Structural and functional investigation of a fungal member of carbohydrate esterase family 15 with potential specificity for rare xylans
Journal article, 2023
rare xylans
glucuronyl esterases
α/β hydrolases
Lentithecium fluviatile.
lignocellulose degradation
biomass conversion
Scott Mazurkewich
Chalmers, Life Sciences, Industrial Biotechnology
Karoline Scholzen
University of Copenhagen
Rikke Brusch
University of Copenhagen
Jens-Christian N Poulsen
University of Copenhagen
Yusuf Theibich
University of Copenhagen
Silvia Hüttner
Chalmers, Life Sciences, Industrial Biotechnology
Lisbeth Olsson
Chalmers, Life Sciences, Industrial Biotechnology
Johan Larsbrink
Chalmers, Life Sciences, Industrial Biotechnology
Leila Lo Leggio
University of Copenhagen
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology
2059-7983 (eISSN)
Vol. 79 545-555Structure-based engineering of glucuronoyl esterases for separation of lignin and carbohydrates
Novo Nordisk Foundation (27698), 2018-01-01 -- 2020-12-31.
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Areas of Advance
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Structural Biology
Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
Basic sciences
Related datasets
Structure of Lentithecium fluviatile carbohydrate esterase from the CE15 family (LfCE15C) [dataset]
DOI: 10.2210/pdb8B48/pdb URI: