Construction of a low-cost, general purpose bipedal robot
Report, 2004

This technical report gives a brief description of the construction of a small generalpurpose bipedal robot. The construction is a strongly modified extension of the design introduced in Paper III. The robot weighs 7 kg and has an overall height of 0.98 m, including a simple rod presently serving as the upper body of the robot.
At present, the robot comprises 15 degrees of freedom with external power supply and control.
An effort has been made to minimize the component cost of the robot, while maintaining a robust design, capable of coping e.g. with a fall. The total component cost of the robot does not exceed 1,000 EUR, and the robot is tolerant to shocks due to falling, mechanical overload, and joint motion exceeding actuation range.

bipedal robot


Hans Sandholt

Technical and maritime management

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