Mechanical recycling of post-consumer polyethylene packaging waste
Doctoral thesis, 2024

The properties of mechanically recycled post-consumer flexible and rigid polyethylene packaging waste have been studied, using material collected and sorted on a large scale from two sources. The influence of processing conditions during washing and compounding were investigated using material unwashed and washed on a laboratory scale and also washed and further processed on a larger scale. The melt-compounding was done using a co-rotating intermeshing twin-screw extruder. The pellets produced on a laboratory scale were injection moulded, and the pellets produced with an upscaled washing and compounding procedure were blow moulded on an industrial scale.

Washing was necessary to remove the surface contaminants and,  as expected, it improved the properties in both waste streams, but washing on a large scale at a high temperature with harsh chemicals such as sodium hydroxide made the flexible polyethylene material more susceptible to further degradation during melt-compounding, especially when a high temperature was used, which was shown by a significant lowering of the oxidation induction temperature and a deterioration in mechanical properties. This was not, however, observed in the rigid polyethylene material. On both a laboratory scale and a larger scale, the washing medium had a greater influence on the properties of both streams than the washing temperature. The properties of the unwashed and washed flexible polyethylene materials were, in general, not influenced by the screw configuration during compounding, but the compounding temperature led to some changes especially in the case of the washed samples. Rheological characterizations suggested that different levels of chain branching occurred in the rigid polyethylene samples compounded with different compounding temperatures and with the application of vacuum, whereas the water stripping during compounding had no influence.

Overall, the results indicated that both post-consumer flexible and rigid polyethylene packaging waste have useful applications in new products, such as non-food packaging. 4L‑containers were successfully produced by blow moulding on an industrial scale using 100 % recycled rigid polyethylene material. However, the results of this work indicate that the washing and compounding conditions should be optimized for each stream since they are affected in different ways.


rheological properties

post-consumer packaging waste


mechanical properties

plastics recycling



Virtual Development Laboratory (VDL), Chalmers Tvärgata 4C, Gothenburg
Opponent: Professor Minna Hakkarainen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


Ezgi Ceren Boz Noyan

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Engineering Materials

Plastprodukter används i stor omfattning i vårt dagliga liv för många ändamål tack vare deras unika egenskaper. Idag har plastproduktionen nått cirka 400 miljoner ton världen över vilket i sin tur resulterat i en betydligt ökad mängd plastavfall. Brist på korrekt avfallshantering tillsammans med felaktig avyttring och därmed nedskräpning hav lett till betydande oro orsakad av plastföroreningar. Förpackningar av plastprodukter, såsom plastpåsar, stretchfilmer, dryckesflaskor, kosmetikabehållare och tvättmedelsflaskor används i allmänhet under en kortare tid och kasseras sedan. Ökande ansträngning har gjorts för att förbättra återvinningen, särskilt av förpackningsplastavfall som utgör större delen av plastavfallet. Återvinning innebär flera steg där plastavfallet samlas in, sorteras, tvättas, upparbetas och formas till en ny produkt. Även om det anses vara en mogen process står återvinningen fortfarande inför många utmaningar på grund av plastavfallets heterogenitet och komplexitet även efter sortering, vilket gör tvättning och upparbetning viktigare vad gäller deras inverkan på egenskaperna hos det återvunna materialet. Denna studie syftar till att bidra till öka kunskapen och reducerad osäkerheten om egenskaperna hos det återvunnen förpackningsplast och hur återvinningsprocessens inverkar på dessa egenskaper. För detta ändamål användes olika processförhållanden under tvättning och upparbetning där deras inverkan på återvunna materials slutliga egenskaper undersöktes. De studerade återvunna materialen befanns ha användbara egenskaper för fortsatt användning som icke-livsmedelsförpackningar, men det visade sig också att återvinningsprocessen kräver optimering.

Plastic products are extensively used in our daily lives in many different applications thanks to their unique properties. Today, plastic production has reached about 400 million tonnes worldwide which in turn resulted in a significantly increased amount of plastic waste. A lack of proper waste management, alongside with improper disposal and littering of plastics waste, led to current environmental concern caused by plastic pollution. Packaging plastic products, such as plastic bags, stretch films, beverage bottles, cosmetic containers, detergent bottles, are in general used for a short-term and then discarded. Therefore there has been an increasing effort to improve the recycling particularly for packaging plastics waste which constitutes most of the discarded waste. Recycling involves several steps where the plastic waste is collected, sorted, washed, reprocessed and shaped into a new product. Even though it is considered to be a mature process, recycling still faces many challenges due to heterogeneity and complexity of the plastic waste even after sorting and this makes the following washing and reprocessing more important in terms of their impact on properties of the recycled material. This study aims to contribute by increasing the knowledge and reducing the uncertainty regarding the properties of the recycled plastic packaging waste and to describe the effect of the recycling process on these properties. For this purpose, different process conditions were used during washing and reprocessing where their influence on the final properties of the recycled material were investigated. The recycled materials studied in this work had useful properties to be used in applications such as non-food-packaging but it is also found that the recycling process requires an optimization.

Återvinning av insamlad plast från förpackningar

Plastkretsen (PK) AB:s Stiftelse för forskning (-), 2020-06-01 -- 2024-12-31.

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Materials Engineering

Areas of Advance

Materials Science



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5558



Virtual Development Laboratory (VDL), Chalmers Tvärgata 4C, Gothenburg


Opponent: Professor Minna Hakkarainen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

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