Thore Berntsson
Showing 317 publications
Analysis and synthesis of utility systems, including heat pumping and combined heat and power
The role of industrial biorefineries in a low-carbon economy
1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions - Summary and Highlights
The effect of high solids loading in ethanol production integrated with a pulp mill
Techno-economic analysis of excess heat driven post-combustion CCS at an oil refinery
Energy Transfer Diagram for Site-Wide Analysis and Application to a Kraft Pulp Mill
Perspectives on Investment Cost Estimates for Gasification-Based Biofuel Production Systems
Algae-based biofuel production as part of an industrial cluster
Industrial excess heat driven post-combustion CCS: The effect of stripper temperature level
Integration of Fischer-Tropsch fuel production with a complex oil refinery
Temperature Dependence of Heat Integration Possibilities of an MEA Scrubber Plant at a Refinery
Hydrogen for oil refining via biomass indirect steam gasification: energy and environmental targets
Operational Flexibility in Pulp Mill Steam Production at Off-design Heat Loads
Converting a kraft pulp mill into a multi-product biorefinery – Part 1: Energy aspects
Assessment of strategies for CO2 abatement in the European petroleum refining industry
Integration of Fischer-Tropsch Diesel Production with a Complex Oil Refinery
Energy Analysis for Conversion of a Kraft Pulp Mill into a Dissolving Pulp Mill
Analysing the potential for implementation of CCS within the European pulp and paper industry
Towards a Sustainable European Energy System - The Role of the Pulp and Paper Industry
Process integration methodologies developed and applied in swedish kraft pulp mills - A review
Integrated Biorefineries: Design, Analysis, and Optimization
Integration of a Biomass-to-Hydrogen Process in an Oil Refinery
Heat supply alternatives for CO2 capture in the process industry
Hydrogen production from biomass gasification in the oil refining industry - A system analysis
Integration of biomass gasification with a Scandinavian mechanical pulp and paper mill
Systems Analysis of Different Technology Pathways for the Pulp and Paper Industry: A Synthesis
Possibilities and problems in using exergy expressions in process integration
Methodology for assessing process integration of new technologies in the oil refining industry
Biomass gasification for hydrogen production in refineries
Potential for CCS within the European pulp and paper industry
Pathways for the pulp industry: trade-offs between profit and CO2 emissions reduction
Towards a Sustainable European Energy system – The Role of the Pulp and Paper Industry
Influence of short-term variations on energy-saving opportunities in a pulp mill
Analysing the Potential for CCS within the European Pulp and Paper Industry
Influences of Short-term Variations on Energy-Saving Opportunities in a Pulp Mill
Comparing conventional evaporation plants with plants using excess heat: A simulation study
Simulations comparing conventional evaporation plants with plants using excess heat
Use of advanced composite curves for assessing cost-effective HEN retrofit I: Theory and concepts
Influence of Seasonal Variations on Energy-Saving Opportunities in a Pulp Mill
Use of advanced composite curves for assessing cost-effective HEN retrofit II. Case studies
Socio-Technical Aspects of Potential Future Use of Excess Heat from Kraft Pulp Mills
Extracting lignin from black liquor: Consequences for the evaporation plant
An optimization methodology for identifying robust process integration investments under uncertainty
Towards Sustainabel Oil Refinery - Pre-study for larger co-operation project
Influences of Seasonal Variations on Energy-Saving Opportunities in a Pulp Mill
The role of Process Integration in CCS Systems in Oil Refineries and Pulp Mills
CO2 Capture in Pulp and Paper Mills – Opportunities for Chilled Ammonia Absorption
The Role of Process Integration in CCS Systems in Oil Refineries and Pulp Mills
Systemtänkande i massa- och pappersindustrins energiplanering
A tool for simulating energy-efficient evaporation using excess heat in kraft pulp mills
Future CO2 removal from pulp mills - Process integration consequences
A tool for simulating energy-efficient evaporation using excess heat in kraft pulp mills
Future opportuniteis for implementing biorefinery concepts in the Swedish pulping industry
Energy system consequences when installing an advanced delignification process
Efficient energy use in a slaughter and meat processing plant-opportunities for process integration
Energy efficient upgrading of biofuel integrated with a pulp mill
Strategic approach to co-generation design
CO2 capture from recovery boiler flue gases with biomass energy or heatpump
Future CO2 Removal From Pulp Mills - Process Integration Consequences
Assessing the value of pulp mill biomass savings in a climate change conscious economy
Consequences of lignin precipitation in the pulp and paper industry
Design of kraft pulp mill hot and warm water systems - A new method that maximizes excess heat
Advanced pinch technology based composite curves for evaluating the usable excess heat potential
Strategic Approach to Cogeneration Design
Är ligninuttag ett alternativ till utbyggnad av sodapanna vid produktionsökning?
