberg, Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 43, p. 42-50
Journal article

Methodologies Developed and Applied in Process Integration Studies for the Swedish Kraft Pulp and Paper Industry: A Review

Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Thore Berntsson
Integrated Biorefineries: Design, Analysis, and Optimization, p. 349-368
Book chapter

Hydrogen production from biomass gasification in the oil refining industry - A system analysis

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 38 (1), p. 212-227
Journal article

Integration of biomass gasification with a Scandinavian mechanical pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Anders Åsblad et al
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 4-7, 2011, p. 3668-3679
Paper in proceeding

CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat-region - Assessment of an intraregional CCS infrastructure and legal framework

Jan Kjärstad, D. Langlet, Daniella Johansson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 4, p. 2793-2800
Paper in proceeding

CO2 capture in oil refineries-an evaluation of different heat integration possibilities for heat supply to the post-combustion process

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, No.57. World Renweable Energy Congress 2011, May 8-13, Linköping, Sweden (CC0381)
Paper in proceeding

Systems Analysis of Different Technology Pathways for the Pulp and Paper Industry: A Synthesis

Johanna Jönsson, Thore Berntsson
J-for-Journal of Science & Technology for Forest Products and Processes. Vol. 1 (3), p. 15-24
Journal article

Scandinavian Hardwood Biorefinery Using “near-neutral” Hemicelluloses Pre-extraction- Energy Efficiency Measures

Valeria Mora, Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 2011 (25), p. 411-416
Paper in proceeding

Possibilities and problems in using exergy expressions in process integration

Carl-Erik Grip, Erik Elfgren, Mats Söderström et al
Proceedings of WREC - World Renewable Energy Congress, 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

The potential for steam savings and implementation of different biorefinery concepts in Scandinavian integrated TMP and paper mills

Johanna Jönsson, Pekka Ruohonen, Gregory Michel et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 31 (13), p. 2107-2114
Journal article

Methodology for assessing process integration of new technologies in the oil refining industry

Daniella Johansson, Thore Berntsson
Methods and Models, p. 75-78
Book chapter

Evaluating the greenhouse gas impact from biomass gasification systems in industrial clusters – methodology and examples

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress. Vol. 12 (057), p. 3098-3105
Paper in proceeding

Biomass gasification for hydrogen production in refineries

Daniella Johansson, Thore Berntsson
EUROPEAN ENERGY PATHWAYS - Pathways to a Sustainable European Energy System, p. 341-344
Book chapter

Strategic Energy Efficiency Measures for Developing Biorefinery Concepts in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Johan Isaksson, Valeria Mora, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
3rd Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference
Conference poster

Analysing the potential for different technology pathways within the European pulp and paper industry

Johanna Jönsson, Thore Berntsson
Methods and Models - used int the project Pathways to Sustainable Europan Energy Systems, p. 85-88
Book chapter

Potential for CCS within the European pulp and paper industry

Johanna Jönsson, Thore Berntsson
EUROPEAN ENERGY PATHWAYS - Pathways to Sustainable European Energy Systems, p. 183-189
Book chapter

Pathways for the pulp industry: trade-offs between profit and CO2 emissions reduction

Johanna Jönsson, Thore Berntsson
EUROPEAN ENERGY PATHWAYS - Pathways to Sustainable European Energy Systems, p. 319-323
Book chapter

The effect of long lead times for planning of energy efficiency and biorefinery technologies at a pulp mill

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, B. Moshfegh (ed.), Proceedings of WREC - World Renewable Energy Congress, 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden. Vol. 7 (057), p. 1481-1488
Paper in proceeding

A process integration analysis of H2 production from gasification of biomass in the oil refining industry

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 7, 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010, conference proceedings ((0881))
Paper in proceeding

Preliminary Design and Energy Efficiency Analysis of a Kraft Pulp Mill Converted to a Biorefinery Producing Ethanol and DME from Softwood

Rickard Fornell, Karin Pettersson, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. Volume 21, p. 1147-1152
Journal article

Towards a Sustainable European Energy system – The Role of the Pulp and Paper Industry

Thore Berntsson, Johanna Jönsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 21, p. 529-534
Journal article

Preliminary design and energy efficiency analysis of a kraft pulp mill converted to a biorefinery producing ethanol and DME from softwood

Rickard Fornell, Karin Pettersson, Thore Berntsson
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2010 and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, ECCE-7; Prague; Czech Republic; 28 August 2010 through 1 September 2010
Paper in proceeding

Increased thermal efficiency in Scandinavian integrated TMP and paper mills – analysing the potential for steam savings using the heat load model for pulp and paper

Johanna Jönsson, Pekka Ruohonen, Gregory Michel et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 21, p. 535-540
Journal article

Economy and CO2 emissions trade-off: A systematic approach for optimizing investments in process integration measures under uncertainty

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 30 (1), p. 23-29
Journal article

Influence of short-term variations on energy-saving opportunities in a pulp mill

Jörgen Lars Persson, Thore Berntsson
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 18 (9), p. 935-943
Journal article

Using Optimization under Uncertainty to Study Different Aspects of Process Integration Investment Decisions – The Example of Lock-in Effects

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS 2010 - the 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, 14-17 June 2010. Vol. I (Thermodynamics), p. 233-240
Paper in proceeding

Analysing the Potential for CCS within the European Pulp and Paper Industry

Johanna Jönsson, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of 23nd Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS), p. 676-683
Paper in proceeding

A tool for creating energy market scenarios for evaluation of investments in energy intensive industry

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 34 (12), p. 2069-2074
Journal article

Influences of Short-term Variations on Energy-Saving Opportunities in a Pulp Mill

