BMS algebra from residual gauge invariance in light-cone gravity
Journal article, 2021

We analyze the residual gauge freedom in gravity, in four dimensions, in the light-cone gauge, in a formulation where unphysical fields are integrated out. By checking the invariance of the light-cone Hamiltonian, we obtain a set of residual gauge transformations, which satisfy the BMS algebra realized on the two physical fields in the theory. Hence, the BMS algebra appears as a consequence of residual gauge invariance in the bulk and not just at the asymptotic boundary. We highlight the key features of the light-cone BMS algebra and discuss its connection with the quadratic form structure of the Hamiltonian.

Space-Time Symmetries

Gauge Symmetry

Classical Theories of Gravity


Sudarshan Ananth

Indian Institute of Science

Lars Brink

Chalmers, Physics

Sucheta Majumdar

Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

International Solvay Institute for Physics and Chemistry

Journal of High Energy Physics

1126-6708 (ISSN) 1029-8479 (eISSN)

Vol. 2021 11 008

Subject Categories

Algebra and Logic


Mathematical Analysis



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