From 2d-van der Waals magnets to superconductor hybrid devices
Doctoral thesis, 2023

This thesis focuses on two distinct topics in different lines of research within mesoscopic physics. The first topic is related to
magnons in 2d-van der Waals magnets. In extension to previous work, we discuss properties of the magnon disperson of a
bilayer system and uncover an underlying PT-symmetry, which explains the topology of the magnon spectrum and the
absence of a magnon Hall effect in our system. The second topic deals with a quantum dot device (NDS) consisting of a
quantum dot proximized by a large gap superconductor and weakly coupled to a normal metal. We study the transient
dynamics, including charge and heat transport after distinct switches in gate voltage, which prepare the initial state. The
analysis makes significantly use of a so called fermionic duality, a novel dissipative symmetry. This way we obtain a detailed
microscopic understanding of how to control charge and heat currents in this NDS-nanostructure.


Lara Celine Ortmanns

RWTH Aachen University

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Applied Quantum Physics

Subject Categories

Condensed Matter Physics



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5348



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