Jörgen Lars Persson, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 18 (Part 2), p. 893-898
Paper in proceeding

Simulations comparing conventional evaporation plants with plants using excess heat

Marcus Olsson, Thore Berntsson
BioResources. Vol. 4 (4), p. 1555-1571
Journal article

Benefits of using an optimization methodology for identifying robust process integration investments under uncertainty - A pulp mill example

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson, Ann-Brith Strömberg
Energy Policy. Vol. 37 (3), p. 813-824
Journal article

Use of advanced composite curves for assessing cost-effective HEN retrofit I: Theory and concepts

Roger Nordman, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 29 (2-3), p. 275-281
Journal article

Influence of Seasonal Variations on Energy-Saving Opportunities in a Pulp Mill

Jörgen Lars Persson, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 34 (10), p. 1705-1714
Journal article

Techno-economic analysis of energy efficiency measures in a pulp mill converted to an ethanol production plant

Rickard Fornell, Thore Berntsson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 24 (2), p. 183-192
Journal article

Use of advanced composite curves for assessing cost-effective HEN retrofit II. Case studies

Roger Nordman, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 29 (2-3), p. 282-289
Journal article

Socio-Technical Aspects of Potential Future Use of Excess Heat from Kraft Pulp Mills

Inger-Lise Svensson, Johanna Jönsson, Thore Berntsson et al
Proceedings of 22nd Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (Paper 0612), p. 995-1004
Paper in proceeding

Heat integration analysis of thermal separation units in a pulp mill converted to an ethanol production plant

Rickard Fornell, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings 22nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental impact of Energy Systems ECOS 2009, Aug 31 - Sep 3, Foz do Iguacu, Paraná, Brazil
Paper in proceeding

Reduction of greenhouse gases in integrated pulp and paper mills: possibilities for CO2 capture and storage

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 11 (1), p. 59-65
Journal article

Energy savings combined with lignin extraction for production increase: Case study at a eucalyptus mill in Portugal

Catherine Laaksometsä, Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Thore Berntsson et al
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 11 (1), p. 77-82
Journal article

An optimization methodology for identifying robust process integration investments under uncertainty

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson, Ann-Brith Strömberg et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 37 (2), p. 680-685
Journal article

Towards Sustainabel Oil Refinery - Pre-study for larger co-operation project

Thore Berntsson, Lennart Persson Elmeroth, Jessica Algehed et al

Swedish Pulp Mill Biorefineries

Thore Berntsson, Peter Axegård, Birgit Backlund et al

Influences of Seasonal Variations on Energy-Saving Opportunities in a Pulp Mill

Jörgen Lars Persson, Thore Berntsson
PRES - 11th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 24 - 28 August 2008, Prague - Czech Republic
Other conference contribution

System Aspects of Black Liquor Gasification

Thore Berntsson

The role of Process Integration in CCS Systems in Oil Refineries and Pulp Mills

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of Workshop Early-Stage Energy Technologies for Sustainable Future: Assessment, Development, Application - EMINENT 2 project TREN/05/FP6EN/S07.56209/019886, 5 – 6 May 2008, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, p. , 123-132
Other conference contribution

Excess Heat from Kraft Pulp Mills: Trade-offs between Internal and External Use in the Case of Sweden - Part 2: Results for Future Energy Market Scenarios

Johanna Jönsson, Inger-Lise Svensson, Thore Berntsson et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 36 (11), p. 4186-4197
Journal article

Opportunities for process-integrated evaporation in a hardwood pulp mill and comparison with a softwood model mill study

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Marcus Olsson, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 28 (16), p. 2100-2107
Journal article

CO2 Capture in Pulp and Paper Mills – Opportunities for Chilled Ammonia Absorption

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
PRES - 11th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 24 - 28 August 2008, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 12-
Other conference contribution

Possibilities for lignin extraction versus maximized power production in a process integrated pulp mill converted to ethanol production plant

Rickard Fornell, Thore Berntsson
18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2008; Prague; Czech Republic; 24 August 2008 through 28 August 2008
Other conference contribution

Excess Heat from Kraft Pulp Mills: Trade-offs between Internal and External Use in the Case of Sweden - Part 1: Methodology

Inger-Lise Svensson, Johanna Jönsson, Thore Berntsson et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 36 (11), p. 4009-4298
Journal article

Economy and CO2 emissions trade-off: A systematic approach for optimizing investments in process integration measures under uncertainty

Elin Svensson, Thore Berntsson
PRES - 11th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 24 - 28 August 2008, Prague, Czech Republic
Other conference contribution

The Role of Process Integration in CCS Systems in Oil Refineries and Pulp Mills

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
In: Energy for Sustaineble Future. Edited by P Varbanov, J Klemes, I Bulatov. EMINENT 2 Workshop, 5-6 May 2008. Veszprém Hungary., p. 123-132
Paper in proceeding

Systemtänkande i massa- och pappersindustrins energiplanering

Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson

Heat integration opportunities in an average Scandinavian fine paper mill: Model study and comparison with a market pulp mill

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Thore Berntsson
Tappi Journal. Vol. 7 (2), p. 19-25
Journal article

Reduction of Greenhouse Gases in Integrated Pulp and Paper Mills - Possibilities for CO2 Capture and Storage

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 12 (1), p. 145-150
Paper in proceeding

A tool for simulating energy-efficient evaporation using excess heat in kraft pulp mills

Marcus Olsson, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the 2007 Engineering, Pulping & Environmental Conference, Oct 21-24, 2007, Jacksonville, FL, USA
Paper in proceeding

Future CO2 removal from pulp mills - Process integration consequences

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 48 (11), p. 3025-3033
Journal article

