Ageing of Lithium-ion Batteries with Nickel-Rich Cathodes for Electromobility (ALINE)
Research Project, 2019 – 2022

Ni-rich Li-ion cells are entering the market for EVs, due to their higher energy density and abundance compared to cobalt. This might, however, be on the expense of cell life, total cost, and safety. Within the broad Academic-Industry collaboration of Batterifonden projectnumber 40501-1, we intend to continue to study ageing of novel Ni-rich Li-ion cells for automotive applications, quantify and characterise ageing by identifying limitations of Ni-rich cathodes and silicon containing anodes in order to optimize operation, maximize performance and lifetime. The goal is to improve the understanding of how material composition, cell design, temperature and the internal pressure affect the ageing. This will be achieved by cell cycling, post-mortem electrochemical and surface analysis and mathematical modelling. In-operando experiments will be performed to quantify the effects of specific parameters. Impact on e-mobility and sustainability will be evaluated by a life cycle assessment.


Torbjörn Thiringer (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering

Niladri Roy Chowdhury

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering

Evelina Wikner

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering


IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Stockholm, Sweden

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Stockholm, Sweden

Scania AB

Södertälja, Sweden

Uppsala University

Uppsala, Sweden

Volvo Cars

Göteborg, Sweden

Volvo Group

Gothenburg, Sweden


Swedish Energy Agency

Project ID: 45538-1
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–2022


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