Carbon Dioxide Capture in the Pulp and Paper Industry
The potential for energy savings when reducing the water consumption in a Kraft Pulp Mill
Energy Conservation in the Food Industry Using Process Integration - Methodologies and Case Study
Energy Efficient upgrading of Biofuel Integrated with a Pulp Mill
Energy conservation in the food industry using process integration - Methodologies and case study
Technical, enviromental and economic analysis of CO-firing of gasified biofuel in a NGCC CHP plant
Cost-efficient CO2-reduction in the pulp and paper industry - results from a case study
Heat sources - technology, economy and environment
Efficient use of biomass in black liquor gasification plants
Energy efficient evaporation in future pulp and paper mills
Usable excess heat in future kraft pulp mills
Co-ordination of pinch technology and the MIND method-applied to a Swedish board mill
Energy consequences in minimum effluent market kraft pulp mills
Efficient use of biomass in black liquor gasification plants
Process integration in industry for cost-effective greenhouse gas reduction
New Pinch Technology Based HEN Analysis Methodologies for Cost-Effective Retrofitting
Energieffektiv indunstning i framtidens massabruk
New Pinch Technology Based HEN Analasis Methodologies for Cost-Effective Retrofitting
Opportunities for process integrated evaporation in kraft pulp mills
Process integration application in the pulp and paper industry
Heat Sources – Technology, Economy and Environment
Predictions of Fuel and power Use for Kraft Mills with Advanced Black Liquor Cogeneration Systems
Performance Evaluation of Competing Designs for Efficient Cogeneration from Black Liquor
CHP in the pulp industry using black liquor gasification: thermodynamic analysis
Process integration as a tool for greenhouse gas reduction
Pulp mill heat integration of black liquor gasifiers
Using process integration to approach the minimum impact pulp mill
Energisystemkonsekvenser och processintegrationsaspekter av svartlutsförgasning
Critical COP for an economically feasible industrial heat-pump application
Energy-Efficient closed-cycled Bleaching
Prestanda av absoptions-Kompressionscykeln och jämförelse med en konventionell kompressionscykel
CHP in the pulp industry using black liquor gasification: termodynamic analysis
Energy systems options with black liquor gasification
A process integration methodology for optimizing industrial CHP systems
Process integration of black liquor gasifiction systems a case study
Consequences for the use in CHP plants of the ongoing gas turbine development
Översikt av det internationella FoU-läget
Värmepumpens plats i energisystemet - ett sätt att klara växthuseffekten
Retrofit heat exchanger networks based on detailed match calculations
Integration of heat pumps in industrial processes
Experiences of a nonazeotropic mixtures as replacement for CFC12
Non-azeotropic mixtures as working fluids in two stage economizer-type heat pumps
Role of heat pumps with new working fluids
Some aspects of using mixtures
Nonazeotropic mixtures as replacements for CFC12
Design Better Heat Exchanger Network Rerofits
Consequences of recent gas turbine developments for industrial CHP applications
Alternative kolemidler 1:3 globala miljöaspekter på arbetsmedier i kyl- och värmepumpanläggningar
Process integration of industrial heat pumps
Ickezeotropa blandningar som ersättningmedium CFC12
Alternative kolemidler 1:3 - globala miljöaspekter på arbetsmedier i kyl- och värmepumpanläggningar
Integration of heat pumps in industrial processes
Efarenheter från en ickeazeotrop blandning i en mw värmepumpanläggning
Processintegration i industrin
Process integration of heat pumps and cogeneration systems
Kostnader för att reducera emissioner vid värmeproduktion
A viscosity model for multi-electrolyte solutions
Heat transfer in falling film lithiumbromide-water evaporator, an experimental study
Technico-economic aspects on heat transformers
Absorptionsvärmepumpar och värmetransformatorer
CFC alternatives for high temperature heat pump applications - Chapter 7
New energy technologies in industrial processes