Opportunities for Process Integrated Evaporation in a Eucalyptus Pulp Mill and Comparison with a Softwood Mill Study

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Catherine Laaksometsä, Marcus Olsson et al
Conference PRES 07, Ischia Island, Italy, p. 727-732
Paper in proceeding

A tool for creating energy market scenarios for evaluation of investments in energy intensive industry

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Conference ECOS 2007 Padova, Italy, June 25-28, 2007. Vol. 2, p. 1587-1594
Paper in proceeding

A tool for simulating energy-efficient evaporation using excess heat in kraft pulp mills

Marcus Olsson, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the International Chemical Recovery Conference 2007, May 29-June 1, 2007, Quebec City, Canada, p. 141-146
Paper in proceeding

Future opportuniteis for implementing biorefinery concepts in the Swedish pulping industry

Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Pathways to our common future - Prodeedings og The Alliance for Global Sustainability Annual Meeting 2007, 18-21 March, Barcelona, Spain
Other conference contribution

Energy savings combined with lignin extraction for production increase: case study at a eucalyptus mill in Portugal

Catherine Laaksometsä, Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Thore Berntsson et al
conference PRES 07, Ischia Island, Italy., p. 255-260
Paper in proceeding

Energy system consequences when installing an advanced delignification process

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 84 (1), p. 108-115
Journal article

Energy efficiency in the slaughter and meat processing industry-opportunities for improvements in future energy markets

Anna Fritzson, Thore Berntsson
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 77 (4), p. 792-802
Journal article

Efficient energy use in a slaughter and meat processing plant-opportunities for process integration

Anna Fritzson, Thore Berntsson
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 76 (4), p. 594-604
Journal article

Increased capacity in kraft pulp mills: Lignin separation and reduced steam demand compared with recovery boiler upgrade

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Marcus Olsson, Thore Berntsson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 21 (4), p. 485-492
Journal article

Energy efficient upgrading of biofuel integrated with a pulp mill

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 31 (10-11), p. 1384-1394
Journal article

Exporting lignin or power from heat-integrated kraft pulp mills: A techno-economic comparison using model mills

Marcus Olsson, Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Thore Berntsson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 21 (4), p. 476-484
Journal article

Strategic approach to co-generation design

U. Wising, Thore Berntsson, K. Riemer et al
Pulp and Paper Canada. Vol. 107 (4), p. 42-46
Journal article

CO2 capture from recovery boiler flue gases with biomass energy or heatpump

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Other conference contribution

Technical, environmental and economic analysis of co-firing of gasified biofuel in a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) combined heat and power (CHP) plant

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 31 (10-11), p. 1614-1631
Journal article

Produktionsrelaterade systemstudier

Erik Ahlgren, Thore Berntsson, Ola Carlson et al

Future CO2 Removal From Pulp Mills - Process Integration Consequences

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS 2006, Aghia Pelagia, Crete, Greece, 12-14 July 2006. Vol. 3, p. 1629-1636
Paper in proceeding

Assessing the value of pulp mill biomass savings in a climate change conscious economy

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy Policy. Vol. 34 (15), p. 2330-2343
Journal article

Consequences of lignin precipitation in the pulp and paper industry

Ulrika Wising, Jessica Algehed, Thore Berntsson et al
Tappi Journal. Vol. 5 (1), p. 3-8
Magazine article

Heat integration opportunities in average Scandinavian kraft pulp mills: Pinch analyses of model mills

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Marcus Olsson, Thore Berntsson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 21 (4), p. 466-475
Journal article

Design of kraft pulp mill hot and warm water systems - A new method that maximizes excess heat

Roger Nordman, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 26 (4), p. 363-373
Journal article

Advanced pinch technology based composite curves for evaluating the usable excess heat potential

Roger Nordman, Thore Berntsson
In proceedings of: The 18th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. Trondheim, Norway June 22-22, 2005
Paper in proceeding

Pinch analysis of a model mill: Economic and environmental gains from thermal process-integration in a state-of-the-art magazine paper mill

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Thore Berntsson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 20 (3), p. 308-315
Journal article

Strategic Approach to Cogeneration Design

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, K Riemer et al
Proceedings - Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC) 91st Conference, 7-9 Feb. 2005, p. 699-704
Paper in proceeding

Är ligninuttag ett alternativ till utbyggnad av sodapanna vid produktionsökning?

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Marcus Olsson, Thore Berntsson
Sodahuskonferensen 2005, Stockholm
Conference poster

Carbon Dioxide Capture in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Erik Hektor, Thore Berntsson
The 4th Nordic Minisymposium on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage
Other conference contribution

The potential for energy savings when reducing the water consumption in a Kraft Pulp Mill

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Paul Stuart
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 25 (7), p. 1057-1066
Journal article

Process industry energy retrofits: the importance of emission baselines for greenhouse gas reductions

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy Policy (32), p. 1375-1388
Journal article

Energy Conservation in the Food Industry Using Process Integration - Methodologies and Case Study

Anna Fritzson, Thore Berntsson, Lennart Vamling
International Conference Engineering and Food Montpellier, France
Journal article

Biofuel gasification combined heat and power - new implementation opportunities resulting from combined supply of process steam and district heating

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 29 (29), p. 1117-1137
Journal article

Examples of CO2 reduction opportunities in the pulp and paper industry based on process integration measures

Cecilia Bengtsson, Thore Berntsson
Presented at The Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Enviroment Systems, June 15-20 2003
Paper in proceeding

Potential for Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Industry through Increased Heat Recovery and/or Integration of Combined Heat and Power

Helén Axelsson, Simon Harvey, Anders Åsblad et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 23 (1), p. 65-87
Journal article

Evaporation of black liquor and wastewater using medium-pressure steam : Simulation and economic evaluation of novel designs

Jessica Algehed, Thore Berntsson
ScienceDirect. Vol. 23 (4), p. 481-495
Journal article

Energy Efficient upgrading of Biofuel Integrated with a Pulp Mill

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper in proceeding

Energy conservation in the food industry using process integration - Methodologies and case study

Anna Fritzson, Thore Berntsson, Lennart Vamling
ICEF-2003 International Conference Engineering and Food
Other conference contribution

Technical, enviromental and economic analysis of CO-firing of gasified biofuel in a NGCC CHP plant

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper in proceeding

Cost-efficient CO2-reduction in the pulp and paper industry - results from a case study

Cecilia Bengtsson, Magnus Karlsson, Thore Berntsson et al
1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies 12-14 June 2002, Porto, Portugal (paper EES11), p. 7-
Other conference contribution

Utilization of excess heat in the pulp and paper industry - a case study of technical and economic opportunities

Cecilia Bengtsson, Roger Nordman, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 22 (9), p. 1069-1081
Journal article

Heat sources - technology, economy and environment

Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Refrigeration, Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR.. Vol. 2002 (25), p. 428-438
Journal article

Economic and greenhouse gas emissions assessment for extraction of excess biomass from future kraft pulp mills

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, October 1-4, 2002, Kyoto, Japan.
Paper in proceeding

Efficient use of biomass in black liquor gasification plants

Håkan Eriksson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Published in Pulp and Paper Canada 103:12 (2002) pp 67-73
Journal article

Energy efficient evaporation in future pulp and paper mills

Jessica Algehed, Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson
7th Conference on New Available Technologies, SPCI 2002, Stockholm 2002
Paper in proceeding

Usable excess heat in future kraft pulp mills

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Tappi Journal,. Vol. 1 (11), p. 27-29
Journal article

Co-ordination of pinch technology and the MIND method-applied to a Swedish board mill

Cecilia Bengtsson, M Karlsson, Thore Berntsson et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 22 (2), p. 133-144
Journal article

Economic and greenhouse gas emissions assessment of excess biomass extracted from future kraft pulp mills

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Vol. 1, p. 1237-1242
Paper in proceeding

Energy consequences in minimum effluent market kraft pulp mills

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Tappi Journal. Vol. 1 (11), p. 30-32
Paper in proceeding

The compression/absorption heat pump cycle – conceptual design improvements and comparisons with the compression cycle

Magnus Hultén, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 25 (4), p. 487-497
Journal article

Efficient use of biomass in black liquor gasification plants

Håkan Eriksson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
The International Recovery Conference, Whistler, Canada, Juni 11-14, 2001. Published in the Conference Poster Presentation proceedings, p. 75-80
Paper in proceeding

Process integration in industry for cost-effective greenhouse gas reduction

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Conference poster

New Pinch Technology Based HEN Analysis Methodologies for Cost-Effective Retrofitting

Roger Nordman, Thore Berntsson
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 79 (4, August 2001), p. 655-662
Journal article

Energieffektiv indunstning i framtidens massabruk

Jessica Algehed, Thore Berntsson
Fiberlinjekonferensen 01, Stockholm 2001
Paper in proceeding

Potential for increased electricity production at an integrated pulp and paper mill with black liquor gasification

Håkan Eriksson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the 2001 TAPPI Engineering/Finishing and Converting Conference and Trade Fair, San Antonio, 16-20 September 2001, p. 411-426
Paper in proceeding

Gas turbines in district heating combined heat and power systems: influence of performance on heating costs and emissions

Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson, Carlo Carcasci
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 20, p. 1075-1103
Journal article

Energy-Efficient Pre-Evaporation of Bleach Plant Filtrates: An Economic Evaluation of Various Options

Jessica Algehed, Jan Strömberg, Thore Berntsson
Tappi Journal. Vol. 83 (9)
Journal article

New Pinch Technology Based HEN Analasis Methodologies for Cost-Effective Retrofitting

Thore Berntsson, Roger Nordman
(Presented at the 50th Canadian Chemical Engineering Coference, Montreal, Canada, October 15-18 2000)
Paper in proceeding

Opportunities for process integrated evaporation in kraft pulp mills

Jessica Algehed, Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson et al
TAPPI Engineering Conference, p. 841-849
Paper in proceeding

Process integration as a decision making tool for cost-effective greenhouse gas reduction in industry

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS´2000, p. 1213-1224
Paper in proceeding

The Compresson/Absorbtion cycle Influence of Some Major Parameters on COP and a comparison with the Compresson cycle

Magnus Hultén, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 22, p. 91-106
Journal article

A New Methodology for Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Industry through Improved Heat Exchanging and/or Integration of Combined Heat and Power

Helén Axelsson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 19/1999, Issue 7, p. 707-731
Journal article

Process integration application in the pulp and paper industry

Per-Åke Franck, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
International Conference on Process Integration, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-10 March 1999. Vol. 1, p. 52-
Other conference contribution

Heat Sources – Technology, Economy and Environment

Thore Berntsson
presented at the 6th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference 1999, Heat Pumps a Benefit for the Environment, Berlin, Germany, May 31-June 2, 1999.
Paper in proceeding

Predictions of Fuel and power Use for Kraft Mills with Advanced Black Liquor Cogeneration Systems

Niklas Berglin, Håkan Eriksson, Thore Berntsson
Paperex´99, International Technical Conference, New Delhi, India, December 14-16, 1999
Paper in proceeding

Performance Evaluation of Competing Designs for Efficient Cogeneration from Black Liquor

