Sergey Kubatkin

Showing 130 publications
Ultranarrow Semiconductor WS<sub>2</sub> Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistors
Loss and decoherence in superconducting circuits on silicon: Insights from electron spin resonance
Ultralow 1/f noise in epigraphene devices
Scaling of self-stimulated spin echoes
All-2D CVD-grown semiconductor field-effect transistors with van der Waals graphene contacts
Field Manipulation of Band Properties in Infrared Spectra of Thin Films
Bottom-Up Growth of Monolayer Honeycomb SiC
Reflection-enhanced gain in traveling-wave parametric amplifiers
Quantum bath suppression in a superconducting circuit by immersion cooling
Enhanced Josephson coupling in hybrid nanojunctions
In Memory of Leonid Sergeevich Kuzmin (1946-2022)
Highly efficient UV detection in a metal-semiconductor-metal detector with epigraphene
Spin-Echo Silencing Using a Current-Biased Frequency-Tunable Resonator
Accurate graphene quantum Hall arrays for the new International System of Units
Fast Tunable High-Q-Factor Superconducting Microwave Resonators
The performance limits of epigraphene Hall sensors doped across the Dirac point
Chemical Sensing with Atomically Thin Platinum Templated by a 2D Insulator
Two-level systems in superconducting quantum devices due to trapped quasiparticles
Pulsed electron spin resonance of an organic microcrystal by dispersive readout
Polymer-encapsulated molecular doped epigraphene for quantum resistance metrology
Towards quantum-limited coherent detection of terahertz waves in charge-neutral graphene
Quantum transport at Dirac point enables graphene for terahertz heterodyne astronomy
Effect of graphene substrate type on formation of Bi <inf>2</inf> Se <inf>3</inf> nanoplates
Near-Field Scanning Microwave Microscopy in the Single Photon Regime
Probing variable range hopping lengths by magneto conductance in carbonized polymer nanofibers
Suppression of low-frequency charge noise in superconducting resonators by surface spin desorption
Stable and tunable charge carrier control of graphene for quantum resistance metrology
Thermal stability of epitaxial graphene electrodes for conductive polymer nanofiber devices
Direct Identification of Dilute Surface Spins on Al2 O3: Origin of Flux Noise in Quantum Circuits
Observation of Coulomb blockade in nanostructured epitaxial bilayer graphene on SiC
Site-selective immobilization of functionalized DNA origami on nanopatterned Teflon AF
Fabrication of graphene quantum hall resistance standard in a cryogen-Table-Top system
Angle-Dependent Microresonator ESR Characterization of Locally Doped Gd3+:Al2O3
Towards a cryogen-free table-top primary resistance standard
Switching Mechanisms in Molecular Switches
Apparent Power Law Scaling of Variable Range Hopping Conduction in Carbonized Polymer Nanofibers
Tunable superconducting microstrip resonators
Giant quantum Hall plateaus generated by charge transfer in epitaxial graphene
Superconducting microwave parametric amplifier based on a quasi-fractal slow propagation line
Hot carrier relaxation of Dirac fermions in bilayer epitaxial graphene
Wafer-scale homogeneity of transport properties in epitaxial graphene on SiC
Coherent interaction with two-level fluctuators using near field scanning microwave microscopy
Kinetic inductance as a microwave circuit design variable by multilayer fabrication
High mobility epitaxial graphene devices via aqueous-ozone processing
A prototype of RK/200 quantum Hall array resistance standard on epitaxial graphene
Operation of graphene quantum Hall resistance standard in a cryogen-free table-top system
Low contact resistance in epitaxial graphene devices for quantum metrology
Influence of Impurity Spin Dynamics on Quantum Transport in Epitaxial Graphene
Nanopatterning of Mobile Lipid Mono layers on Electron-Beam-Sculpted Teflon AF Surfaces
The EMRP project GraphOhm- Towards quantum resistance metrology based on graphene
Coupling of a locally implanted rare-earth ion ensemble to a superconducting micro-resonator
Quantum Hall Effect and Quantum Point Contact in Bilayer-Patched Epitaxial Graphene
Tuning carrier density across Dirac point in epitaxial graphene on SiC by corona discharge