Surface evaporation of turbulent falling films
Värmepumpar i industriella processer
Optimization study of the compression/absorption cycle
Energy aspects in CFC-developments
Nonazeotropic Mixtures as Substitutes for today´s CFC Fluids
Heat pumps in industrial processes - an optimization methodology
Icke-azeotropa blandningar i värmepumpar - Förstudie för fullskaleprojekt
Technico-economic aspects on heat transformers
Provning av icke azeotropiska arbetsmedieblandningar i större värmepumpar
CFC Alternatives for High-Temperature Heat Pump Application
Process integration of various types of heat pumps
Possible new working fluids in high-temperature heat pumps
Some Aspects on Heat Transformer Optimization
Alternativa medier och processer
The CFC-seminar in Rome 30-31 May 1988, Proceedings
Möjliga åtgärder för att lösa CFC-problematiken - resultat från enkäter i Norden och internationellt
Värmeövergång vid fallfilmsförångning
Egenskaper och kommersiell tillgänglighet för nya arbetsmedier
FoU-Verksamhet Internationellt
Heat Transformers in Industrial Processes
Research activities on heat transformers at Chalmers University of Technology,
Introduction of heat pumps in industrial processes
Absorptionsvärmepump i Trollhättan - utvärdering
Hur skall industrins spillvärme utnyttjas på ekonomiskt optimalt sätt?
Heat Pump Applications at BP Refinery in Gothenburg
Future Prospects for Industrial Heat Pumps in Europe
Study of working fluid mixtures and high temperature working fluids for compressor driven systems
Utvärdering av absorptionsvärmepumpen i Trollhättan
Ongoing R&R activities in the heat pump field at the Department of Heat and Power Technology
SUNCLAY-anläggning i Kungsbacka - Värmeteknisk uppföljning
Hög- och lågtemperaturlagring i mark - tekniska aspekter
Ground-Coupled heat pumps with low-temperature heat storage: Some Swedish experiences
Datorprogram för simulering av uppvärmningssystemet: Värmepump, Lager och Värmekollektor
Heat pump applications at BP Refinery - Studies of different possibilities
Large Heat Pumps Nonazeotropic mixtures as working Fluids - some results from computer simulations
Study of working fluid mixtures and high temperature working fluids for compressor driven systems
Optimization of a combined heat pump/storage system with solar or convective heat collectors
Värmepumpanläggning vid Ruddalens isbanor, Göteborg - Mätningar och uppföljning
Heat transfer of nonazeotropic mixtures in a falling film evaporator
Värmepumpar - Utvärdering av FoU-projekt 3-årsperioden 1978/79 - 1980/81 - G16:1984 -
Stora dieseldrivna värmepumpar för uppvärmningsändamål
Värmetransformatorer för uppvärmning och i industriella processer - en förstudie
High temperature working fluids and nonazeotropic mixtures in compressor driven heat pumps
A heat pump evaporator using the falling film technique
Improvment of COP of compression heat pumps through the use of non-azeotropic mixtures
Några tekniskt-ekonomiska synpunkter på lågtemperaturlagring
Some technical aspects on nonazeotropic mixtures as working fluids
The preformance of large compressor driven heat pumps - System simulations
Subsurface heat storage: A general overview
Design of a vertical earth heat pump system. Results from system simulations.
Värmelagring i mark, berg och vatten
Measurements on a water-to-water heat pump using mixtures or R22 and R114 as working fluid
Värmepumpsforskning vid Chalmers
Dieseldrivna värmepumpar i hetvattencentraler
Improved heat pump processes using new refrigerants
The Use of Heat Pumps for Recovery of Refinery Waste Heat
Användning av mark som värmekälla för värmepumpar i tätort
The use of the ground as a heat source for heat pumps in urban areas
Tekniskt-ekonomiska synpunkter på dimensionering av radiatorytan i ett jordvärmepumpsystem
Heat Transfer in a New Type of Heat Exchanger for Divided Solids
Jordvärmepumpar - apparat- och energitekniska aspekter
Heat transfer studies in a new type of heat exchanger for divided solids
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Showing 3 research projects
System analysis of lignocellulosic ethanol production via “High Solid SSF”
Sustainable European Energy Systems