Niklas Berglin, Håkan Eriksson, Thore Berntsson
(Proceedings, 2nd Biennial Johan Gullichsen Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, September 9-10, 1999)
Paper in proceeding

CHP in the pulp industry using black liquor gasification: thermodynamic analysis

Niklas Berglin, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 18 (11)
Journal article

Process integration as a tool for greenhouse gas reduction

Helén Wiktorsson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Presented at 13 th international congress of chemical and process engineering CHISA´98, Prague, Czech Republic, August 23-28, 1998
Paper in proceeding

Pulp mill heat integration of black liquor gasifiers

Niklas Berglin, Thore Berntsson
Presented at TAPPI/CPPA 1998 International Chemical RECOVERY Conference, Tampa, FL. June 1-4, 1998
Paper in proceeding

Using process integration to approach the minimum impact pulp mill

Niklas Berglin, Jan Strömberg, Thore Berntsson
Presented at 1997 Environmental Conference and Exhibit May 5-7, 1997,Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN.. Vol. TAPPI Proceedings, p. 515-521
Paper in proceeding

Critical COP for an economically feasible industrial heat-pump application

Xiao Feng, Thore Berntsson
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 17 (1/January 1997), p. 93-101
Journal article

Energy-Efficient closed-cycled Bleaching

Jan Strömberg, Thore Berntsson, T Jönsson et al
Presented at the 1997 TAPPI Minimum Effluent Mills Symposium October 23- 24, 1997 San Francisco, USA.
Paper in proceeding

CHP in the pulp industry using black liquor gasification: termodynamic analysis

Niklas Berglin, Thore Berntsson
Presented at the International Conference on Energy and the Enviroment Cyprus, 1997
Paper in proceeding

Learning from experiences with Industrial Heat Pumps

Thore Berntsson, Per-Åke Franck

A new methology for utility integration in retrofit situations: Applications with cogeneration plants.

Jan Strömberg, Thore Berntsson
Presented at ECOS`96, Stockholm, June 25-27, 1996
Paper in proceeding

Energy systems options with black liquor gasification

Niklas Berglin, Lennart Persson, Thore Berntsson
Pulp & paper Canada. Vol. 97 (5)
Journal article

A process integration methodology for optimizing industrial CHP systems

Jan Strömberg, Thore Berntsson
Presented at the IEA Workshop on Industrial CHP, Santa Margherita, Italy, March, 1995
Paper in proceeding

Process integration of black liquor gasifiction systems a case study

Niklas Berglin, Lennart Persson, Thore Berntsson

Consequences for the use in CHP plants of the ongoing gas turbine development

Thore Berntsson
IEA Workshop on Industrial CHP, Santa Margherita, Italy, March 28-29, 1995, p. 11-
Paper in proceeding

Översikt av det internationella FoU-läget

Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid informationsdag om Alternativa köldmedier i kylanläggningar och värmepumpar, NUTEK, Stockholm, 9 februari 1995.
Paper in proceeding

Värmepumpens plats i energisystemet - ett sätt att klara växthuseffekten

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid Nordiska värmepumpseminarium, Energiteknik 95 Stockholm, 16 maj 1995.
Paper in proceeding

Retrofit heat exchanger networks based on detailed match calculations

Annika Carlsson, Thore Berntsson
Presented at the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Orlando, Florida, July 30-August 4, 1995.
Paper in proceeding

Integration of heat pumps in industrial processes

Erik Wallin, Thore Berntsson
Heat Recovery Systems and CHP. Vol. 14 (3), p. 287-296
Journal article

Experiences of a nonazeotropic mixtures as replacement for CFC12

Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
Heat Recovery Systems & CHP. Vol. 14 (3), p. 279-286
Journal article

Viscosity and density of aqueous solutions of LiBr, LiC1, ZnBr2, CaC12 AND LiNo3. Part 2 - Single Salt Solutions

Martin Wimby, Thore Berntsson
Journal of Chemical Engineering Data. Vol. 39 (1)
Journal article

Non-azeotropic mixtures as working fluids in two stage economizer-type heat pumps

Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Refigeration. Vol. 17 (6), p. 417-429
Journal article

Viscosity and density of aqueous solutions of LiBr, LiC1, ZnBr2, CaC12 AND LiNo3. Part 1 - Single Salt Solutions

Martin Wimby, Thore Berntsson
Journal of Chemical Engineering Data. Vol. 39 (1)
Journal article

Role of heat pumps with new working fluids

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Presented at IEA HP Centre Workshop, Consequences of (H) CFC Replacement in HVAC Applications, Gothenburg, September 7-8, 1994
Paper in proceeding

Some aspects of using mixtures

Thore Berntsson, Lennart Vamling
Presented at IEA HP Centre Workshop, Consequences of (H) CFC Replacement in HVAC Applications, Gothenburg, September 7-8, 1994
Paper in proceeding

Nonazeotropic mixtures as replacements for CFC12

Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
presented at the 11th International Congresse of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Equipment Design and Automation, Prague, Czech Republik, August 29-September 3, 1993
Paper in proceeding

Design Better Heat Exchanger Network Rerofits

Annika Carlsson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Progress
Journal article

Calculation methods for comparing the performance of pure and mixed working fluids in heat pump applications

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 16 (6), p. 403-413
Journal article

Consequences of recent gas turbine developments for industrial CHP applications

Jan Strömberg, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Heat Recovery Systems & CHP. Vol. 13 (3), p. 219-231
Journal article

Process integration of industrial heat pumps

Erik Wallin, Thore Berntsson
Presented at 4th International Energy Agency Heat Pumps Conference Maastrict, The Netherlands, April 26-29, 1993
Paper in proceeding

Ickezeotropa blandningar som ersättningmedium CFC12

Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid 14. Nordiska Kylmötet och 6. Nordiska Värmepumpdagarna Nådendal, Finland, 9-12 juni 1993
Paper in proceeding

Integration of heat pumps in industrial processes

Erik Wallin, Thore Berntsson
Presented at 11th International Congress of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Equipment design and Automation. Praha, Czech Republic, August 29-September 3, 1993
Paper in proceeding

Efarenheter från en ickeazeotrop blandning i en mw värmepumpanläggning

Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid Norsk Kjöleteknisk Möte 1993, Högskolesenteret i Vestfold, Norge, 19-21 februari 1993
Paper in proceeding

Processintegration i industrin

Thore Berntsson
Artikel till Värmeforsks årsredovisning. Vol. Febr 1992 (2)
Magazine article

Process integration of heat pumps and cogeneration systems

Erik Wallin, Jan Strömberg, Per-Åke Franck et al
Föredrag vid Workshop on Process Integration, International Experiences and Future Opportunities, IEA Workshop, Göteborg 28-29 januari 1992
Paper in proceeding

Industriell värmepumpsteknik

Thore Berntsson

Kostnader för att reducera emissioner vid värmeproduktion

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid 5:e Nordiske Varmepumpdage Lyngby, Danmark, 29-31 maj 1991
Paper in proceeding

A viscosity model for multi-electrolyte solutions

Martin Wimby, Liu Yunda, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid XVIIIth International Congress of Refigeration Montreal, Québec, Canada, 10-17 augusti 1991
Paper in proceeding

Heat transfer in falling film lithiumbromide-water evaporator, an experimental study

Per Holmberg, Lennart Persson, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid XIIIth International Congress of Refigeration Montreal, Québec, Canada, 10-17 augusti 1991
Paper in proceeding

Technico-economic aspects on heat transformers

Per Holmberg, Karin Munch, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid Indo-British Workshop on Industrial Energy Conservation, Pune, Indien, 6-8 februari 1991
Paper in proceeding

Absorptionsvärmepumpar och värmetransformatorer

Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid 5:e Nordiske Varmepumpdage, Ljungby, Danmark, 29-31 maj 1991
Paper in proceeding

CFC alternatives for high temperature heat pump applications - Chapter 7

Lennart Vamling, Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
STI, Springer-Verlag, 1991. Heat pumps-proceedings of the 4th International Conference, pp.71-82
Paper in proceeding

New energy technologies in industrial processes

Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid Indo-British Workshop on Industrial Energy Conservation, Pune, Indien, 6-8 februari 1991
Paper in proceeding

Surface evaporation of turbulent falling films

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. Vol. 34 (3), p. 835-841
Journal article

Värmepumpar i industriella processer

Per-Åke Franck, Erik Wallin, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid 5:E Nordiske Varmepumpdage, Lyngby, Danmark, 29-31 maj 1991
Paper in proceeding

Optimization study of the compression/absorption cycle

Lena Åhlby, David Hodgett, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Refigeration. Vol. 14
Journal article

A residential Heat Pump working with Nonazeotropic Mixture HCFC22-HCFC142b, Experimental Results and Evaluation

Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid XVIIIth International Congress of Refrigeration Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 10-17 August 1991 (Paper nr. 492)
Other conference contribution

Energy aspects in CFC-developments

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling, Thore Berntsson
Presented at Workshop on Concepts for Energy Savings in Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Systems, KTH, Stockholm August 29-31, 1990, p. 13-
Other conference contribution

Nonazeotropic Mixtures as Substitutes for today´s CFC Fluids

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the 3rd International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 12-15 March 1990, p. 867-886
Paper in proceeding

Heat pumps in industrial processes - an optimization methodology

Erik Wallin, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Heat Recovery Systems & CHP. Vol. 10 (4), p. 437-446
Journal article

Icke-azeotropa blandningar i värmepumpar - Förstudie för fullskaleprojekt

Ludvig Albert, Thore Berntsson, Marine Högberg et al


Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid konferens Elmia Energi & Miljö 90, Jönköping.23-27 april 1990
Paper in proceeding

Technico-economic aspects on heat transformers

Per Holmberg, Karin Munch, Thore Berntsson
Paper to be presented at Workshop on Concepts for energysavings in Heat Pumps and Refigeration Systems August 31st 1990 at The Royal Inst. of techn.,Sthlm
Paper in proceeding

Provning av icke azeotropiska arbetsmedieblandningar i större värmepumpar

Ludvig Albert, Thore Berntsson, Marine Högberg

Värmepumpens möjligheter att påverka CO2-problemet

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson

CFC Alternatives for High-Temperature Heat Pump Application

Lennart Vamling, Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
BHRA International Conference on Applications and Efficiency of Heat Pump Systems in Environmentally Sensitive Times, Munich 1st to 3rd October 1990, p. 17-
Other conference contribution

Process integration of various types of heat pumps

Per-Åke Franck, Erik Wallin, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid BHRA International Conference on Applications and Efficiency of Heat Pump Systems in Environmentally Sensitive Times, Munchen, Västtyskland. 1-3 Oktober 1990
Paper in proceeding

Possible new working fluids in high-temperature heat pumps

Marine Högberg, Lennart Vamling, Thore Berntsson

Some Aspects on Heat Transformer Optimization

Per Holmberg, Thore Berntsson
Newsletter of the IEA Heat Pump Center, March 1989. Vol. 7 (1), p. 8-11
Magazine article

Alternativa medier och processer

Thore Berntsson, Lennart Vamling, Marine Högberg
Föredrag vid 13. Nordiska Kolemode och 4. Nordiske Varmepumpedager i Loen, Norge, 30/5-3/6 1989
Paper in proceeding

