Michael Oevermann
Showing 59 publications
A super-grid approach for LES combustion closure using the Linear Eddy Model
A pressure-coupled Representative Interactive Linear Eddy Model (RILEM) for engine simulations
Large-Eddy Simulation Study of Ultra-High Fuel Injection Pressure on Gasoline Sprays
Numerical Assessment of Cavitation Erosion for a Nozzle Flow Configuration
A new LES subgrid-scale approach for turbulence modulation by droplets
Numerical simulation of a gasoline spray using one-dimensional turbulence for primary atomization
Zero-flux approximations for multivariate quadrature-based moment methods
Large-eddy simulation study of combustion cyclic variation in a lean-burn spark ignition engine
A Multi-Cycle Large-Eddy Simulation Study of Combustion Cyclic Variation in a SI-engine
Subgrid Reaction-Diffusion Closure for Large Eddy Simulations Using the Linear-Eddy Model
A two dimensional Euler-Lagrangian model of wood gasification in a charcoal bed — Particle histories
Modeling and numerical study of primary breakup under diesel conditions
LES Investigation of ECN Spray G2 with an Eulerian Stochastic Field Cavitation Model
A representative linear eddy model for simulating spray combustion in engines (RILEM)
An Eulerian stochastic field cavitation model coupled to a pressure based solver
A Method to Evaluate the Compression Ratio in IC Engines with Porous Thermal Barrier Coatings
Modeling n-dodecane Spray Combustion with a Representative Interactive Linear Eddy Model
Numerical investigation of turbulent-jet primary breakup using one-dimensional turbulence
Numerical study of stochastic particle dispersion using One-Dimensional-Turbulence
Stochastic modeling of unsteady extinction in turbulent non-premixed combustion
Parameter dependences of the onset of turbulent liquid-jet breakup
Sensitivity of VOF simulations of the liquid jet breakup to physical and numerical parameters
Numerical and experimental studies of liquid breakup at the surface of turbulent jets
A representative linear eddy model (RILEM) for non-premixed combustion
An asymptotic solution approach for elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients
A conservative coupling of level-set, volume-of-fluid and other conserved quantities
Experimental Investigations of the Impact of Equivalence Ratio Oscillations on a Bluff Body Flame
Numerical Investigations of the Impact of Temperature Fluctuations on Lean Premixed Flames
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