A super-grid approach for LES combustion closure using the Linear Eddy Model
Journal article, 2024
LES-LEM is a simulation approach for turbulent combustion in which the stochastic Linear Eddy Model (LEM) is used for sub-grid mixing and combustion closure in Large-Eddy Simulation (LES). LEM resolves, along a one-dimensional line, all spatial and temporal scales, provides on-the-fly local turbulent flame statistics, captures finite rate chemistry effects and directly incorporates turbulence-chemistry interaction. However, the approach is computationally expensive as it requires advancing an LEM-line in each LES cell. This paper introduces a novel turbulent combustion closure model for LES using LEM to address this issue. It involves coarse-graining the LES mesh to generate a coarse- level 'super-grid' comprised of cell-clusters. Each cell-cluster, instead of each LES cell, then contains a single LEM domain. This domain advances the combined advection-reaction-diffusion solution and also provides suitably conditioned statistics for thermochemical scalars such as species mass fractions. Local LES-filtered thermochemical states are then obtained by probability-density-function (PDF) weighted integration of binned conditionally averaged scalars, akin to standard presumed PDF approaches for reactive LES but with physics-based determination of the full thermochemical state for particular values of the conditioning variables. The proposed method is termed 'super-grid LEM' or 'SG-LEM'. The paper describes LEM reaction-diffusion advancement, the LEM representation of turbulent advection, a novel splicing algorithm (a key feature of LES-LEM) formulated for the super-grid approach, a wall treatment, and a thermochemical LES closure procedure. To validate the proposed model, a pressure-based solver was developed using the OpenFOAM library and tested on a premixed ethylene flame stabilised over a backward facing step, a setup for which some DNS data is available. SG-LEM provides high resolution flame structures, temperature and mass fractions suitable for LES thermochemical closure. Additionally, it provides reaction-rate data at the coarse level, a unique feature compared to other mapping-type closure methods. Quantitative comparisons are made between the proposed model and time-averaged DNS data, focussing on velocity, temperature and species mass fraction. Results show good agreement downstream of the step. Furthermore, comparison with an equivalent Partially-Stirred Reactor (PaSR) simulation demonstrates the superior predictive capability of SG-LEM. Additionally, the paper briefly examines the sensitivity of the model to coarse-graining parameters and finally, explores computational efficiency highlighting the substantial speedup achieved when compared to the standard LES-LEM approach with potentially significant speedup relative to PaSR closure for the intensely turbulent regimes of principal interest.
presumed PDFs
combustion closure