Physics-based Modeling of Ageing Phenomena in Commercial Li-ion Pouch Cells
Other conference contribution, 2018
Evelina Wikner
Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering
Torbjorn Thiringer
Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering
Johan Scheers
Volvo Cars
Cancun, Mexico,
Ageing mechanisms and how to prolong the battery life in vehicle and energy storage applications
Swedish Energy Agency (37725-1), 2014-04-01 -- 2017-06-30.
Ageing mechanisms & how to prolong battery life in vehicle and energy storage applications’
Volvo Cars (4150395483), 2016-11-09 -- 2016-11-30.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Materials Engineering
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering