Laboratory study of driving rain resistance of four façade systems with window fittings - Experimental results of leakage flows
Paper in proceeding, 2016
Facades generally experience leaks and driving rain is considered to be a significant source of moisture, which should be taken into account when carrying out moisture calculations for exterior walls. Water can leak into the exterior walls and facades to a greater or lesser extent. However, we lack specific information with details on the amount of penetrating water. Four facade systems have been examined. Three of the facade systems were different in that there was one ventilated system, one single-stage sealing system and two drained systems. To better understand the exact importance of seals and variations in installation and workmanship, these factors have also been studied. The measurements show significant water leakage where seals are absent. Even in cases with seals present, there are leakages. Although the installations were performed by professionals, it was still leaky which shows that facade systems with window fittings should be designed and tested for any anticipated defects in order to ensure that the exterior wall are not subject to moisture damage.
Driving rain resistance
Water leakage
EN 12865