The CFC-seminar in Rome 30-31 May 1988, Proceedings

Thore Berntsson
Swedish Council for Building Research. Vol. D11:1989
Other conference contribution

Möjliga åtgärder för att lösa CFC-problematiken - resultat från enkäter i Norden och internationellt

Thore Berntsson
VVS-Tekniska Föreningen, FREONDAGEN 1989, Stockholm den 5 mars
Other conference contribution

Värmeövergång vid fallfilmsförångning

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
vid 13. Nordiske Kjölemöte och 4. Nordiske Varmepumpedager i Loen, Norge, 30/5 - 3/6 1989
Other conference contribution

Blandningar som arbetsmedier

Lennart Vamling, Marine Högberg, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid 13. Nordiske Kjölemöte och 4. Nordiske Varmepumpedager i Loen, Norge, 30/5 - 3/6 1989
Other conference contribution

Egenskaper och kommersiell tillgänglighet för nya arbetsmedier

Thore Berntsson
VVS-Tekniska Föreningen, FREONDAGEN 1989, 5 april
Other conference contribution

FoU-Verksamhet Internationellt

Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid 13. Nordiske kjolemode och 4. Nordiske varmepumpedager i Loen, Norge, 30/5 - 3/6 1989
Paper in proceeding

Heat Transformers in Industrial Processes

Karin Munch, Thore Berntsson, Per-Åke Franck et al

Research activities on heat transformers at Chalmers University of Technology,

Thore Berntsson, Per Holmberg, Yunda Liu et al
Commission of the European Communities, Absorption heat pumps, Proceedings of a workshop held in London 12 - 14 April 1988
Other conference contribution

Proceedings - CFC Seminar Rome 30-31 May 1988

Thore Berntsson

Introduction of heat pumps in industrial processes

Erik Wallin, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid "Second Workshop on Research Activities on Advanced Heat Pumps" in Graz, 26-29 september 1988
Other conference contribution

Absorptionsvärmepump i Trollhättan - utvärdering

Martin Wimby, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson

Hur skall industrins spillvärme utnyttjas på ekonomiskt optimalt sätt?

Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid konferens "Energiekonomi", Göteborg april 2008, p. 14-
Other conference contribution

Heat Pump Applications at BP Refinery in Gothenburg

Michéle Brun, Thore Berntsson
3rd International Symposium on the Large Scale Applications of Heat Pumps, Oxford, England: 25-27 March 1987 (Paper D2), p. 99-103
Other conference contribution

Future Prospects for Industrial Heat Pumps in Europe

Thore Berntsson
IEA Heat Pump Conference - Heat Pumps: Prospects in Heat Pump Technology and Marketing, p. Chapter 21, 303-324
Other conference contribution

A large absorption heat pump

Martin Wimby, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
3rd International Symposium on the Large Scale Applications of Heat Pumps, Oxford, England: 25-27 March 1987 (Paper A3), p. 21-24
Other conference contribution

Utvärdering av absorptionsvärmepumpen i Trollhättan

Martin Wimby, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
VVS & Energi. Vol. 1986 (9), p. 80-81
Magazine article

SUNCLAY-anläggning i Kungsbacka - Värmeteknisk uppföljning

Per Holmberg, Thore Berntsson, Kjell Schroeder


Thore Berntsson

Hög- och lågtemperaturlagring i mark - tekniska aspekter

Gösta Rosenblad, Thore Berntsson, Per-Åke Franck

Forskning och utveckling, experiment- och demonstrationsverksamhet samt utbildning inom värmepumpområdet i Sverige

Thore Berntsson
Stora Värmepumpar - Föredrag från 2:a Nordiska Värmepumpsdagarna, Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm 13-16 augusti 1985, NSB-Energi. Exportgruppen för värmepumpar. Vol. 1985, p. 80-88
Other conference contribution

Ground-Coupled heat pumps with low-temperature heat storage: Some Swedish experiences

Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
ASHRAE Technical Data Bulletin - Advances in Nonazeotropic mixture refrigerants for heat pumps. Vol. 1985 (1), p. 1285-1296
Other conference contribution

Large Heat Pumps Nonazeotropic mixtures as working Fluids - some results from computer simulations

Karin Munch, Thore Berntsson
IIR Conference "Comission E2 - Heat Pumps and Energy Recovery, Trondheim, 19-21 June, 1985
Other conference contribution

Optimization of a combined heat pump/storage system with solar or convective heat collectors

Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Enerstock 85, Toronto Canada, September 22-26. Vol. 1985 (D13), p. 448-455
Other conference contribution

Heat transfer of nonazeotropic mixtures in a falling film evaporator

Thore Berntsson, Karin Munch, Heinz Panholzer
ASHRAE:s Annual Meeting, Honolulu, 23-27 June 1985: - ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 91 (1), p. 1337-1350
Other conference contribution

Stora dieseldrivna värmepumpar för uppvärmningsändamål

Karin Munch, Thore Berntsson, David Hodgett

Värmetransformatorer för uppvärmning och i industriella processer - en förstudie

Marie Berglund, Thore Berntsson, Kjell Ljungkvist et al

High temperature working fluids and nonazeotropic mixtures in compressor driven heat pumps

Thore Berntsson, Kjell Ljungkvist, Franz Moser et al

A heat pump evaporator using the falling film technique

Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
2nd International Symposium on "The large scale applications of heat pumps", York, England: 25-27 September. Vol. 1984 (B2), p. 51-62
Other conference contribution

Technical and economical design of a combined heat pump/low temperature storage system. Results from system simulations.

Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
2nd International Symposium on "The large scale applications of heat pumps", York, England: 25-27 September. Vol. 1984 (C3), p. 95-105
Other conference contribution

Improvment of COP of compression heat pumps through the use of non-azeotropic mixtures

Hans Schnitzer, Thore Berntsson
2nd International Symposium on "The large scale applications of heat pumps", York, England, 25-27 September. Vol. 1984 (A4), p. 13-20
Other conference contribution

Några tekniskt-ekonomiska synpunkter på lågtemperaturlagring

Thore Berntsson, Per-Åke Franck
NBS-Seminarium "Nordiskt samarbete om säsongslagring av värme" 5-6 oktober. Vol. 1983 (Byggforskningsrådet R21:1984), p. 351-362
Other conference contribution

Some technical aspects on nonazeotropic mixtures as working fluids

Thore Berntsson, Hans Schnitzer
Papers presented at the Second International Symposium on the Large Scale Applications of Heat Pumps.; York, England, 25-27 September 1984. Vol. 1984 (A1), p. 1-11
Other conference contribution

The preformance of large compressor driven heat pumps - System simulations

Karin Munch, Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid "XVIth International Congress of Refrigeration", Paris, September 1983. Vol. 1983, p. 383-387
Other conference contribution

Subsurface heat storage: A general overview

Thore Berntsson
Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm, Sweden. Vol. 1983, p. 23-24
Other conference contribution

Design of a vertical earth heat pump system. Results from system simulations.

Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
International conference on "Subsurface heat storage - in theory and practice" Stockholm June 6-8,. Vol. 1983 (Appendix, Part I), p. 168-175
Other conference contribution

Värmelagring i mark, berg och vatten

Thore Berntsson
VVS & Energi. Vol. 1983 (7-8), p. 33-37
Magazine article

Värmepumpsforskning vid Chalmers

Thore Berntsson
Föredrag - "Energiteknik i kommunal planering" i Göteborg, 11 mars. Vol. 1982, p. 1-11
Other conference contribution

Dieseldrivna värmepumpar i hetvattencentraler

Thore Berntsson, Karin Munch
VVS. Vol. 1981 (1), p. 58-63
Magazine article

Improved heat pump processes using new refrigerants

Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid VVS-Mässan i Göteborg, 23-28 oktober. Vol. 1981
Other conference contribution

Influence of the operating time on the coefficient of performance in on/off-regulated heat pump systems

Thore Berntsson
Elektrowärme im Technischen Ausbau,. Vol. 1981 (1), p. A31-A34
Magazine article

The Use of Heat Pumps for Recovery of Refinery Waste Heat

Thore Berntsson
Föredrag vid symposiet "Heat Pumps - Energy Savers in the Process Industries", Salford, 7-8 April. Vol. 1981, p. 1-30
Other conference contribution

Användning av mark som värmekälla för värmepumpar i tätort

Thore Berntsson, Per-Åke Franck, Lars Jacobson et al

The use of the ground as a heat source for heat pumps in urban areas

Thore Berntsson, Per-Åke Franck, Lars Jacobson et al

Tekniskt-ekonomiska synpunkter på dimensionering av radiatorytan i ett jordvärmepumpsystem

Thore Berntsson, Lars-Ove Olsson
Scandinavian Refrigeration. Vol. 1979 (6), p. 439-444
Magazine article

Heat Transfer in a New Type of Heat Exchanger for Divided Solids

Thore Berntsson
Powder Technology. Vol. 1979 (22), p. 101-11
Journal article

Jordvärmepumpar - apparat- och energitekniska aspekter

Gösta Rosenblad, Thore Berntsson
VVS-Forum. Vol. 1978 (4), p. 39-44
Magazine article

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Showing 3 research projects


Upgrading of renewable domestic raw materials to value-added bulk and fine chemicals for a biobased economy: technology development, systems integration and environmental impact assessment (BioBuF)

Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Elin Svensson Energy Technology
Stavros Papadokonstantakis Energy Technology
Thore Berntsson Energy Technology
Karin Pettersson Energy Technology
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Eva Albers Industrial Biotechnology
Christel Kampman Industrial Biotechnology
Lisbeth Olsson Industrial Biotechnology
Emma Karlsson Industrial Biotechnology
Nikolaos Xafenias Industrial Biotechnology
Joshua Mayers Industrial Biotechnology
Maurizio Bettiga Industrial Biotechnology
Hans Theliander Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Carl Johan Franzén Industrial Biotechnology
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Valeria Mapelli Industrial Biotechnology
Region Västra Götaland

30 publications exist

System analysis of lignocellulosic ethanol production via “High Solid SSF”

Elin Svensson Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies
Valeria Lundberg Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies
Thore Berntsson Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies
Lisbeth Olsson Industrial Biotechnology
Charilaos Xiros Industrial Biotechnology
Swedish Energy Agency


Sustainable European Energy Systems

Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Stefan Wirsenius Physical Resource Theory
Jan Kjärstad Energy Technology
Erika Mata Las Heras Energy Technology
Fredrik Normann Energy Technology
Katarina Gårdfeldt Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)
Ulrika Claeson Colpier Energy Technology
Andrea Egeskog Physical Resource Theory
Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Thore Berntsson Energy Technology
Anh Tuan Le Electric Power Engineering
Emil Nyholm Energy Technology
Göran Berndes Physical Resource Theory
Henrik Thunman Energy Technology
Maria Taljegård Energy Technology
Jonas Nässén Physical Resource Theory
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology
Johan Rootzén Energy Technology
Eoin Ó Broin Energy Technology
Lina Reichenberg Energy Technology
Joel Goop Energy Technology
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology
Halmstad University
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists
There might be more projects where Thore Berntsson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.