Lars Brink
Showing 55 publications
International center for fundamental physics in Moscow: People and time
Are there Ultimate Physical Laws or are they like the Skins of an Onion
KK, Particle Physicist, World Scientific and the Institute of Advanced Studies
Looking Beyond the Frontiers of Science : Dedicated to the 80th Birthday of K.K. Phua
BMS algebra from residual gauge invariance in light-cone gravity
Bondi-Metzner-Sachs algebra as an extension of the Poincaré symmetry in light-cone gravity
Preface - Geoffrey Chew: Architect of The Bootstrap
Geoffrey Chew: Architect of The Bootstrap
Hadronic strings - A revisit in the shade of moonshine
A hidden symmetry in quantum gravity
Maximal supergravity and the quest for finiteness
Topological Phase Transitions and New Developments
E 8 in N= 8 supergravity in four dimensions
Gravitation and quadratic forms
Stanley Mandelstam and me and life on the light-cone
Stanley Mandelstam and me and life on the light-cone
Memorial volume on Abdus Salam’s 90th birthday
60 years of Yang-Mills gauge field theories: C.N. Yang's contributions to physics
Maximally supersymmetric yang-mills theory: The story of N =4 Yang-Mills theory
Maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory: The story of N=4 Yang-Mills theory
Some reminiscences from a long friendship
Exceptional versus superPoincaré algebra as the defining symmetry of maximal supergravity
Yang-Mills theories and quadratic forms
Counterterms in gravity in the light-front formulation and a D=2 conformal-like symmetry in gravity
Counterterms in Gravity in the Light-Front Formulation and a D=2 Conformal-Like Symmetry in Gravity
From the nambu–goto to the σ-model action
Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills in five dimensions in light-cone superspace
Extensions of the Poincare group
Maximal supersymmetry, light-front dynamics and exceptional symmetries
Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills in five dimensions in light-cone superspace
Maximal supersymmetry and exceptional groups
Héctor Rubinstein from a swedish prospective
Maximal supersymmetry and exceptional groups
The BLG theory in light-cone superspace
Light-cone field theory, maximal supersymmetric theories and E7 (7) in light-cone superspace
E8(8) in Light Cone Superspace
The N=8 Supergravity Hamiltonian as a Quadratic Form
Non-linear realization of PSU(2,2|4) on the light-cone
Eleven-dimensional supergravity in light-cone superspace
A Non-BRST Approach to Gauge Field Theories
A Non-Geometric Approach to 11-Dimensional Supergravity
Tensionless strings, vertex operator and scattering amplitudes
N=8 superconformal algebra and the superstring
String field theory with chiral coordinates
Uniqueness of superstring actions
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Showing 1 research projects
Superstträngteori och maximal supersymmetri