Galvanically split superconducting microwave resonators for introducing internal voltage bias
Accurate Real-Time Monitoring of Quality Factor and Center Frequency of Superconducting Resonators
Magnetic quantum ratchet effect in graphene
Graphene and the universality of the quantum Hall effect
Express Optical Analysis of Epitaxial Graphene on SiC: Impact of Morphology on Quantum Transport
Phase Space for the Breakdown of the Quantum Hall Effect in Epitaxial Graphene
Phase coherence and energy relaxation in epitaxial graphene under microwave radiation
PC2: Identifying noise processes in superconducting resonators
Magnetic quantum ratchet effect in graphene
Reststrahlen Band assisted photocurrents in graphene
Reststrahl band-assisted photocurrents in epitaxial graphene layers
Quantum resistance metrology using graphene
Energy loss rates of hot Dirac fermions in epitaxial, exfoliated, and CVD graphene
Practical and Fundamental Impact of Epitaxial Graphene on Quantum Metrology
THz Spectroscopy Using Low Temperature Mesoscopic Devices
Weak localization scattering lengths in epitaxial, and CVD graphene
Small epitaxial graphene devices for magnetosensing applications
Aligned Growth of Gold Nanorods in PMMA Channels: Parallel Preparation of Nanogaps
Precision comparison of the quantum Hall effect in graphene and gallium arsenide
Magnetic field resilient superconducting fractal resonators for coupling to free spins
Terahertz radiation induced photocurrents in graphene subjected to an in-plane magnetic field
Electrostatic effects in coupled quantum dot-point contact-single electron transistor devices
Breakdown of the quantum Hall effect in graphene
Non-Volatile Photochemical Gating of an Epitaxial Graphene/Polymer Heterostructure
Terahertz radiation induced edge currents in graphene
Engineering and metrology of epitaxial graphene
Graphene, universality of the quantum Hall effect and redefinition of the SI system
Terahertz Radiation Driven Chiral Edge Currents in Graphene
Graphene nanogap for gate-tunable quantum-coherent single-molecule electronics
Helicity-dependent photocurrents in graphene layers excited by midinfrared radiation of a CO2 laser
Disordered Fermi Liquid in Epitaxial Graphene from Quantum Transport Measurements
Light-Triggered Conductance Switching in Single-Molecule Dihydroazulene/Vinylheptafulvene Junctions
Anomalously strong pinning of the filling factor nu=2 in epitaxial graphene
Charge transfer between epitaxial graphene and silicon carbide
Dynamic Hall Effect Driven by Circularly Polarized Light in a Graphene Layer
Towards a quantum resistance standard based on epitaxial graphene
Photon helicity driven currents in graphene
Terahertz imaging with a highly-sensitive quantum dot detector
Fabrication of Clean Nanogaps Using a Combined Electrochemical-Chemical Method
Point contact readout for a quantum dot terahertz sensor
Nanoelectromechanical switch operating by tunneling of an entire C-60 molecule
An ab initio study of the field-induced position change of a C-60 molecule adsorbed on a gold tip
An ultrasensitive radio-frequency single-electron transistor working up to 4.2K
Becoming a doctoral student. Why students decide to do a PhD
A single electron transistor on an atomic force microscope probe
Electron Transfer Dynamics of Bistable Single-Molecule Junctions
Single molecular devices with fullerenes and oligophenylenevinylene (OPV) derivatives
Giant field effect in self-assembled metallo-organic nanoscale networks
Single-electron transistor of a single organic molecule with access to several redox states
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Showing 11 research projects
Graphene Core Project 3 (Graphene Flagship)
Novel two-dimensional systems: from growth to applications
Graphene Core Project 1. Graphene-based disruptive technologies (Graphene Flagship)
Epitaxiell grafen för metrologi, sensorer och elektronik
Graphene nanoribbons and organic nanofibers electronics
Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (Graphene Flagship)
Quantum resistance metrology based on graphene (SIB51 GraphOhm)
The Swedish Graphene Initiative
Quantum Nano-Electronics Training (Q-NET)
ELectric Field control Over Spin molecules (ELFOS)