Long-term stability of molecular doped epigraphene quantum Hall standards: single elements and large arrays (R K/236 ≈ 109 Ω)
Journal article, 2023

In this work we investigate the long-term stability of epitaxial graphene (epigraphene) quantum Hall resistance standards, including single devices and an array device composed of 236 elements providing R K/236 ≈ 109 Ω, with R K the von Klitzing constant. All devices utilize the established technique of chemical doping via molecular dopants to achieve homogenous doping and control over carrier density. However, optimal storage conditions and the long-term stability of molecular dopants for metrological applications have not been widely studied. In this work we aim to identify simple storage techniques that use readily available and cost-effective materials which provide long-term stability for devices without the need for advanced laboratory equipment. The devices are stored in glass bottles with four different environments: ambient, oxygen absorber, silica gel desiccant, and oxygen absorber/desiccant mixture. We have tracked the carrier densities, mobilities, and quantization accuracies of eight different epigraphene quantum Hall chips for over two years. We observe the highest stability (i.e. lowest change in carrier density) for samples stored in oxygen absorber/desiccant mixture, with a relative change in carrier density below 0.01% per day and no discernable degradation of quantization accuracy at the part-per-billion level. This storage technique yields a comparable stability to the currently established best storage method of inert nitrogen atmosphere, but it is much easier to realize in practice. It is possible to further optimize the mixture of oxygen absorber/desiccant for even greater stability performance in the future. We foresee that this technique can allow for simple and stable long-term storage of polymer-encapsulated molecular doped epigraphene quantum Hall standards, removing another barrier for their wide-spread use in practical metrology.




quantum Hall effect


Naveen Shetty


Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Quantum Device Physics

T. Bergsten

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Gunnar Eklund

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Samuel Lara Avila

National Physical Laboratory (NPL)

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Quantum Device Physics

Sergey Kubatkin

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Quantum Device Physics

Karin Cedergren

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Hans He

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Quantum Device Physics


0026-1394 (ISSN) 16817575 (eISSN)

Vol. 60 5 055009

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VINNOVA (2019-00068), 2020-05-01 -- 2024-12-31.

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Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering

Condensed Matter Physics



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