Diet and dietary biomarkers during pregnancy and lactation in relation to offspring allergy development
Doctoral thesis, 2023
The objective of this thesis was to investigate if the diet during pregnancy and lactation is related to offspring allergy development (i.e., atopic eczema, food allergy, and asthma) diagnosed by an allergologist at twelve months of age. The thesis is based on data from the birth cohort Nutritional impact on Immunological maturation during Childhood in relation to the Environment (NICE). Dietary data were collected using a repeated web-based semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire sent out in gestational week 34, one month postpartum, and four months postpartum. Dietary intakes were quantified based on pictures of portion sizes and reported intake frequency. Maternal and infant blood, urine, and breast milk samples were collected, and nutrients, trace elements, and metabolomics-based food intake biomarkers were related to the self-reported food intake and to allergy diagnosis.
The results show that maternal intake of cow’s milk products and saturated fat during lactation was associated with a lower incidence of offspring allergy. Higher proportions of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in umbilical cord plasma phospholipids correlated to a higher incidence of atopic eczema during the
first year of life. In addition, food intake during pregnancy was associated with maternal characteristics, primarily age and educational level. Food intake biomarkers known from a general (i.e., non-pregnant or lactating) population seemed useful also during lactation, whilst dietary biomarkers during pregnancy warrant further investigation.
In summary, the findings indicate that the most crucial period of time in terms of allergy prevention may be the first months postpartum, rather than during pregnancy. Hence, changing maternal diet during lactation may be a useful strategy for allergy prevention in the offspring.
Dietary biomarkers
Atopic eczema
Food allergy
Mia Stråvik
Chalmers, Life Sciences, Food and Nutrition Science
Food and Nutrient Intake during Pregnancy in Relation to Maternal Characteristics: Results from the NICE Birth Cohort in Northern Sweden.
Nutrients,;Vol. 11(2019)
Journal article
Maternal Intake of Cow's Milk during Lactation Is Associated with Lower Prevalence of Food Allergy in Offspring
Nutrients,;Vol. 12(2020)p. 1-19
Journal article
Proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids in umbilical cord blood at birth are related to atopic eczema development in the first year of life
Nutrients,;Vol. 13(2021)
Journal article
Biomarkers of seafood intake during pregnancy – Pollutants versus fatty acids and micronutrients
Environmental Research,;Vol. 225(2023)
Journal article
Stråvik M, Hartvigsson O, Sandin A, Wold AE, Barman M, Sandberg A-S. LC-MS based metabolomics for dietary biomarker discovery in a cohort of pregnant and lactating women and their infants
Arbetet är gjort inom NICE studien (Nutritional impact on Immunological maturation during Childhood in relation to the Environment). Under åren 2015-2018 rekryterades blivande föräldrar med planerad förlossning på Sunderby Sjukhus i Norrbotten. Totalt rekryterades 655 familjer som följs från graviditet till det att barnet fyllt sex år.
I denna avhandling undersöktes om mammans mat under graviditet och amning var kopplat till barnets allergiutveckling under första levnadsåret. Resultaten visar att de barn vars mammor drack mer mjölk under amningen i mindre utsträckning utvecklade födoämnesallergi. Mammans intag av mjölk kunde dessutom mätas med en specifik fettsyra i hennes bröstmjölk som i sig var relaterad till barnets allergi, vilket stärkte resultaten ytterligare. Vidare fanns ett samband med lägre förekomst av allergi (eksem, födoämnesallergi och astma) hos barn till mammor som åt mer mättat fett under amningsperioden. Högre förekomst av så kallade omega-6 fettsyror i barnens navelsträngsblod hade samband med ökad utveckling av eksem under första levnadsåret.
Eftersom det är svårt att komma ihåg exakt vad man ätit och druckit flera veckor bakåt i tiden, är det viktigt att inte enbart förlita sig på enkäter när man studerar kostintag utan att också mäta markörer i blod och urin som visar vad man ätit. Resultaten i avhandlingen visar till exempel att det rapporterade intaget av fisk, frukt och bär avspeglades väl i mammornas blod och urin.
Sammanfattningsvis verkade mammornas mat under graviditeten inte spela så stor roll för barnets allergiutveckling. I stället hade tiden efter förlossningen större inverkan på huruvida barnet utvecklade allergi eller inte, där framför allt mammans mjölkdrickande verkar ha en skyddande effekt.
Mammans mat under graviditet och amning och allergi hos barnet
Jane and Dan Olssons Foundations (2020-23), 2020-05-20 -- 2021-04-30.
The role of prenatal diet- and microbiome- derived metabolome in childhood allergy development. Metabolic fingerprinting for allergy prediction
Swedish Research Council (VR) (2019-01317), 2020-01-01 -- 2023-12-31.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Nutrition and Dietetics
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5285
KB-salen, Kemigården 4
Opponent: Professor Suvi Virtanen, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland