Evelina Wikner

Showing 18 publications
Sustainable Selection of Machine Learning Algorithm for Gender-bias Attenuated Prediction
Economic Assessment of Battery Energy Storage for Frequency Regulation in the Nordic Power Systems
Optimal V2G Scheduling of an EV with Calendar and Cycle Aging of Battery: An MILP Approach
Simulating Hard Carbon for Sodium-Ion Batteries with the DFN Model
A model platform for life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery production and use
Gender Aspects in Driving Style and Its Impact on Battery Ageing
A model platform for solving lithium-ion battery cell data gaps in life cycle assessment
How the utilised SOC window in commercial Li-ion pouch cells influence battery ageing
Electrochemical Model-Based Fast Charging: Physical Constraint-Triggered PI Control
Extending Battery Lifetime by Avoiding High State of Charge
Physics-based Modeling of Ageing Phenomena in Commercial Li-ion Pouch Cells
Extending battery lifetime by avoiding high SOC
What happens in the lithium ion batteries when used in Automotive Applications?
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Showing 12 research projects
Heterogenic Aging in Large Intercalation Batteries (HALIBatt-KTH)
DFN-model of Hard Carbon for Na-ion batteries
Electrochemical model parameter identification for health-aware battery management
Elbilar till allting – Mobilitet med extra tjänster (V2X-MAS)
Ageing phenomena coupled to dynamic cycling of automotive Li-ion batteries
Ageing of Lithium-ion Batteries with Nickel-Rich Cathodes for Electromobility (ALINE)
Ageing mechanisms & how to prolong battery life in vehicle and energy storage applications’
Ageing mechanisms and how to prolong the battery life in vehicle and energy storage applications