Evelina Wikner

Assistant Professor at Electric Power Engineering

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Evelina Wikner

Showing 18 publications


Sustainable Selection of Machine Learning Algorithm for Gender-bias Attenuated Prediction

Raik Orbay, Evelina Wikner
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology. Vol. 6, p. 348-358
Journal article

Economic Assessment of Battery Energy Storage for Frequency Regulation in the Nordic Power Systems

Meryem Ahouad, Ahmed Marwan Mousa Sunjaq, Evelina Wikner et al
International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM
Paper in proceeding

Optimal V2G Scheduling of an EV with Calendar and Cycle Aging of Battery: An MILP Approach

Rahmatollah Khezri, David Steen, Evelina Wikner et al
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. Vol. 10 (4), p. 10497-10507
Journal article

Simulating Hard Carbon for Sodium-Ion Batteries with the DFN Model

Evelina Wikner, Ritambhara Gond
ECS Meeting Abstracts. Vol. MA2023-02 (4), p. 797-797
Other conference contribution

A model platform for life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery production and use

Evelina Wikner, Matthey Lacey, Mudit Chordia et al
Other conference contribution

Gender Aspects in Driving Style and Its Impact on Battery Ageing

Evelina Wikner, Raik Orbay, Sara Fogelström et al
Energies. Vol. 15 (18)
Journal article

A model platform for solving lithium-ion battery cell data gaps in life cycle assessment

Mudit Chordia, Evelina Wikner, Anders Nordelöf
Paper in proceeding

How the utilised SOC window in commercial Li-ion pouch cells influence battery ageing

Evelina Wikner, Erik Bjorklund, Johan Fridner et al
Journal of Power Sources Advances. Vol. 8
Journal article

Electrochemical Model-Based Fast Charging: Physical Constraint-Triggered PI Control

Yang Li, D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa, Evelina Wikner et al
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Vol. 36 (4), p. 3208-3220
Journal article

Inverter and Battery Drive Cycle Efficiency Comparisons of CHB and MMSP Traction Inverters for Electric Vehicles

Anton Kersten, Manuel Kuder, Emma Grunditz et al
2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2019 ECCE Europe, p. 1-12
Paper in proceeding

Physics-based Modeling of Ageing Phenomena in Commercial Li-ion Pouch Cells

Evelina Wikner, Torbjorn Thiringer, Johan Scheers
Other conference contribution

Extending battery lifetime by avoiding high SOC

Evelina Wikner, Torbjörn Thiringer
Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol. 8 (10)
Journal article

Influence of state-of-charge in commercial LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2/LiMn2O4-graphite cells analyzed by synchrotron-based photoelectron spectroscopy

Erik Björklund, Evelina Wikner, Reza Younesi et al
Journal of Energy Storage. Vol. 15, p. 172-180
Journal article

Accelerated lifetime testing in small SOC intervals on commercial pouch cells; challenges and countermeasures

Evelina Wikner, J. Lesser, Torbjörn Thiringer
2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. Vol. 2017-January
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 12 research projects


Energy storage for grid support and priming of renewable energy applications based on sodium-ion batteries

Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Kasper Westman Materials Physics
Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Patrik Johansson Materials Physics
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Performance evaluation of battery-based energy storages for various duties, in terms of power, energy and environmental impact

Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Tatiana Santos Andrade Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Meryem Ahouad Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Anders Nordelöf Environmental Systems Analysis
Region Västra Götaland
Swedish Energy Agency


Heterogenic Aging in Large Intercalation Batteries (HALIBatt-KTH)

Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Daniel Poposki Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Swedish Electromobility Centre


DFN-model of Hard Carbon for Na-ion batteries

Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Swedish Electromobility Centre

1 publication exists

Passagerarfärjor med helelektriska drivsystem - dimensionering, teknisk utvärdering och livscykelanalys vid drift i svenska farvatten

Emma Grunditz Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Selma Brynolf Maritime Environmental Sciences
Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Anders Nordelöf Environmental Systems Analysis
Fayas Malik Kanchiralla Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Electrochemical model parameter identification for health-aware battery management

Yang Li Automatic Control
Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Changfu Zou Automatic Control
Torsten Wik Automatic Control


Elbilar till allting – Mobilitet med extra tjänster (V2X-MAS)

David Steen Power grids and Components
Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Rahmatollah Khezri Power grids and Components
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist

Differences in the design and ageing of a vehicle battery depending on whether men or women are the dominating drivers

Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Sara Fogelström Power grids and Components
Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
The Chalmers University Foundation
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence

1 publication exists

Ageing phenomena coupled to dynamic cycling of automotive Li-ion batteries

Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Kristian Bartholdsson Frenander Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Patrik Johansson Materials Physics
Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Ageing of Lithium-ion Batteries with Nickel-Rich Cathodes for Electromobility (ALINE)

Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Niladri Roy Chowdhury Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Ageing mechanisms & how to prolong battery life in vehicle and energy storage applications’

Evelina Wikner Electric Power Engineering
Torbjörn Thiringer Electric Power Engineering
Volvo Cars

9 publications exist

Ageing mechanisms and how to prolong the battery life in vehicle and energy storage applications

Torbjörn Thiringer Electric Power Engineering
Evelina Wikner Electric Power Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

9 publications exist
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