Momentum exchange between light and nanostructured matter
Doctoral thesis, 2021
Once focused by a strong lens, light can form optical tweezers which through optical forces and torques can confine and manipulate small particles in space. Metallic nanorods trapped in two dimensions against a cover glass can receive enough angular momentum from circularly polarised light to rotate with frequencies of several tens of kilohertz. In the first paper of this thesis, the photothermal effects associated with such optical rotations are studied to observe elevated thermal environments and morphological changes to the nanorod. Moreover, to elucidate upon the interactions between the trapped particle and the nearby glass surface, in the thesis' second paper a study is conducted to quantify the separation distance between the two under different trapping conditions. The particle is found to be confined ~30-90 nm away from the surface.
The momentum exchange from a single nanoparticle to a light beam is negligible. However, by tailoring the response of an array of nanoparticles, phase-gradient metasurfaces can be constructed that collectively and controllably alter the incoming light's momentum in a macroscopically significant way, potentially enabling a paradigm shift to flat optical components. In the thesis' third paper, a novel fabrication technique to build such metasurfaces in a patternable polymer resist is investigated. The technique is shown to produce efficient, large-scale, potentially flexible, substrate-independent flat optical devices with reduced fabricational complexity, required time, and cost.
At present, optical metasurfaces are commonly viewed as stationary objects that manipulate light just like common optical components, but do not themselves react to the light's changed momentum. In the last paper of this thesis, it is realised that this is an overlooked potential source of optical force and torque. By incorporating a beam-steering metasurface into a microparticle, a new type of nanoscopic robot – a metavehicle – is invented. Its propulsion and steering are based on metasurface-induced optical momentum transfer and the metavehicle is shown to be driven in complex shapes even while transporting microscopic cargo.
phase-gradient metasurface
optical force and torque
momentum exchange.
rotary nanomotor
optical tweezers
Daniel Andrén
Chalmers, Physics, Nano and Biophysics
Probing Photothermal Effects on Optically Trapped Gold Nanorods by Simultaneous Plasmon Spectroscopy and Brownian Dynamics Analysis
ACS Nano,;Vol. 11(2017)p. 10053-10061
Journal article
Surface Interactions of Gold Nanoparticles Optically Trapped against an Interface
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,;Vol. 123(2019)p. 16406-16414
Journal article
Large-Scale Metasurfaces Made by an Exposed Resist
ACS Photonics,;Vol. 7(2020)p. 885-892
Journal article
Microscopic metavehicles powered and steered by embedded optical metasurfaces
Nature Nanotechnology,;Vol. 16(2021)p. 970-974
Journal article
I naturen ger dessa effekter upphov till klara färger hos vissa fjärilsvingar och fågelskrudar, medan forskare inom nano-optik utvecklar artificiella strukturer med liknande funktioner. En sådan är optiska metaytor, där nanopartiklar kollektivt kan styra och forma ljus. Genom att välja partiklar och mönster rätt skulle dessa kunna ersätta dagens kameralinser.
Utöver energi bär en ljusvåg på rörelsemängd och rörelsemängdsmoment. Genom att överföra delar av dessa kan ljus påverka små partiklar med krafter och vridmoment. I så kallade optiska pincetter kan dessa effekter användas för att fånga och manipulera objekt med hög precision.
I denna avhandling har förhållandet mellan optiska krafter och resonansförstärkta nanopartiklar undersökts, med målet att förbättra kontroll av både ljus och materia. Inledningsvis studerades guldnanostavar i optiska pincetter, för att klargöra uppvärmningseffekter och påverkan av närliggande glasytor. Därefter utvecklades en metod för förenklad tillverkning av optiska metaytor. Slutligen kombinerades byggstenarna optiska krafter och metaytor för att konstruera mikroskopiska metarobotar som drivs genom avböjning av polariserat ljus.
Areas of Advance
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SO 2010-2017, EI 2018-)
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Physical Sciences
Other Physics Topics
Nano Technology
Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory
Nanofabrication Laboratory
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 4935
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Opponent: Prof. Kishan Dholakia, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom